wow my first no on a review!!!!!

Arverni's Avatar
That is what this board is for. Sitting at your computer calling people names - THAT is the act of a coward. Originally Posted by gregster
Tell me where to meet and I'll say it to your face. I don't know who you are - if I did I would have dialed you up and said - hey, you're about to get trounced on ECCIE and you deserve it!

Actually though - you're not the first - so I should apologize for being so heavy handed. So I do apologize for that. However ...

There is a culture of "gotcha" here that is not improving this hobby. Men - who are too afraid to tell a 20 year old female provider ... "Hey I'm not having a good time here ..." or "Hey - I didn't have a good time and if I write a review it would have to be "no".

Give the provider an opportunity to fix the problem before you slam her on ECCIE. I would bet you that Poca would have found a way to put a smile on your face - and if she got offended - well then that would have been one more negative for your review, no?

You cannot make a negative review on of a vendor until you've attempted to resolve the issue with them first. People who provide services aren't perfect - they sometimes make mistakes - sometimes your actions can put them off their game too. So why not address the issue like a man and tell the provider?

If you don't want to bother with telling her - then just don't write a review. This happens to me ... "she was so-so ... I don't think she'll be receptive to criticism ... I have other more important things to do."

But in those cases I just won't write a review at all. Believe me - were I ever to write a negative review - the provider would know about it before she read it on ECCIE.

I just don't understand why people weren't raised this way.

I mean we've all heard the phrase ... "Don't say anything about a man you wouldn't say to his face?" Well, if you're in front of her face - SAY SOMETHING.
I'm not going to make and friends with this post but he'll I don't want any friends. Too much emphasis is put on reviews. Some ladies love to have them and some guys love to write them. I have seen women on here whom are worshipped I left out of the session that was very lackluster. I have seen ladies on here whom are thrashed in reviews and had a great time. A review does not make or break a session for ME. I use it to make sure a lady is safe,meaning verified for me. What type of activities to expect:Cbj,bbbj,dfk,lfk,etc. I have never figured out why some treat reviews like the holy grail. They can be embellished by guys for positive or negative. Ladies do not want to be hurt by a bad review and guys feel burned on a bad session.MY determination is based on my attraction and interest. The review is not the only factor.Various factors affect a session such as chemistry, mood,setting,expectations,etc. it is going to vary somewhat. Guys want consistently which is understandable but sometimes two people aren't gonna click together.

* I have not read the review for that matter nor know either party.*
rodog44's Avatar

Like you would know, are you speaking words of wisdom from experience? All I see are 3 hardly passable for informative reviews with low rate no name SW's.
the only one that seems jaded here is you, this is a hobby, you are supposed to be having fun.
you didnt pay for it either, why are you so hateful? Damn, we are humans with feelings, how would you feel if every lady you met picked apart every thing about you on the most personal level? oh wait, none would, because you contribute nothing to the hobby but BS posts like this one. Originally Posted by April Cox
You go girl!!
jl11's Avatar
  • jl11
  • 10-24-2013, 08:26 PM
And the highly overpriced conceited provider award goes to...

Wow it's just a fucking review for shit's sakes. If the man felt like the lack of services didn't match the donation, well then there you go. You know that we have the option to give a no and I don't see Huggies on any provider's preferred gifts list. We can't get a refund, so a no is the next best thing.

Let's face it, most of you ladies aren't supermodels. Now granite, we have hobbyists that pay to fuck anything. I think since you can't provide the model's bod and face, and aren't baking a chicken when we arrive that you have to make up for it in services.
[QUOTE=Arverni. Men - who are too afraid to tell a 20 year old female provider ... "Hey I'm not having a good time here ..." or "Hey - I didn't have a good time and if I write a review it would have to be "no".

Give the provider an opportunity to fix the problem before you slam her on ECCIE. I would bet you that Poca would have found a way to put a smile on your face - and if she got offended - well then that would have been one more negative for your review,

I mean we've all heard the phrase ... "Don't say anything about a man you wouldn't say to his face?" Well, if you're in front of her face - SAY SOMETHING.[/QUOTE]
Arverni--twice I've tried telling providers- both young, gorgeous 20 something yr olds that were complaining about not getting much business and very little repeat business, that the word on the board was they were unenthusiastic and that guys wanted to feel pampered and special when they were in a session. The girls seemed to think that because they were young and beautiful, that's all that mattered. It just wouldn't sink in. Maybe constructive criticism during a session has worked for you, but it didn't for me. Maybe coming from a more experienced provider they might take it to heart and learn from them. There's a few out there that could REALLY teach some of the younger ladies some sensuality and passion.
And the highly overpriced conceited provider award goes to...

Wow it's just a fucking review for shit's sakes. If the man felt like the lack of services didn't match the donation, well then there you go. You know that we have the option to give a no and I don't see Huggies on any provider's preferred gifts list. We can't get a refund, so a no is the next best thing.

Let's face it, most of you ladies aren't supermodels. Now granite, we have hobbyists that pay to fuck anything. I think since you can't provide the model's bod and face, and aren't baking a chicken when we arrive that you have to make up for it in services. Originally Posted by jl11

Why so much hate toward the ladies? Come on now, you have more in common with us ladies than you think Jl11, you know you like the cock too!
I think everything that can be said, has been said. But I am not the OP. Time to move on, peeps.
jl11's Avatar
  • jl11
  • 10-24-2013, 10:50 PM
Why so much hate toward the ladies? Come on now, you have more in common with us ladies than you think Jl11, you know you like the cock too! Originally Posted by April Cox
Oh no. You must of been drunk out of your mind and thinking way too much about me when you saw some dude changing Arverni's Huggies and spanking him. I'm flattered but that wasn't me.

I hope you can learn what other successful providers have learned before you. This whole thing is an expectations game . . . and making sure someone else has accurate expectations is much more difficult than is should be . . . especially when it comes to sex and money.

If you look at some of my reviews, you will see that I go to great pains to tactfully describe my experience and impressions of the providers I have seen. This is not because I am really all that worried about their reaction . . . it is more because I don't want them to have to deal with someone that has an unrealistic expectation. I can envision that dealing with some dude that didn't get what he expected is very . . . very enjoyable.

If I put myself in the provider's shoes . . . say one that is in the over thirty age range (the range that I prefer because I think I know what to expect). . . If I was to go on and on about her hard body and brag about how she had the body of a 20 year old . . . I would be setting her up to deal with some guys that had unrealistic expectations.

I have enjoyed most of the fine women I have seen . . . some reviewed . . . some not. . . .

The ones I know that have stayed work hard to have a regular clientele that they cater to and don't work all that hard at expanding it. They also have a radar for those who have expectations that don't fall inline with what their limits are.

So your real challenge is first to build up a thick skin with regards to your sexuality . . . when your radar fails you and you don't detect a miss-match of expectations and your inclinations . . . please don't take it personally. I guarantee you that it is worse to linger on it than to move on.

The second is to re-calibrate your radar and make sure your message is accurate. If you don't want to be everything to everyone . . . try to communicate that. Also, ask your regulars to communicate that. Us guys tend to get over enthusiatic . . . especially if we think it will get us in your pants again.

And third, I believe that some of the older providers have figured out that managing expectations is more about finding clients that fit their tastes, men that they enjoy entertaining . . . not maximizing the number they see. Not that I think you are about that . . . it is just the first thing the "asshole-dude" in me would assume about a 20-something provider.

That brings up an interesting point. I think I am like manny guys in the hobby who have been treated like walking wallets. My particular experience includes an ex-wife, several strippers 2 girlfriends and 3 providers . . . My radar for that is much better now, but I am sure I can be mesmerized again if the conditions are right . . .

So anyway, a lot of hobbyist have the radar scanning for insincerity . . . because they feel like they have been made a fool of in the past, and they tend to believe (like I do) that their skill has brought them to the one or two . . . or five truly trustworthy providers . . .

This perception of mine is not accurate of course . . .it is mostly a construct of my need to feel like I can trust someone before I have sex with them . . . but it does make my point that his is a game of expectations.

I read your "no" review . . . including the ROS. I did not read it so much as a condemnation of you as a provider . . . it was more of a "she did not meet my expectations" kind of comments.

Look at like he did you a favor. I think a lot of guys with PSE/GFE . . .DATY . . .ect . . types of expectations will shy away from you . . . your phone may ring less, but it will be more hobbyiest who have much more accurate expectations.

Take care . . . and I hope you develop a clientele of regulars in the NOLA and BTR area . . . I am interested.
pornodave69's Avatar
Ok ladies. Go ahead and post rebuttles in every review that may entail something negative about you. Make sure to make a thread and provide a link to the review as well. I know if I saw a lady do this twice.....or semi regularly with a history of it I darn sure wouldn't chance seeing her. Id see no need to risk seeing a chick who may get mad because I was honest in my review.

Writing "no" reviews are hard to do. You should be objective when you write them. The reviewer did that, he didn't seem to post with any vendetta.

So what you ladies and gents are saying is.......during the session when you discover her performance isn't up to par as she advertises or alluded too.......that your gonna tell her "hey you can do better than this, I'm not satisfied, stop being lazy, do it like this", etc. She already has your money safely secured. She's not gonna just suddenly get better or neccessarily be more motivated to perform better when you just told her her service was lacking. Where's the incentive. Oh that tell her, "well I guess My review won't be so good thus far". The thinly veiled threat of a bad review while in session will not lend itself moreso always toward making that situation better. Maybe you were the exception to the rule, a provider who would use live negative feedback as motivation to perform to a better standard. Id bet more money that their are more so negative instances associated with the critique and live criticism of the providers services and attitude. Just want to know to avoid damage control later. Maybe even say you didn't see him and he's lying or suddenly he was difficult...... Originally Posted by gimme_that


I don't know of any guy who has ever told a provider in the middle of a session that she could do better. There aren't a lot of "No" reviews that are written, usually because of the backlash from the provider and the white knights. However, if the guy doesn't think he got the service he should have gotten or he doesn't think her performance was up to par or to his liking then he has every right to say so in his review.

Does a movie critic ask the director to change a bad movie before writing a review? Does a food critic try the same meal twice or ask the chef to cook another one before writing a review? NO!!! Why would it be any different here?

I'm willing to bet that any comments of a negative nature made to a provider during the session will promptly be met with him being kicked out the room without his donation in hand.

This is a REVIEW board. Each person's experience will be different from the other's. Some may be pretty close to someone else's, others may differ dramatically. All we can hope for is that the reviewer posts an accurate, honest depiction of what happened and give his opinion.

One or two negative reviews mixed into many good ones won't make that much of a difference. If a provider really wasn't up to par, maybe a negative review (or several) will prove to be the motivation needed to improve.
Sticks and stones my friend, but the cock it does delight you!

QUOTE=jl11;1054318694]Oh no. You must of been drunk out of your mind and thinking way too much about me when you saw some dude changing Arverni's Huggies and spanking him. I'm flattered but that wasn't me.[/QUOTE]
rex111999's Avatar
+1 PD
TiCobra's Avatar
Just like no two fingerprints are alike,no two hobbyist like the same things,we may like some of the same things but not all the same things.If I didn't enjoy it then I more than likely won't do a review (some may say that's chicken shit) unless it's something that
hobbyist really need to be made aware of. I try and remain objective when reading reviews and if I see a provider has for example 10 positive reviews vs one negative I'll just look at it like maybe the provider wasn't feeling well or was just having a bad day (we all do) I'm not at all afraid to tell a provider what I want her to do before and during a session and I try to do that in the nicest possible way (lol) If you own or run a business you have to expect a few unsatisfied customers..that's just part of it.Pocahontas I have noticed that you are very well liked among most of the hobbyist who have spent time with you,and I personally
won't let one negative review keep me from making that call
EVERYBODY needs to chill! Guys, pick a lovely lady out of our wide variety to choose from, go get a room (or go to her place), FUCK LIKE BUNNIES, and go home smiling!
Now now Boys and Girls. Ole SHELTON promised he would peek back in to see if everyone was playing nice. Looks like this thread still has a little juice still left in it. Well, I tell ya what....since Ole SHELTON knows many on this board suffer from ADD, I'm gonna use that to diffuse the tension.

Lookie there....Ole SHELTON changed his avatar pic. Whatcha think about that?