So I'd Like to Volunteer

. I'll go in, lick envelopes and see what else there is to do. I'm sure there are plenty of things to do in the background. Originally Posted by Ansley
That's got to leave a bad taste in your mouth...
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
That's got to leave a bad taste in your mouth... Originally Posted by Valerie
Ooh baby ooh.
LynetteMarie's Avatar

I also say go for it. I've volunteered for campaigns in the past, sealing envelopes, working the phone banks, knocking on doors, registering voters. I did it about 10 hours a week in my free time. There was always something to do and I made some new friends.

If you're concerned about being recognized, buy a pair of fake glasses to be more incognito and maybe wear a bun the whole time. Actually, sounds kinda' sexy!

If you're concerned about being recognized, buy a pair of fake glasses to be more incognito and maybe wear a bun the whole time. Actually, sounds kinda' sexy!

Hugs. Originally Posted by LynetteMarie
Or, I bet you'd make a dynamite blond.
Or, I bet you'd make a dynamite blond. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Oh, I thought I did at some point in my 20's. Thankfully a good friend of mine, clued me in pretty quickly.

Thanks for your input Lynette. I was more concerned for the candidate than myself. I'll blend in just fine.
Glad you are sticking with it.

Best of luck with the campaign!


El Gato
Naomi4u's Avatar
Yeah right

Seriously Naomi, when has this really happened? Non-fiction. Not off your fiction shelf. Originally Posted by atlcomedy
Actually.. it has happened. I stand by everything I said. Check your pm.
Naomi4u's Avatar
I don't think that's always the case though Naomi.

It depends on what Ansley decides to do and who's campaign she decides to volunteer with. When you go volunteer, they do ask you what you're comfortable in doing to help.

Now, when I started volunteering in 2008 for POTUS, no one checked into my background because I wasn't close to him, I wasn't in his main campaign headquarters and I wasn't traveling with him. I did get a chance to meet him when he visited our city though.

When I went to fundraising parties here in Omaha and in other cities, I ran into a few clients and no one said a word.

As volunteers, you can decide what amount of time you give and how high up you wish to work towards. If Ansley was to say that she wants to WORK for the campaign and gain more access, then I would tell her to tread lightly and carefully because that's a whole nother ballgame.

We have no idea who Ansley wishes to volunteer for anyway folks. Could be someone in local office, congressman/woman, senate or POTUS. Stop trying to bust her bubble. Originally Posted by MsElena
No one is trying to "burst her bubble", Ms. Elana. she wanted opinions and I shared mine. Again I stick by what I posted. You can be in the "background" and still be outed. It would be smart to consider the "what ifs".
You can be in the "background" and still be outed. It would be smart to consider the "what ifs". Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Naomi, I have considered the what ifs, I had started thinking about it long before I started this thread. Being recognized isn't a big concern of mine. I think I know of your friend and the politician. I'm sure she and I would be regarded quite differently out in the real world.
atlcomedy's Avatar
Actually.. it has happened. I stand by everything I said. Check your pm. Originally Posted by Naomi4u

I checked it....the rest of the board isn't missing anything....
Naomi4u's Avatar
I checked it....the rest of the board isn't missing anything.... Originally Posted by atlcomedy
There are others that don't feel the same way you do. No big deal. You have your opinion and I have mine .

Anyways, Good luck Ansley!