Hildabeast’s Death Squads

Munchmasterman's Avatar
Yeah, dickmunchingman. So you don't give a shit about Libya. Is that one of the ways it's "kind of like Iraq"? And whenever the Iraq war has been discussed here, you've always made it clear you don't give a shit about it, right?
Wrong again douche-bag. Include posts or threads lying coward. I did .

Unlike you, I worship good-looking pussy, not guys... but don't fret, dickmunchingman, last time I checked your lying spree on this board had 79% beat!
More lies by "OnlyTook4Words" the drama queen? Posts you only like good-looking pussy? Links to any lies by me?

And to quote the tranny you now worship - "What difference, at this point, does it make?"
Originally Posted by lustylad
No, you're the typical internet coward. You make claims you can't back up. And there is one rule. You provide proof some one is lying when you say they are.

Of course, cowards don't have to follow rules, do they "OnlyTook4Words"?

Now fuck off.
lustylad's Avatar
Wrong again douche-bag. Include posts or threads lying coward. I did. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
If I'm "wrong" then you DO give a fuck about Iraq (but not Libya). You only give a fuck if you think it will hurt Republicans. Just like the MSM. So you admit it. Libya and Iraq are NOT "kind of like" each other, otherwise you would give a fuck about both (or neither). Thanks for making my point. And nice job shooting yourself in the foot, dickmuncher.

Munchmasterman's Avatar
If I'm "wrong" then you DO give a fuck about Iraq (but not Libya). Wrong.You only give a fuck if you think it will hurt Republicans. Wrong. Just like the MSM. So you admit it. In your dreams, asshole. Libya and Iraq are NOT "kind of like" each other, otherwise you would give a fuck about both (or neither). What if I give a shit about one but not the other? Thanks for making my point. And nice job shooting yourself in the foot, dickmuncher.

Originally Posted by lustylad
Your powers of reason are sorely lacking, OnlyTook4Words. You still confuse opinion and fact. Kind of like trump.

I said "Who gives a shit" to your mass grave line.
I said "Not preoccupied. Don't give a shit." to your Hilary owning the Libya thing.

From 2 specific don't give a shit statements by me, you claim they apply to general subjects and you came to several really stupid conclusions, the most stupid being that Libya and Iraq are not kind of like each other. Because I do or don't give a shit about them.

Don't presume to know what I do or don't give a shit about. It's obvious you don't have a clue. The idea that whether I give a shit or don't or are split between them, keeps them from being kind of alike is, kind of like, a drowning man grabbing at the fart bubbles his dying gasp has expelled from his own ass and expecting them to carry you back to the surface.

So don't thank me. Your point was based on your bullshit. Thank you for proving you don't have a point.
As far as things go OnlyTook4Words, Libya is kind of like Iraq. In numerous ways.
And I don't have any holes in my feet.

You think you saying I shot myself or posting your little laughers declaring your mission accomplished before the fat lady sings doesn't make it so. Kind of like Bush.

What else you got?