The Hillary Files

Nobody watches these. You know that, right?
Nobody watches these. Originally Posted by WombRaider

Why should they?
I'm on my Kindle Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
One would think that a professor (cough, cough, spit, spit) would have access to something more technologically advanced than a friggin' "Kindle."

Did you buy a used "Kindle" when you finally decided to upgrade from the trusty ol' Apple IIe?
One would think that a professor (cough, cough, spit, spit) would have access to something more technologically advanced than a friggin' "Kindle."

Did you buy a used "Kindle" when you finally decided to upgrade from the trusty ol' Apple IIe? Originally Posted by bigtex
You know who uses a kindle? A douchebag. He was probably in Starbucks trying to talk one of the hipster male baristas into coming back to his place.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Don't want to wait for the truth right? Another hallmark of the liberal left; continue the lie, misinform, cast doubt, not to mention being unfair.

This is what I said;

First don't ask for proof like some idiot. There is more proof supporting me than people like Tampon. The plane has not been found and everything that I have theorized is possible. People like General McInerey even advance the same idea with a slightly different result.

The fact that the 777 climbed precipitiously to a high altitude followed by a controlled dive to just under radar tracking indicates that someone was in control of the aircraft and that someone was trying to avoid attention. Where did the aircraft go? The telepathy indicates that the engines were running for hours after the disappearence which means the aircraft avoided radar out of the ocean or it set down somewhere. In extreme circumstances the 777 can set down and take off in 3,500 of runway. General McInerey believes the aircraft flew to Afghanistan, Pakistan, or another stan within range. I believe it is possible that the 777 could have set down at a prearranged site on one of the 320 possible landing sites in that area of the world. Flat, straight roads, abandoned runways, little used, isolated runways are all possible sites. No one was looking for the aircraft at that time so landing is not a problem. The passengers? My theory....they're dead (the reason the aircraft climbed). The bodies could be removed, dumped or carted off in a truck (check the Holocaust videos). Now comes the tricky part for Tampon. When morning came aircraft and satellites will start looking for the missing aircraft. Now the search was to the north but someone might do a casual look at the southern regions. How do you hide an aircraft that large? The same way that they did in World War II, camouflaged cargo nets. How to conceal an active runway? Just like Hollywood sets, and grounds keeping businesses, you have potted trees. You don't need many. Just a couple of dozen that would appear to the casual observer (remember the search was to the north) that the runway was unusable. Now the plane does not stay there which is another lie from Tampon. You can repaint a plane fairly quickly (within 12 hours), change some colors, add or remove some airline markings, and change the transponder code. Surprise, a new plane! Since this was planned out a truck can be available with a load of jet fuel. You don't need a full load, just enough to get the final destination. If an aircraft lands at an airport for maintenance there is no need for customs to inspect the plane. An aircraft can land and just taxi into a hangar. Close the door and the plane is out of sight. This can all be accomplished in less than 24 hours. Remember the search was still to the north for a few more days. A hangar? Why not just rent or buy one. These people have money at their disposal. Millions, if not billions of dollars. At this point you can professionally repaint the aircraft, fill it something nasty, and wait until the right time. At the right time, it taxis out, takes off with a legitimate flight plan, and arrives at where it is going.

Nothing weird, nothing impossible and completely over the head of Tampon and Renfield.

Now, you turn to tell me where I could be wrong. I won't ask for proof because this is a theory. If I had proof then I would be talking to the NSA, FBI, CIA, and Interpol. You probably wouldn't Tampon but I would.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Kindle Fire HD actually. I use it for watching movies and checking up on the idiot band.
  • shanm
  • 04-20-2015, 02:08 AM
Don't want to wait for the truth right? Another hallmark of the liberal left; continue the lie, misinform, cast doubt, not to mention being unfair.

This is what I said;

First don't ask for proof like some idiot. There is more proof supporting me than people like Tampon. The plane has not been found and everything that I have theorized is possible. People like General McInerey even advance the same idea with a slightly different result.

The fact that the 777 climbed precipitiously to a high altitude followed by a controlled dive to just under radar tracking indicates that someone was in control of the aircraft and that someone was trying to avoid attention. Where did the aircraft go? The telepathy indicates that the engines were running for hours after the disappearence which means the aircraft avoided radar out of the ocean or it set down somewhere. In extreme circumstances the 777 can set down and take off in 3,500 of runway. General McInerey believes the aircraft flew to Afghanistan, Pakistan, or another stan within range. I believe it is possible that the 777 could have set down at a prearranged site on one of the 320 possible landing sites in that area of the world. Flat, straight roads, abandoned runways, little used, isolated runways are all possible sites. No one was looking for the aircraft at that time so landing is not a problem. The passengers? My theory....they're dead (the reason the aircraft climbed). The bodies could be removed, dumped or carted off in a truck (check the Holocaust videos). Now comes the tricky part for Tampon. When morning came aircraft and satellites will start looking for the missing aircraft. Now the search was to the north but someone might do a casual look at the southern regions. How do you hide an aircraft that large? The same way that they did in World War II, camouflaged cargo nets. How to conceal an active runway? Just like Hollywood sets, and grounds keeping businesses, you have potted trees. You don't need many. Just a couple of dozen that would appear to the casual observer (remember the search was to the north) that the runway was unusable. Now the plane does not stay there which is another lie from Tampon. You can repaint a plane fairly quickly (within 12 hours), change some colors, add or remove some airline markings, and change the transponder code. Surprise, a new plane! Since this was planned out a truck can be available with a load of jet fuel. You don't need a full load, just enough to get the final destination. If an aircraft lands at an airport for maintenance there is no need for customs to inspect the plane. An aircraft can land and just taxi into a hangar. Close the door and the plane is out of sight. This can all be accomplished in less than 24 hours. Remember the search was still to the north for a few more days. A hangar? Why not just rent or buy one. These people have money at their disposal. Millions, if not billions of dollars. At this point you can professionally repaint the aircraft, fill it something nasty, and wait until the right time. At the right time, it taxis out, takes off with a legitimate flight plan, and arrives at where it is going.

Nothing weird, nothing impossible and completely over the head of Tampon and Renfield.

Now, you turn to tell me where I could be wrong. I won't ask for proof because this is a theory. If I had proof then I would be talking to the NSA, FBI, CIA, and Interpol. You probably wouldn't Tampon but I would. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

This made me laugh so hard!
Don't want to wait for the truth right? Another hallmark of the liberal left; continue the lie, misinform, cast doubt, not to mention being unfair.

This is what I said;

First don't ask for proof like some idiot. There is more proof supporting me than people like Tampon. The plane has not been found and everything that I have theorized is possible. People like General McInerey even advance the same idea with a slightly different result.

The fact that the 777 climbed precipitiously to a high altitude followed by a controlled dive to just under radar tracking indicates that someone was in control of the aircraft and that someone was trying to avoid attention. Where did the aircraft go? The telepathy indicates that the engines were running for hours after the disappearence which means the aircraft avoided radar out of the ocean or it set down somewhere. In extreme circumstances the 777 can set down and take off in 3,500 of runway. General McInerey believes the aircraft flew to Afghanistan, Pakistan, or another stan within range. I believe it is possible that the 777 could have set down at a prearranged site on one of the 320 possible landing sites in that area of the world. Flat, straight roads, abandoned runways, little used, isolated runways are all possible sites. No one was looking for the aircraft at that time so landing is not a problem. The passengers? My theory....they're dead (the reason the aircraft climbed). The bodies could be removed, dumped or carted off in a truck (check the Holocaust videos). Now comes the tricky part for Tampon. When morning came aircraft and satellites will start looking for the missing aircraft. Now the search was to the north but someone might do a casual look at the southern regions. How do you hide an aircraft that large? The same way that they did in World War II, camouflaged cargo nets. How to conceal an active runway? Just like Hollywood sets, and grounds keeping businesses, you have potted trees. You don't need many. Just a couple of dozen that would appear to the casual observer (remember the search was to the north) that the runway was unusable. Now the plane does not stay there which is another lie from Tampon. You can repaint a plane fairly quickly (within 12 hours), change some colors, add or remove some airline markings, and change the transponder code. Surprise, a new plane! Since this was planned out a truck can be available with a load of jet fuel. You don't need a full load, just enough to get the final destination. If an aircraft lands at an airport for maintenance there is no need for customs to inspect the plane. An aircraft can land and just taxi into a hangar. Close the door and the plane is out of sight. This can all be accomplished in less than 24 hours. Remember the search was still to the north for a few more days. A hangar? Why not just rent or buy one. These people have money at their disposal. Millions, if not billions of dollars. At this point you can professionally repaint the aircraft, fill it something nasty, and wait until the right time. At the right time, it taxis out, takes off with a legitimate flight plan, and arrives at where it is going.

Nothing weird, nothing impossible and completely over the head of Tampon and Renfield.

Now, you turn to tell me where I could be wrong. I won't ask for proof because this is a theory. If I had proof then I would be talking to the NSA, FBI, CIA, and Interpol. You probably wouldn't Tampon but I would. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Jesus Christ, get some lube. I'm fixing to rip your ass. You should have NEVER put this many words together in one place. It's the goddamn primer on why you are a fucking moron. You have no proof. You have nothing except some occurrences and from those you infer and try to fill in the gaps. That's conspiracy theory 101.

Telepathy? That's to communicate thoughts through some means other than the known senses. I think you meant telemetry. But the fact that you could easily confuse the two is just more proof that you have no fucking idea what you're talking about. This is par for the course, actually. Most conspiracy theorists are massively stupid.

You can paint a plane in 12 hours? Jesus. It takes Boeing 12-13 DAYS to paint a 777.

You've also missed the most important bit of relevant information. Why? And who is 'them'. Why would someone with these resources do this? There are easier ways to get a plane than to hijack one, kill everyone on board and then steal the plane. I'm not sure you've heard of Occam's razor, but it applies in this case. Your story is bullshit. You've watched WAY too many movies. The more likely story is the fucking plane crashed and simply hasn't been found.
Don't want to wait for the truth right? Another hallmark of the liberal left; continue the lie, misinform, cast doubt, not to mention being unfair................Now, you turn to tell me where I could be wrong. I won't ask for proof because this is a theory. If I had proof then I would be talking to the NSA, FBI, CIA, and Interpol. You probably wouldn't Tampon but I would. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
And you actually believe this totally off of the wall, Conspiracy Theory is a much more likely outcome than the Malaysian Airlines 777 crashed into the sea and for the past 1+ year has been resting on the bottom of the ocean?

Please tell me that you do!

The funny part is, I am now convinced that JDIdiot actually believes this shit.

There is no way that a sane and rational person could have made this bullshit up.

This is clearly the work of a fragmented, sick and demented mind.

JDIdiot, run don't walk!

Get yourself checked into the Funny Farm immediately.

Do not pass Go!

Do not collect $200!

Just pack up your beloved "Kindle" and report to the Funny Farm without haste.

We now know beyond the shadow of a doubt that JLIdiot is the lunatic case study that the counselors at the Funny Farm have been waiting an entire lifetime to interview.

It is their one opportunity to personally witness history in the making.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
And you actually believe this totally off of the wall, Conspiracy Theory is a much more likely outcome than the Malaysian Airlines 777 crashed into the sea and for the past 1+ year has been resting on the bottom of the ocean?

Please tell me that you do!

The funny part is, I am now convinced that JDIdiot actually believes this shit.

There is no way that a sane and rational person could have made this bullshit up.

This is clearly the work of a fragmented, sick and demented mind.

JDIdiot, run don't walk!

Get yourself checked into the Funny Farm immediately.

Do not pass Go!

Do not collect $200!

Just pack up your beloved "Kindle" and report to the Funny Farm without haste.

We now know beyond the shadow of a doubt that JLIdiot is the lunatic case study that the counselors at the Funny Farm have been waiting an entire lifetime to interview.

It is their one opportunity to personally witness history in the making. Originally Posted by bigtex
Now here is where I point out that Tampon more or less admits to lying but he wants to gloss over this part. He leaves it out of his story. He has said a lot of shat that I supposedly said but like a lot of liars he forgets this in his recounting. I invite anyone (including Renfield) to go back look at what he in his bitterness has written. A bunch of lies!
As to his lttle points; A whole paint, just enough to disguise a plane which could take only few hours. Here is a Malasian Airlines aircraft:

Paint over the logo on the tail and on the side and where did the plane go. Remember, by this time everyone is desperating looking for a crash site and not a plane landing on the tarmac. It doesn't even have to be a good paint job. Just good enough to get it out of sight. After a professionally applied paint job inside a hangar you can have this;

or this

So does Obama give the order to shoot down either of these planes without really knowing what is going on the inside? He lacks the guts and commitment (see Benghazi) to take action.

Of course Tampon leaves out the biggest problem with my theory (and the same theory as many other flight and terror experts), that terrorism has complete access to several other commerical aircraft in the Middle East. You see, if Tampon brought up the missing eleven aircraft missing from the Libyan airfields after the murder of Khadaffi he has to admit that maybe terrorism is more dangerous than he is willing to acknowledge.

It is just easier for people like Tampon and Renfield to put their heads firmly up their asses and hope for...a better future? or to just be left alone? I don't know who is pulling their strings but there is someone behind them. In the future, just take notice how quickly a few on here repeat the White House lies sometimes even before the White House has said them.
Yeah, you've still got absolutely nothing. Less than nothing. The ramblings of an unhinged mind.

Paint over the logo and the tail, and where did the plane go? As if there aren't a thousand other parts with numbers that could be linked to that plane?
  • shanm
  • 04-20-2015, 10:43 AM
These people have money at their disposal. Millions, if not billions of dollars.
Yes you heard it here folks. "these people" have a lot of money at their "disposal". Yet they still have to go through the risk of hijacking a commercial airliner and hiding it instead of just buying a $200 million plane.

What's funnier is that this is the least ridiculous part of the story.