Oprah or Pence in 2020? Trump will already be gone!

Yeh, the Castro Brothers.
Just wait untill the Country gets introduced to their Bat shit crazy mama.

She believes Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California should be turned over to Mexico. Originally Posted by Jackie S
La Raza

Now, wait a minute. Wasn't it not too long ago that you guys said a billionaire TV personality isn't qualified to be President?

Fuckin' hypocrites! Originally Posted by gfejunkie
That's cause Trump wasn't THEIR rich TV personality!

Guess what was the lead story on the national news tonight? ..... hmmmm suppose the lady black snowflake ran and suppose she won? ..... just think of the possibilities ..... Joy Behar could be her vice president, Kathy Griffin could be director of the CIA, Sheila Jackass Lee could be Director of National Intelligence, Rachel Madcow could be press secretary, Maxine Waters could be White House Chief of Staff HilLIARy could be secretary of homeland security, Sean Penn could be the ambassador to Palestine, Hussein Osama could be the ambassador to Kenya, Nancy Pelosi could be the secretary of defense, Bill Maher could be her speechwriter, Snowden could be the ambassador to Russia, Colon Krapperdick could be the new NFL Commissioner, "Professor" StandinStupid could be the secretary of education, I mean the possibilities are endless!! ..... Originally Posted by 00 gauge

Don't give us nightmares!

Oprah would go into the race knowing that the first black womanPresident could not possibly be any worse than the first black male President. Originally Posted by Jackie S
I wouldn't say that. SHE could be worse than obozo..
That's cause Trump wasn't THEIR rich TV personality!

Don't give us nightmares!

I wouldn't say that. SHE could be worse than obozo.. Originally Posted by garhkal
That's true. We have no idea how her menstrual cycle affects her mood. She could one day have a bad PMS attack and press that Nuclear button and take out Europe, lol.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Viva la Raza!!!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
That should knock her out of the race. Besides she's single and childless. Not going to happen.
Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Hmmm. I thought she was single, but apparently she's not.

she's partners with Graham Stedman in what they call a "spiritual union".

technically, they're married without any official sanction from church or state.
normalguy21's Avatar
And what ?
Wayne Brady for V.P ?

Side note someone should redo the magnum P.I tv show and have OZZY play higgins and wayne brady can be T.S's son and tom seleck can just narrate blah blah robin master can be marilyn manson and -----

about as stupid as oprah as president .

I would love her to if i went to her show and i was given a new car and vacation packages and she white nighted every fucking cause that was a under dog i believed in also !!!

Yay Its the Big O To Go For two two 0
Looks like Oprah will be our new President in 2020! She certainly will get the minority and female votes, should get all the educated votes, all she will lose are white uneducated male deplorables! Deplorables will vote in mass for Pence since he is a deplorable himself. Trump will be a distant memory long gone before 2020.

Also, Oprah has the cash and connections to run a great campaign.

2020 can’t get here fast enough! Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Do ya think that MOOCHelle mybelle ODUMMER will LET Umpalumpa run AGAINST HER !? !!! odummer and MOOCH think that Umpalumpa got her " cred " politically through THEM !! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Will they be requesting a CASE of dingleberry wine from YOU, Mr. DOTY 5 TIMES ???? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA STILL hating that YOUR BITCH LOST, huh assup ???? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
If Trump with his cheeseburger, dementia havin' ass can pass it then she can for sure lol. Originally Posted by Luxie
People like assup would call you an" AXE GASH ", as he's done to other providers that come into the Political Forum and comment when they disagree with your stance. On the OTHER SIDE of the aisle, WE are actually INCLUSIVE and actively appreciate AND allow different views just as the Constitution says. So, enjoy your foray into this mosh pit, but expect to get hammered for your posts ! Great showcase BTW !
Like when he told the fellow in the wheelchair to STAND UP !!! HAHAHAHAHA:wav etowel2: EAt THAT Pinche Liberals ! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Howz zat fer 2020 HAHAHAHA Him agin shrilLIARy AND umpalupa AND MOOCHelle HAHAHAHAHAHA:rm_moo n:
Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Reckon that'll be his and the lyin libs campaign poster for 2020 ? WhAAAAAAAAAA !!! Mebbe he can say he was just " propositioned " by Mr. DOTY 5 TIMES to go to the 'holes !!! Was told that he could get his Dingleberries picked for free for the length of his term if assup could set up some 'holes in the Lincoln bedroom ??? !!!!
Or mebbe that was his look when he was told that the guy he just COMMANDED TO STAND UP was in a wheel chair and couldn't respond in the way that ole Joe the LYING LIBERAL DEMANDED of him !! Tha POS !!!!
It's funny alright. Trump would have a field day with her. All he would have to do is comment on her presence at the Ferguson protest. Game over, lol.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Wasn't she out there with HER pant's down around HER ankles too ?? With a mask on during that " urban renewal " that odummer and Holder " looked the other way " on ??? And, since she's from Chicago, why doesn't SHE do something about the war zone THERE ????
Well, I guess that shows you are wrong, particularly the "dementia" part! He probably puts in more hours than you .... and it's not eating "cheeseburgers," but anyone who can work 10-12 hour days seven days a week can eat whatever the fuck he wants as far as I am concerned! (Particularly when he's not getting paid!)

Do you need more coloring books? I have some coupons for you! Originally Posted by LexusLover
And especially after HE KEPT shrilLIARy OUT of the White House, Made it safe for FEMALE interns IN THE WHITE HOUSE AND appionted a Constitutional-resecting ( as upposed to a Constitutional HATING !! ) member to SCOTUS !!!
Oh ! The Humanity !!!
It was just the liberal sycophants in the grammies who egged her on to do so.. Originally Posted by garhkal
Mebbe Kim Jung Un can do the WORLD a favor and nuke Mexifornia and take out all of those LYING LIBERALS, we can retaliate and take HIM out for being a " whole body sphincter " like assup and EKIM are !!!
I wish the Democrats would run a black hoe the entertainment would be priceless, lol.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
YEh, I sure miss SHA-NAY-NAY ( from the " Martin " show ) HAHAHAHAHAHA
I do not want to see Pence win...Pence is a disgusting bigot...a closeted homo....and hopefully Trump will be in Jail...I'd rather see Oprah as POTUS if those are my choices....that being said....I will be sick to my stomach if Oprah wins the Presidency....I DO NOT want to see this almost as bad as I didnt want to see the Orange headed Buffoon...

I am sick and tired of these people making a mockery of the Presidency....No more reality or Daytime TV stars enough is enough...I am sick and tired of this charade....Trump go to jail. Pence go to hell and Oprah go home!!!! She has ZERO qualifications to be President and quite frankly she doesn't deserve it....She has put in no work and now want to make a mockery just like Trump did..enough of the look at me moments from these Hollywood clowns..This shit has got to stop...I will not be voting for Oprah not in the least....However, I will tell you who I am voting for:

Kamala Harris or Joaquin Castro with Corey Booker coming in 3rd. They are all Obama proteges and all look Presidential and Statesmen....God please say no to Oprah...

Kamala The Smart Brainy Beauty (an Obama Protege)

Joaquin Castro The Ivy League Prince (an Obama Protege)

Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
How 'bout YOU take Castro AND HIS POS twin BROTHER and you ALL go to Mexifornia and get " married " ! ? No sexual harrassment there PERFESSER !
Those of us that live in San Antonio and have to deal with their LYING LIBERAL legacy and them riding the coattails of Henry B Gonzalez ( who tried to IMPEACH Ronald Reagan-and how'd THAT GO ? ) AND his son, don't Want those La Raza loving, Reconquitsta backing, lets-let ALL-of-Mejico-come-and-go-as-they-please sin papeles, raised by their communist loving Mom. And now you say they are " proteges of odummer ? Well hell Perfesser !, thanks for the next " sound bite " in their next election ! Mebbe they can use YOU and whoever worked on the shrilLIARy-for President campaign ! " early and often " , ya know !!! Get out in those cemeteries now for those " absentee "votes !