DPST Explained

Thanks Tiny for bumping this.I had thought it meant Deep State.

I first learned about "Deep State" about 45 years ago when taking Government 101 as a freshman in college.

It's a theory of government that as our country grew forward from it's founding.Our country grew bigger.Consequently our Federal Government grew bigger.

As a result the Departments,Bureaus,and Agencies grew bigger with more employees.

Some of them just applied for jobs and got them.
Some get jobs from patronage but it may be from a Senator or a Representative and that job can become somewhat permanent or semi-permanent.
Some may obtain jobs or appointments from the Executive and some of these can have some turnover with administration changes.

But the bottom line is that these employees probably average ~ 50 / 50 as to Republicans and Democrats.

Most do their jobs and leave politics at home for the most part.
Neither side is really having organized secret meetings to advance or not advance agendas.
Their influence ebbs and flows and for the most part they offset each other.

Is there a Deep State ? Yes
Does it have an impact on our Government ? Yes

But that influence is primarily concerned with self preservation.
That their little fiefdoms are not downsized out of existence. Originally Posted by sportfisherman
Knowing some family members who work in the government I would say this is mostly true. It is mostly a cushy patronage job with great benefits and you can't hardly get fired.

Yelling does occur on occasion, though - and the infamous pressure from the top can ruin your day and make you work late to get something special done!
  • Tiny
  • 08-09-2020, 11:33 AM
Thanks Tiny for bumping this.I had thought it meant Deep State. Originally Posted by sportfisherman
Yes Sportfisherman, I saw you were confused about that in another thread. It's Oeb's original creation.

Using his definition, we can be thankful that the DPST hierarchy is kind of like drug use. Just because you're a "D" (Democrat) doesn't necessarily mean you're a "T" (Totalitarian). In fact, most D's aren't T's.

Anyway, some people start with alcohol, then go to marijuana, then maybe cocaine, and the next thing you know are taking lethal doses of fentanyl. This could be called AMCF (Alcohol/Marijuana/Cocaine/Fentanyl). Similarly for DPST, a person can start out as a Democrat, become a Progressive, then a Socialist, and finally a Totalitarian.

I encourage all my Democrat friends not to get caught up in this. The best idea is just to quit, go cold turkey. Give up the bottle. Stop being a Democrat. If you can't do that, then please, please don't get hooked on the hard stuff, like Socialism. This is particularly important for people in power. Joe Biden has been pushed from the Democrat addiction to the Progressive addiction, and is in danger of being pushed further. If elected I hope he can escape from these demon scourges and govern like Bill Clinton did (with a Republican Congress) in his second term -- wisely and from the middle instead of the left.
  • oeb11
  • 08-09-2020, 11:43 AM
Tiny - thank you for the credit - and your incisive post.

The "progression" of political radicalization you propose likely is applicable to quite a number of the younger antifa /OBLM/ Burn it all down to the ground DPST radicals out rioting and looting.


Bill Barr described the DPST narrative as a "religion" to adherents, and any deviation is heresy to them.
he's has a valid point.
sportfisherman's Avatar
And I would encourage all my Republican friends to not get caught up in their own political radicalization.

Unless,of course you are presuming that somehow "they" are immune to it.

Your "drug use" analogy is a bit of a stretch,but it becomes especially so if you pretend that the Right and Republicans are not susceptible to it as well.

It is a Fantasy to try to cloak Trump in the likeness of George Washington and act like he is our last "Savior" that stands between us and anarchy.
sportfisherman's Avatar
Looking at things as an American and not as a Republican or Democrat leads to my concern for this election.

I'm afraid that "The Powers That Be" may not be advancing one candidate over another and that their only interest is that there be plenty of rancor and extremism from both sides prior to the election and then lots of controversy and fallout afterwards.

The Radicalization you speak of cuts both ways,not just to the left.
  • Tiny
  • 08-09-2020, 05:31 PM
And I would encourage all my Republican friends to not get caught up in their own political radicalization.

Unless,of course you are presuming that somehow "they" are immune to it.

Your "drug use" analogy is a bit of a stretch,but it becomes especially so if you pretend that the Right and Republicans are not susceptible to it as well.

It is a Fantasy to try to cloak Trump in the likeness of George Washington and act like he is our last "Savior" that stands between us and anarchy. Originally Posted by sportfisherman
No, the progression for Republicans is entirely different. They actually don't go through a progression, but rather jump from one category, "Republicans", to another, "Trump Enlightenment Syndrome", all at once. The acronym is R/TES. The analogy here is a social drinker who starts taking Ritalin and never looks back. Remarkably, this happened overnight to about 80% of registered Republicans, after their 2016 convention. TES is not as dangerous as Totalitarianism or Socialism. However, it is something to be avoided.

TES is manifested strongly in some of the posters on this board. Notably The Waco Kid has referred to Trump as Emperor, God Emperor, or Lord Emperor on this board approximately 170 times since 2015.

And he would not, as you say, cloak Trump in the likeness of George Washington. Rather, as shown in the links that follow, he would cloak George Washington, Theodore Roosevelt, Thomas Jefferson, and Abraham Lincoln in the likeness of Donald Trump.


  • oeb11
  • 08-09-2020, 05:48 PM
You propose intereting concepts, Tiny

I think of DPST as a spectrum of the Democrat party - perhaps a progression in some people who are radicalized to the Antifa OBLM spectrum, and some who just want to sit and get their welfare.

Certainly the DPST party leaders are espousing and enabling the radical violence happening in Seattle and Portland - one hears not a word of disagreement with the violent anti-Police terrorists in Portland from nazi pelosi and Schumer. Both of whom would happily delete Washington and Lincoln from Mt Rushmore and put up their own visages. They are leading the violence.

While You have a point about some Trump adherents - it is not universal in the Republican party.

I think Pence would be a better choice - and would vote for him over Trump.

Unfortunately, the sides are polarized and radicalized by the DPST party hissy fit thrown since H... lost an election she and they feel entitled to - and are still kicking their heels and screaming in 'temper tantrums'.
  • Tiny
  • 08-09-2020, 06:05 PM
You propose intereting concepts, Tiny

I think of DPST as a spectrum of the Democrat party - perhaps a progression in some people who are radicalized to the Antifa OBLM spectrum, and some who just want to sit and get their welfare.

Certainly the DPST party leaders are espousing and enabling the radical violence happening in Seattle and Portland - one hears not a word of disagreement with the violent anti-Police terrorists in Portland from nazi pelosi and Schumer. Both of whom would happily delete Washington and Lincoln from Mt Rushmore and put up their own visages. They are leading the violence.

While You have a point about some Trump adherents - it is not universal in the Republican party.

I think Pence would be a better choice - and would vote for him over Trump.

Unfortunately, the sides are polarized and radicalized by the DPST party hissy fit thrown since H... lost an election she and they feel entitled to - and are still kicking their heels and screaming in 'temper tantrums'. Originally Posted by oeb11
Oeb, The sides are indeed polarized and radicalized. I'd just like to see us get back to some kind of normalcy. Times were better when Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush were presidents and during Bill Clinton's second term. There was compromise. Reagan got Democrats to cooperate in tax cuts. Clinton got Republicans to cooperate in balancing the budget. You haven't seen much of that anymore, at least since Obama was elected.
sportfisherman's Avatar
Golly gee ! When I grow up I want to be just like oeb.

So I came up with my own acronym for the Republicans and their own rush down the path of political radicalization.

RARF ; it stands for Republican,Autocratic,Racist,F ascist !

I think it encapsulates it quite well.
  • oeb11
  • 08-09-2020, 06:09 PM
Imitation - is one of the sincerest forms of 'flattery" -and i am aware of the negative connotation of the word,

we'll see if it catches on.

Thank you - sailor boy.

As previously written - when the DPST has nothing better - they scream "Racist"/Fascist. !
When it is their own ideology that promotes Racism and Fascism. and a Totalitarian government under their own Marxist nomenklatura.
sportfisherman's Avatar
Spoken like the true voice of reason.

Tiny,you are so much better at this than I am.
  • oeb11
  • 08-09-2020, 06:12 PM
For Once - I think u are correct.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
weak pissing contest lol
Grace Preston's Avatar
weak pissing contest lol Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

After watching this for a couple weeks.. I still can't determine if they're pissing for volume or pissing for distance.
sportfisherman's Avatar
Next up will be a Dick measuring contest.

Stay tuned.