Is Kamala a Functioning Alchoholic?

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It is well known that she works white wine with a couple ice cubes.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Echo, echo, .....
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Was Mike Pence ethical when he was Vice President, or was he only ethical after he threw Trump under the Blue Bus? Originally Posted by Levianon17
Well, I would answer that but if you scroll up a bit from your post, there is a warning from staff about staying on topic. Sorry, I can be creative, but certainly not enough to spin it to read like Mike Pence's ethics have a fucking thing to do with the topic.
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If she is, it would certainly explain her strange behavior such as that cackling laugh and habitually mis pronouncing words on the teleprompter.

Also, she looks and talks like she is looped.most of the time. Originally Posted by Jackie S
... IF she's a true Alcoholic - she's a badly functioning one!

#### Salty
txdot-guy's Avatar
This entire thread is more proof that the republican party under Ol’ Schitzenpants Trump is destined to lose and lose bigly. It appears that all they can do is lie, insult, and try to make voters afraid of brown people.

Trying to make Kamala Harris out to be an alcoholic is a losing strategy but Trump and his ilk don’t appear to have anything else in the playbook.
Her lack of experience, leadership, and air in the head should do the trick. If Trump focuses on policy that should make it a home run for him. She can continue boozing. ��
Yssup Rider's Avatar

If she is, it would certainly explain her strange behavior such as that cackling laugh and habitually mis pronouncing words on the teleprompter.

Also, she looks and talks like she is looped.most of the time. Originally Posted by Jackie S

I find her “strange behavior” strangely presidential.

MAGAs are flailing hard. Trump is stuttering, saying crazier shit every day and acting like an old man who can’t control his continence.

And you’re worrying that VP Harris looks like an alcoholic to you?


As our old pal IFFY used to say, “Good times.”
well, it might not be booze, but she is for sure tipsy on something, it may be Staff Edit - Biomed1, but all you have to do is watch her body language, and listen to her talk. I'm speaking from experience, plus she wears earplugs now to avoid the press
Precious_b's Avatar
... IF she's a true Alcoholic - she's a badly functioning one!

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
So, that means when she wipes the floor with the orange mop-n-slop at the debate, that will be proof of her bad functioning? If so, i'll have a double.