Gina pulls the plug on Wulf_Princess permanently, why doesn't Eccie

No matter what the rules say, the owners of ECCIE can ban anyone they choose. If one person such as this "lady" is causing that much drama and is a risk to everyone, get rid of her and refuse her to post or be a member, just my 2 cents worth.
  • !VI!
  • 11-13-2014, 09:30 AM
Hey, it's just the truth. The owners of eccie make money off your antics. When you post inflammatory shit, it's "Ka-Ching" for them.

I really don't know why ppl hate you so much. Or why they really care about what you say that much. You're not robbing people or ripping them off, so fuck it. Originally Posted by str8.2.bbbj

honestly it's all just me being me online lol

i am who i am i don't care enough about these politics ... it's just fun, i will have t how i choose
You're not robbing people or ripping them off, so fuck it. Originally Posted by str8.2.bbbj
No just video taping them without their consent and then making funb
  • !VI!
  • 11-13-2014, 09:34 AM
No matter what the rules say, the owners of ECCIE can ban anyone they choose. If one person such as this "lady" is causing that much drama and is a risk to everyone, get rid of her and refuse her to post or be a member, just my 2 cents worth. Originally Posted by midgetwrestler
so as a 110 lb girl posting how little i care about online chatter, i am the biggest thret to a site i could care less about?

lol please explain?
No matter what the rules say, the owners of ECCIE can ban anyone they choose. If one person such as this "lady" is causing that much drama and is a risk to everyone, get rid of her and refuse her to post or be a member, just my 2 cents worth. Originally Posted by midgetwrestler
There are no rules per say of this site, just forum GUIDELINES, so it is a blurred and jagged line in murky water, which encompasses a broad scope as far what the mods determine what is and is not deeming of infractions of said guidelines. If there were actually rules that the mods had to apply non-biased and equally to all members, then with this group and especially in the Dallas forums, there would be far more points and temporary bans issued by them and probably less drama and more respectful posts. WP is not the only one on this board who causes drama. Most of the members keep to themselves and post infrequently to not at all, but of the ones that are the frequent posters, more than you think are drama related with their little personal agendas, making up things that do not exist to better enhance them and disliking of others they do not even know that stir the shit pot around here, and some sticks are bigger than others.

One of the bigger drama shit stirring sticks on this site, literally and figuratively, who is my cyber stalker will soon post below this post and mention my name, he is an obsessed blowhard who cannot help himself!
  • !VI!
  • 11-13-2014, 09:50 AM
No just video taping them without their consent and then making funb Originally Posted by thathottnurse

rofl thn my dick was getting a little dry welcome back
  • !VI!
  • 11-13-2014, 09:55 AM
There are no rules per say of this site, just forum GUIDELINES, so it is a blurred and jagged line in murky water as far what the mods determine what is and is not deeming of infractions. If there were actually rules that the mods had to apply non-biased and equally to all members, then there would be far more points and temporary bans issued by them and probably less drama and more respectful posts. WP is not the only one on this board who causes drama. Most of the members keep to themselves and post infrequently to not at all, but of the ones that are the frequent posters, more than you think are drama related posts that stir the shit pot around here, and some sticks are bigger than others. Originally Posted by davidfree986

shh david sweetheart that's logic, no one here will understand that
No matter what the rules say, the owners of ECCIE can ban anyone they choose. If one person such as this "lady" is causing that much drama and is a risk to everyone, get rid of her and refuse her to post or be a member, just my 2 cents worth. Originally Posted by midgetwrestler
You don't get it. Drama drive traffic to the board. The more members and hits on the board, the more revenue the board generates. You really think the boar dis going to boot the very folks who drive revenue? Sure, they issue temporary "life time " bans but they always allow them back.

Just look at Davidfree. He has been banned under so many handles, I cannot count them all. Yet even when he outs himself as his prior banned handles, he is still here.

This may be a hobby to us guys but its a business to the owners. Never forget that
  • !VI!
  • 11-13-2014, 10:24 AM
You don't get it. Drama drive traffic to the board. The more members and hits on the board, the more revenue the board generates. You really think the boar dis going to boot the very folks who drive revenue? Sure, they issue temporary "life time " bans but they always allow them back.

Just look at Davidfree. He has been banned under so many handles, I cannot count them all. Yet even when he outs himself as his prior banned handles, he is still here.

This may be a hobby to us guys but its a business to the owners. Never forget that Originally Posted by OldButStillGoing

OBSG you have such a hard-on for david lol

do you actually know for a fact he has multiple handles, i've seen you accuse a few people and be wrong...
OBSG you have such a hard-on for david lol

do you actually know for a fact he has multiple handles, i've seen you accuse a few people and be wrong... Originally Posted by Wulf_Princess
He has accused a lot of people of a lot of things, including other guys of being a multiple handle bigdog0311, stating his opinion as fact and he is not the only one who feels that way. And if you are one of the few (he brainwashes himself to think, but actually the many) who do not share his opinion on a subject, OBSG calls you a colorful name. Then, after his rant, he moves on to some other guy and trolls them, but he has spent quite a while on me. Speaking of who Eccie needs to pull the plug on! He even started a thread about me, which took his obsession to another level, and what was really amusing was the first respondents of that thread, saying who gives a shit. Basically he says in his ramblings he is speaking for the thousands of other members on this site, which looking at his thread, says volumes. As far as multiple handles goes, OBSG is the pot calling the kettle black. In just about every thread he posts in, and there are many, he hijacks the thread trying to steer it and meet with his agendas and how he is speaking for everyone when he gives his opinions. I have told him several times instead trying to help providers with personal needs (loans, play taxi cab) in hopes of a session, he really needs to use that money to get some professional help.

I think OBSG is one of the members who benefits from the forum guidelines versus if they were actual non biased rules with his still getting to troll, cyber stalking, thread hijacking, the disrespecting of others with his name calling and cause drama as his does so frequently.
  • !VI!
  • 11-13-2014, 10:51 AM
He has accused a lot of people of a lot of things, including other guys of being a multiple handle bigdog0311, stating his opinion as fact and he is not the only one who feels that way. He even started a thread about me, which took his obsession to another level, and what was really amusing was the first respondents of that thread, saying who gives a shit. Basically he says in his ramblings he is speaking for the thousands of other members on this site, which looking at his thread, says volumes. As far as multiple handles goes, OBSG is the pot calling the kettle black. In every thread he posts in, and there are many, he hijacks the thread with his agendas and how he is speaking for everyone when he gives his opinions. I have told him several times instead of uses his funds to help providers in need in hopes of a session, he really needs to use that money to get some professional help. Originally Posted by davidfree986

but we are not supposed to know that lol
So Wulfy, did Gina really do that?
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
So Wulfy, did Gina really do that? Originally Posted by rockerrick
Just as sure as shit stinks
  • !VI!
  • 11-13-2014, 12:19 PM
So Wulfy, did Gina really do that? Originally Posted by rockerrick

yup and the email's she sent were very childish... and that's saying something coming from me?

i had to deal with her one other time in the past and it as also needlessly rude? when it comes to p411... i have MASSIVE respect for the site, and the members of it, my personality there was very different there then here?

but i even with all the bullshit i went thru with gina recently i still respect her buisness which is why i still offer the P411 discount that i did when i was on the site?

but eccie has not done the same which is why i act how i do on this site lol, it's entertainment, i rarely see eccie members, not from lack of offers, just they are not first priority
WP, feel free to read the thread David talks about . Its all laid out there. And yes, Its a fact, not a guess.