Any church going folks?

FoulRon's Avatar
I thinck the OP is just worried that he will wear a scarlet letter in church or that lightening bolts will strike him if he walks into a church. Originally Posted by pyramider
Then I guess I should assure him that won't happen. Hasn't happened to me, yet, and I'm usually sitting somewhere everyone in the congregation would see it happen.
And if I ever got a woody from thinking about a provider during service, like one poster, I'm sure the bulge in the robe would get a few whispers among the crowd.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Reverend Lovejoy is that you?
There have been a few good points on this thread.

But if you are a bible thumpn' miscreant , you are posting in the wrong place.

I work under the simple principal, either you are all in, or you are not. To pretend you are of High Morals and fuck hookers strippers.. Etc while being married, engaged or in a relationship with another... You ain't....

Make excuses, justify your actions ... Whatever, you are not.

It is "kinda pregnant "

Go get saved again, get your moral compass re-calibrated. That will make ya' sleep better.
I am actually quite devout.

I was pretty curious about this lifestyle, but I never really went for it. ... until my ex-wife, who is one of the most devout people I've ever met in my life, left me for the UPS guy. Then I pretty much said fuck it. We all have our vices, and this one is mine.

I hobbyed for a while, but now I just keep a SB and occasionally get carried away at the strip club. I have no remorse about it even though I'm quite sure it would hurt my current wife, which is why I choose to keep her in the dark about this hobby: she doesn't deserve the pain as she is a fantastic woman.
Guest010619's Avatar

While doing DATY, even non-believers cry out to the ALMIGHTY.

On your knees before bed and give thanks for thy staff and rod that give comfort.
It boggles the mind that in 2014, people are still worrying about gods. Especially rape and slavery endorsing ones. Your god should worry about his own crimes against humanity. Glass houses 'n shit....
Russ38's Avatar
I work under the simple principal, either you are all in, or you are not. To pretend you are of High Morals and fuck hookers strippers.. Etc while being married, engaged or in a relationship with another... You ain't.... Originally Posted by lookn4boobies
Dammit l4b.....when you talk like that, it forces me to have to agree with you. Your definitely right though, the hypocrisy runs rampant around these parts....
pyramider's Avatar
Sweet baby Tebow, of virgin birth but has a dented skull since Joseph was apparently well endowed and bumped the fetus Tebow's soft head repeatedly, please allow the believers find peace in their soft heads in order to deal with their poor decision making while in the hobby. Amen.
Dammit l4b.....when you talk like that, it forces me to have to agree with you. Your definitely right though, the hypocrisy runs rampant around these parts.... Originally Posted by Russ38
Actually one of the fundemental prinicpals of many religions is that people are inherently imperfect and fuck up even when they know better. You know, "he without sin cast the first stone"... Or "judge not lest ye be judged."

I'm not trying to turn this into a debate, but I would note that when you infer you don't practice religion but then choose to lecture those that do on our religious grounds concluding that we're hypocrits and apparently believing that you inherently understand our religion better than we do as active practitioners, the irony becomes palpable.

What religion?

Send me the info.
setman's Avatar

What religion?

Send me the info. Originally Posted by lookn4boobies
normalguy21's Avatar
I was brought up catholic . I attended public school and ccd at night .

I was kicked out of ccd shortly before conformation .A fellow class mate and i were caught slapping each others knuckles with wooden rulers and over heard making fun of a sister and how she looked in her habit .

At 42 i went through rcia and got confirmed. I went a little over 2 years with out missing a daily mass are a day of obligation .Also i was volunteering in many civic functions.

Then one day as i was holding someone,s hand and saying the creed toward the end of mass i realized something .

I was 44 and one of only a few who was single in the parish . Over 40 % of the parishioners were on there 2nd and 3rd marriages if not there 4th .

I do not judge (yah right) but in catholicism vatican two sets the rules by which catholics are suppose to try to live by .

Having heard most of there life storys and if i was bishop i would not have granted a annulment .They simply didnt fall in the grey area where one should be granted . (mind you these are the same people 2 years before taught me all this ) I felt the catholic church was a hypocrite .

When christ walked the planet there was no catholic church .

Christ is everywhere and knows what i do before i do it .

I was at confession weekly for pre marital sex and i was never heart fully sorry .In the trinity man and women are the highest you can get to christ married. So I weighed a couple things on my soul and in my mind .

A .Why do a need a priest? All he can do for me is put christ in the Eucharist.If im sinning all the time having sex i cant have that anyway .

B. Why do i need a priest? If christ is every where does he not know im sorry ? Then i dont need confession any more .

C. Why do i need a priest ? Sorry i dont care for guys that rape kids . I take strong strong offense to that type of activity and to think of the scandal in the church . nuff said about that .

D . The simple fact that the church is a man made self empowerment trip for a guy that gives a book report once a week .

E. Believe me i know there is a god and Christ is my savior .That being said to each his own . I go to adoration now i even took a provider with me before . But man and women were meant to fit together . So i wont abstain from sex because i,am not married

I,am a AMERICAN FIRST with out this country i couldnt think the way i do are have the freedoms i have .Being able to worship how and if i want . I cant stress that enough . Born Free in the United States of America comes first for me. Then God. Trust me -He understands that ... I Love even you ass holes that will bash me for writting this . So what it,s a free country .Are as close as you will ever get to one .

I Do pray .I pray for the men and women in uniform who keep me free and for every single sacrifice they make i truly thank them For there courage !!

So are any of you church going folks . since 1667 Kingston NY Yep every single person on my moms side of the family are and were ministers even the orig signatories of the german reformed brown back church in vincent township pa

In short God is great my god your god who,s ever but church SUCKS!! I cant believe i spent that much time writing that bull shit . (satire )

F . I didnt forget it i just put it down here for fuck a local provider today !!
Russ38's Avatar
I'm not trying to turn this into a debate, but I would note that when you infer you don't practice religion but then choose to lecture those that do on our religious grounds concluding that we're hypocrits and apparently believing that you inherently understand our religion better than we do as active practitioners, the irony becomes palpable. Originally Posted by sketchball82
Nah, I'm not one for lecturing. I was force fed organized religion twice a week growing up and was discouraged from questioning "why" and that I should "accept" how things were. Fortunately for me I wasn't born with the curse of blind faith and was able to see it for what it really was which is fear based form of control. I also found I was fully capable of determining right from wrong on my own without the need of conversing with spooks in the sky....
SpiceItUp's Avatar
One year for Lent I gave up Catholicism...never took it back up
E. Believe me i know there is a god and Christ is my savior .
"These people profess to know me with their lips but their hearts are far from me. Depart from me you that continually sin. I never knew you!" - Jesus

“All Whoremongers and fornicators shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone: which is the second death” – Revelation 21

"Fornicators shall suffer the vengeance of eternal fire" - Jude

"Fornicators and whoremongers. For because of these things comes the Wrath of God upon the children of disobedience" - Ephesians 5