HPV Vaccine - Why is this even controversial?

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  • 06-06-2013, 10:47 PM
Mandate? Damn, you people LOVE forcing others to do what you think is good for them. I have an idea. Let each individual decide for themselves. Crazy, I know, but it might work. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
That is not how you eradicate certain diseases.

idiot ..

as it was with me, and my daughter and your grandchildren, before any student can enroll in public schools they are required to have a series of shots protecting them, and insuring they don't pass any formidable disease to other students..

wheres your rage ? hiding behind your stupidity? Originally Posted by CJ7
Sorry, I had only read COG idiot question on the first page. I see that you guys are having trouble explaing to our resident go it alone bumfuc how stupid that is in the case of disease control.
You still haven't told me how you know I would have gotten polio had it not been for the vaccine, CBJ7. I'm waiting. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
By being exposed to someone who had it. How else?

Or if not polio, small pox. That's gone, too.

But now you don't have to worry about exposure, because you are immune.
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  • CJ7
  • 06-06-2013, 11:06 PM
You still haven't told me how you know I would have gotten polio had it not been for the vaccine, CBJ7. I'm waiting. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
and I keep telling you youre an idiot ..
#1 Science is NEVER settled, period, dot, end of discussion.
Polio. Small pox. You don't see them around anymore, do you? THAT science is settled. Period.

#2 NEVER trust the government. This is the same government that wants to spy on you. Why? Because they can. Fuck the government.
That is paranoid nonsense. Just because they are bad for SOME things it does not mean they are bad for all things. You should be skeptical of government, but blanket distrust is just as dangerous and unworkable as blanket distrust.

#3 It is just a bandaid, feel good measure.
How so? What does that even mean? Explain. If it blocks the spread of HPV, how is that a bandaid - whatever that means.

#4 If we keep vaccinating for every fucking thing, guess what? The human immune system will weaken to the point of not being able to protect against common viruses and infections.
Really? Where did you read that bullshit? Post a link so we can laugh at your sources. Vaccines do the exact opposite. They make the immune system stronger. You don't die of polio, smallpox, measles, mumps, rubella, because of vaccines.

We didn't have a flu vaccine in 1918 and Spanish flu killed between 50 and 100 million people. There were only about 2 billion in the worlds at the time. There are more than 7 billion now. But you don't see anymore pandemics, do you?

If anything in this country, we over medicate.
There is a difference between vaccinating and medicating.

You know, the best thing for a kid is to eat some dirt, get filthy, etc. There's a reason why nature functions the way it does. By vaccinating, we are interrupting the natural process of life. Part of that natural process is people die, and yes, tragically at young ages. Originally Posted by Cpalmson
You're an idiot. Let's hope it is your kids that die, since you are so willing to accept it.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Ah, yes. The old "If we don't do it, kids will die". The mantra of advancing tyranny.

We must take away your freedom, "for the children".
Ah, yes. The old "If we don't do it, kids will die". The mantra of advancing tyranny.

We must take away your freedom, "for the children". Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
A comment I made in another thread seems to also be applicable to the above Hanoi James quote.


It's easy to be a Monday Morning Quarterback and 2nd guess each and every decision that is made, no matter which party is in power.

It's NOT NEARLY AS EASY to put on a uniform, lace up your combat boots and shoulder a weapon, in an effort to defend the "FREEDOM" that you speak of.

Perhaps if you would get off of your lazy, worthless ass and volunteer to defend your "FREEDOM" you wouldn't have so much time on your hands to bitch and moan about every decision that is made, no matter which party is in power.

Yes HJ, you are a lazy, worthless cocksucker!

There, I feel so much better now!
jbravo_123's Avatar
@ExNYer: You may be on the other side of the fence but I generally like the way you think.
Uncle Han's Avatar
If there was a vaccination for stupidity I would recommend it .. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Too late for you! LOL! There's no antidote!
Ah, yes. The old "If we don't do it, kids will die". The mantra of advancing tyranny.

We must take away your freedom, "for the children". Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Again, horseshit.

You are either deilberately distorting or you STILL do NOT understand the situation.

You were simply looking for a cheap excuse to work in the "kids will die" line.

NO ONE is taking away YOUR freedom. It is too late for you to get the vaccine unless you are one of the less than 10% of adults that still doesn't have HPV. But if you want it you can get it. Or not get it, the choice is yours.

The ONLY point at issue is whether or not we should vaccinate young teens in the age of 12-15 or so, BEFORE they begin having sex and become exposed to HPV - especially from older teens.

There is NO rationale reason not to do so. There are NO credible studies demonstrating ANY harm from the vaccine. Bible thumpers try to promote fraudulent studies in order to block the vaccine for their own BOGUS religious reasons.

And I CANNOT believe you are taking the side of fundamentalists who are trying to impose their RELIGIOUS beliefs on the next generation. Do you really think that is the Libertarian position?

The kids do not have the ability to choose to get the vaccine and their choice is effectively taken away from them because they end up getting HPV before they are independent enough and educated enough to get it for themselves.

They pay the price 35 or 30 years later when they develop cancers that could easily have been prevented.

But hey, Jeebus is happy that their parents fought for abstinence, right?
Too late for you! LOL! There's no antidote! Originally Posted by Uncle Han

If that is the best you got your fucked ...
Again, horseshit.

You are either deilberately distorting or you STILL do NOT understand the situation.

You were simply looking for a cheap excuse to work in the "kids will die" line.

NO ONE is taking away YOUR freedom. It is too late for you to get the vaccine unless you are one of the less than 10% of adults that still doesn't have HPV. But if you want it you can get it. Or not get it, the choice is yours.

The ONLY point at issue is whether or not we should vaccinate young teens in the age of 12-15 or so, BEFORE they begin having sex and become exposed to HPV - especially from older teens.

There is NO rationale reason not to do so. There are NO credible studies demonstrating ANY harm from the vaccine. Bible thumpers try to promote fraudulent studies in order to block the vaccine for their own BOGUS religious reasons.

And I CANNOT believe you are taking the side of fundamentalists who are trying to impose their RELIGIOUS beliefs on the next generation. Do you really think that is the Libertarian position?

The kids do not have the ability to choose to get the vaccine and their choice is effectively taken away from them because they end up getting HPV before they are independent enough and educated enough to get it for themselves.

They pay the price 35 or 30 years later when they develop cancers that could easily have been prevented.

But hey, Jeebus is happy that their parents fought for abstinence, right? Originally Posted by ExNYer

Oh, he understands fine. Backpedaling now that he's lost the argument.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
How am I backpedaling? You're delusional, as usual, Timmy. And I'm not telling anyone to not get the vaccine. I'm saying the government has no right to force the vaccine on anyone and everyone. If you want the vaccine, go for it! If you don't, fine. That's freedom. That's Libertarian.

For years I got a flu shot every year, and every year, I got the flu. I haven't had a flu shot for about 7 years now, and I have not had the flu in those 7 years. You want a flu shot? Go for it. Just don't force me (or anyone else who doesn't want one) to get one. And for the record, I'm in a high risk category. If I want a flu shot, I go to the front of the line. But I ain't going.

So I'm not opposed to the HPV vaccine. I'm opposed to government requiring it. Why should that be a shock to anyone here who pays attention?
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  • 06-07-2013, 10:21 PM
How am I backpedaling? You're delusional, as usual, Timmy. And I'm not telling anyone to not get the vaccine. I'm saying the government has no right to force the vaccine on anyone and everyone. If you want the vaccine, go for it! If you don't, fine. That's freedom. That's Libertarian.

For years I got a flu shot every year, and every year, I got the flu. I haven't had a flu shot for about 7 years now, and I have not had the flu in those 7 years. You want a flu shot? Go for it. Just don't force me (or anyone else who doesn't want one) to get one. And for the record, I'm in a high risk category. If I want a flu shot, I go to the front of the line. But I ain't going.

So I'm not opposed to the HPV vaccine. I'm opposed to government requiring it. Why should that be a shock to anyone here who pays attention? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
And you and your kind have no right to mingle with folks that are responsible. If you do not want to take the shot to eradicate certain diseases, you should be sent to a modern day form of a Leper colony. You and your kind put everybody at risk. Of course children should be forced to take the HPV shot....so future generations will not have to worry about that disease.

Why Immunize?
For Parents

Why immunize our children? Sometimes we are confused by the messages in the media. First we are assured that, thanks to vaccines, some diseases are almost gone from the U.S. But we are also warned to immunize our children, ourselves as adults, and the elderly.

Diseases are becoming rare due to vaccinations.

It's true, some diseases (like polio and diphtheria) are becoming very rare in the U.S. Of course, they are becoming rare largely because we have been vaccinating against them. But it is still reasonable to ask whether it's really worthwhile to keep vaccinating.
It's much like bailing out a boat with a slow leak. When we started bailing, the boat was filled with water. But we have been bailing fast and hard, and now it is almost dry. We could say, "Good. The boat is dry now, so we can throw away the bucket and relax." But the leak hasn't stopped. Before long we'd notice a little water seeping in, and soon it might be back up to the same level as when we started.
Keep immunizing until disease is eliminated.

Unless we can "stop the leak" (eliminate the disease), it is important to keep immunizing. Even if there are only a few cases of disease today, if we take away the protection given by vaccination, more and more people will be infected and will spread disease to others. Soon we will undo the progress we have made over the years.
Japan reduced pertussis vaccinations, and an epidemic occurred.

In 1974, Japan had a successful pertussis (whooping cough) vaccination program, with nearly 80% of Japanese children vaccinated. That year only 393 cases of pertussis were reported in the entire country, and there were no deaths from pertussis. But then rumors began to spread that pertussis vaccination was no longer needed and that the vaccine was not safe, and by 1976 only 10% of infants were getting vaccinated. In 1979 Japan suffered a major pertussis epidemic, with more than 13,000 cases of whooping cough and 41 deaths. In 1981 the government began vaccinating with acellular pertussis vaccine, and the number of pertussis cases dropped again.
What if we stopped vaccinating?

So what would happen if we stopped vaccinating here? Diseases that are almost unknown would stage a comeback. Before long we would see epidemics of diseases that are nearly under control today. More children would get sick and more would die.
We vaccinate to protect our future.

We don't vaccinate just to protect our children. We also vaccinate to protect our grandchildren and their grandchildren. With one disease, smallpox, we "stopped the leak" in the boat by eradicating the disease. Our children don't have to get smallpox shots any more because the disease no longer exists. If we keep vaccinating now, parents in the future may be able to trust that diseases like polio and meningitis won't infect, cripple, or kill children. Vaccinations are one of the best ways to put an end to the serious effects of certain diseases.
By being exposed to someone who had it. How else?

Or if not polio, small pox. That's gone, too.

But now you don't have to worry about exposure, because you are immune. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Not to agree or disagree with anyone's stance but most polio cases in this hemisphere in last 10 years were caused by the vaccine.

Also, where are you getting the "90%" figure? Is this similar to the near 100% of the people on the planet harbor herpes because most fever blisters are caused by the herpes virus?

If you listened to the WHO 20 years ago, Africa should be wiped out from the AIDS virus by now. It isn't. GWB threw 40 Billion of US Taxpayers money at them. I haven't seen any reports that claimed that save the populace of the continent.
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  • 06-07-2013, 10:52 PM
Not to agree or disagree with anyone's stance but most polio cases in this hemisphere in last 10 years were caused by the vaccine.

Also, where are you getting the "90%" figure? Is this similar to the near 100% of the people on the planet harbor herpes because most fever blisters are caused by the herpes virus?

If you listened to the WHO 20 years ago, Africa should be wiped out from the AIDS virus by now. It isn't. GWB threw 40 Billion of US Taxpayers money at them. I haven't seen any reports that claimed that save the populace of the continent. Originally Posted by gnadfly

Diseases are becoming rare due to vaccinations.

It's true, some diseases (like polio and diphtheria) are becoming very rare in the U.S. Of course, they are becoming rare largely because we have been vaccinating against them. But it is still reasonable to ask whether it's really worthwhile to keep vaccinating.
It's much like bailing out a boat with a slow leak. When we started bailing, the boat was filled with water. But we have been bailing fast and hard, and now it is almost dry. We could say, "Good. The boat is dry now, so we can throw away the bucket and relax." But the leak hasn't stopped. Before long we'd notice a little water seeping in, and soon it might be back up to the same level as when we started.
Keep immunizing until disease is eliminated.