Biggest Loser 2010

Boltfan's Avatar
You aren't slacking sweetie!!!!

Von, I heard the ad for the P90x stuff on ESPN radio. What exactly does it do?

This Weeks Winners are: PPE! Chris1107!

Great job Boys!
Ok Boys I'm putting My foot down! If you can not respect the rules and report Every Week on time then you are not staying in the contest! I can not call a winner this week as I'm missing weigh ins for this and past weeks! If I have your current weight and you do not weigh in next week You are Out! No more games no more slacking! I can't do my job on time if I don't have the info on time! Enough is enough!
SaintPat's Avatar
Hi Missy,

I did send in my weight. I normally send it in on Monday or Sunday because I travel out of town a lot. Unfortunately, on my last weigh in I actually went up a little bit but can I still win the weekly contest if no one else sends in their weight?

I lost 36 pounds in the last contest and won. I am close to my target weight so I am fluctuating around 182# but the contest is still helpful to me because it helps me stay focused. Without this motivation I might be gaining weight.

It will be fine with me if you kick everyone else out because I can win again with only a little bit of weight loss. lol

The rest of you guys are making it too easy on me. I entered this time with no expectation of winning because at most I can lost about another 5-10 pounds but if I do that it sounds like I might have a good chance of winning.

But I would like a challenge. It would help me to lose that 5-10 pounds but I will take the victory any way I can get it. Smile.
Fort Worth Punk's Avatar
I think I am dropping out. I appreciate what Missy is doing but I have some things going on that have me very distracted.
Boltfan's Avatar
I sent an email this week. Hmmm, I will need to resend.
I'm out. Will email you directly as well. Good luck to the remaining contestants.
Ok we are down to 6 anyone else want out? I did not post to have everyone drop out! But I've been working a lot of over time at my civ job and have lil time each week to do this contest and Some of you were making it more work than I dealt with 1st round! Sorry if I upset you but I said what had to be said!
Boltfan's Avatar
If people drop out because the one lady who puts in all the FREE work to keep this going asks that people submit things in a timely manner then I guess they had no desire to see this through anyways.

Hopefully they dropped out for other reasons and not because they were asked to keep up with their submissions.

Thanks for your help with the contest sweetie!
This weeks Winner is: Netman! Keep up the great work Boys!
Boltfan's Avatar
Good job netman.

I am thinking of having a procedure done. Not surgical but I have thought about getting a colonic. Been investigating the benefits and with the "cleaning out" of your colon some weight loss is immediately realized.

I am curious if this would violate the rules of the contest. The rules back on aspd were no surgery (lap band, lipo, etc.). This is obviously not surgery.

Just curious what people think.
SaintPat's Avatar
I am not sure of the rules but it seems like it would be OK. But i would definitely check out the health pros and cons of a colonic. The weight loss may only be temporary and although I do not know a lot about the process it sounds like there could be some discomfort involved, but then again a session with Dharma is worth some discomfort. Smile.

Oh, and congratulations netman. And it sounds like everyone is getting their weights sent in to Missy on time.

And thanks to Missy for her hard work. I am not making the progress I would like but this contest does keep me focused.
Boltfan's Avatar
I would definately do it for health reasons. Any possible weight loss is just a side benefit.
As long as the other Boys don't have an issue with it! Its cool with me! I'm all about you boys getting healthier!
Sorry I'm running a few days late!

This weeks Winner is: Netman!

Great job Boys keep it Up! LOL