what in the H%^$!!! over the top

Gonzo DFW's Avatar
I thought that was on topic and no flame intended, just an honest assessment. But WTF.
Topic is what is your opinion of the as and would you send pics?

Matters not her looks.

Gonzo DFW's Avatar
Fair enough. I think it does and that was my point, but not in a twist about it. Take your point. Gonzo is moving on.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
meoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooow
Gonzo DFW's Avatar
Guest101610-2's Avatar
Pinky baby I'll always love you. You've always been one of my favorites. As a provider and adhering to the sisterhood rules I can't post what I think about this.

What I will say is I'm very impressed the guys have defended her right to do as she pleases without tearing her apart for it. Wow. Way to go guys.

I think what will hurt her the most is if she's not attracted to over weight guys (like I am) she will lose a lot of business because no one wants to be rejected. I mean what would that do to your self esteem being rejected by a hooker. Damn that would suck. Providers are supposed to raise the self esteem of others. But if she's happy with her work then more power to her. Really.

That's about all I can say. There a ton of fish in the sea guys. And pinky you sly dog, hows mister winky holding up... I miss him.
gptxman's Avatar
How or who she chooses to see is her business so I don't have any problems or comments about her ad.

I will state that I personally wouldn't ever reply to any ad that required that much real world info mainly due to the fear of it being a LE sting looking for the info to bust me. In fact I won't reply to an ad that requires you to do so through email only either for the same reason. I guess I might be overly paranoid but I really don't want to run into LE or to do something that would bring them to me.
Dennis666's Avatar

This is completely silly, IMHO. Only will see men she is "attracted" to.

OK, lets say the following were presented to you for consideration:

Car wash attendant or auto mechanic:
I only wash or repair those cars that I find interesting/like/etc.

I do not take pictures of unattractive people.

I do not operate on anyone whose body I do not feel deserves my time.

I dont "do" ugly teeth.

I do not teach dumb people.

I think you get the jist... I understand she doesnt want to be repulsed, but her language goes a bit far to me. Honestly, I might even understand if she was ultra-high end high dollar hottie, but that doesnt appear the case from photos/rates/etc....

Am I being silly, or does this immediately turn you off too (even if you are hot enough to make the cut)????


p.s.- I have not tried to see her or contacted her, as I was immediately turned off by this. Originally Posted by itsallpink
PS: And all those examples of yours? Any and all of them can and do say those things. I have, very rarely, turned away customers because they are assholes and not worth the time and possible trouble they may cause. I never say it that way, but professionals in all areas can and do reject customers. Originally Posted by Bubba3452
Not to start a fight, but doctors cant say that, and EMTALA says we have to treat the assholes, there are times it really sucks.

Either way, her right to advertise as she wants and see who she wants, my right to never call her for an appt.
This a very interesting marketing ploy.

As someone who actually fits into her acceptable age group, I think that this young lady just needs to figure out whether she really wants to be a provider. I've never seen a straw poll on the age of the dudes on here but my guess is that most of the guys are over the age of 40.

When you offer a service and you narrow the sample size to a certain age group and on top of that, you add other stipulations on top of it, all I have to say is good luck.

Another major flaw is actually assuming that financially successful guys in my age range will actually find you attractive enough to jump through hoops to see you. And will go through the hassle of sending you a face and body pic for your approval. That's highly doubtful unless I am mistaken and this site is eHarmony.

My guess is that when that phone does not ring and very few e-mails are sent to her, that marketing strategy will completely change. If she wants any real business, she'll stop being so delusional about her looks because very few girls look good enough to actually pull off those demands. I take that back, no woman looks good enough for those ridiculous demands. Why would any guy risk that?
Pinky baby I'll always love you. You've always been one of my favorites. As a provider and adhering to the sisterhood rules I can't post what I think about this.

What I will say is I'm very impressed the guys have defended her right to do as she pleases without tearing her apart for it. Wow. Way to go guys.

I think what will hurt her the most is if she's not attracted to over weight guys (like I am) she will lose a lot of business because no one wants to be rejected. I mean what would that do to your self esteem being rejected by a hooker. Damn that would suck. Providers are supposed to raise the self esteem of others. But if she's happy with her work then more power to her. Really.

That's about all I can say. There a ton of fish in the sea guys. And pinky you sly dog, hows mister winky holding up... I miss him. Originally Posted by LovingKAYLA
This a very interesting marketing ploy.

As someone who actually fits into her acceptable age group, I think that this young lady just needs to figure out whether she really wants to be a provider. I've never seen a straw poll on the age of the dudes on here but my guess is that most of the guys are over the age of 40.

When you offer a service and you narrow the sample size to a certain age group and on top of that, you add other stipulations on top of it, all I have to say is good luck.

Another major flaw is actually assuming that financially successful guys in my age range will actually find you attractive enough to jump through hoops to see you. And will go through the hassle of sending you a face and body pic for your approval. That's highly doubtful unless I am mistaken and this site is eHarmony.

My guess is that when that phone does not ring and very few e-mails are sent to her, that marketing strategy will completely change. If she wants any real business, she'll stop being so delusional about her looks because very few girls look good enough to actually pull off those demands. I take that back, no woman looks good enough for those ridiculous demands. Why would any guy risk that? Originally Posted by Joe Smith
You're reasoning is fine but I suspect you're conclusions are off because you start from an incorrect premise--that she's in this mainly for the money. Not every escort is looking to make as much money as she can. I know lots that do this even though they do not need the money. She's an SMU college student and has a job. This seems like a sideline venture for her in her spare time and I doubt she needs the money.

So, lots of screening restrictions certainly cut down on the number of potential customers, but may make the experience more enjoyable for her. Just as it's wrong for anyone to say that she must see anyone and everyone with cash, I think it's also silly for anyone to say that she's going about this the wrong way unless you know what her goals are. Not all escorts are alike in their reasons for being here. They all should be welcome, however.
Just curious Shackleton, do you know her? Have you dropped her off at school? Have you seen her class syllabus as well? I've met a lot of SMU strippers over the years and yes, I believe them all too.