Speaker Boehner Resigning From Congress

Yes. The leadership is not listening to the voters, who spoak loud and clear last November by giving those with a Conservative Agenda a clear majority. Originally Posted by Jackie S
So they shut down the government, had NUMEROUS votes to repeal Obamacare, two SCOTUS lawsuits to try and bring it down and the leadership isn't listening? The leadership can't accept they simply don't have the power to enforce what they want to enforce. Boehner would have to have been a magician to get any of that done, because it wasn't realistic to begin with.
Go suck some Big DICK TIMMY THE FAGGOT COCKSUCKER. You fucking dimwit fuckstick. And since when are the demotards bipartisan? Go fuck yourself and your mama...... Originally Posted by Seedy
By "getting things done" you mean caving into the Obama agenda right? That is all the house has been good for since Boehner took over. The founders wrote the Constitution so that the House and Senate were the preeminent branches of government and not the executive branch. That is why all laws are supposed to begin in the house and senate, not the White House. You're not a very good American if you don't understand that. The government was designed for pushback and not a clear path. The house pushes against the senate, the legislative pushes against the executive, the judicial pushes against the executive and the legislative, and the voters push against the elected. Those patriots who you call whackjobs (is that the correct spelling?) understand this and you don't. Where does that put you Timmie? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
No, I mean that there should be 50 or 60 votes in the house to overturn the HCA. All of which would be immediately veto'ed by that guy in that big white house at 1600 Pennsylvania Aenue even if they did stand a snowball's chance in hell of passing. Or, shutting the government down over funding PP. Right? Let's pursue goals that have zero chance of success in order to flip the bird at POTUS.

You try to lecture me about the Constitution and checks and balances and yet you support an agenda that obviously has no understanding of how it works. Bi-partisanship is what gets the work done for the good of the people. Otherwise, nothing gets done. And, that's where your agenda is leading us.

You're an idiot...as usual.
You try to lecture me about the Constitution and checks and balances and yet you support an agenda that obviously has no understanding of how it works. Bi-partisanship is what gets the work done for the good of the people. Otherwise, nothing gets done. And, that's where your agenda is leading us.

You're an idiot...as usual. Originally Posted by timpage
There is nothing bipartisan about the ACA. It was passed without a single Rep vote. Idiot.

BTW, just wait until the end of this year when the fine becomes very significant and the Dims are begging for them to be adjusted. Did I say fine? I meant tax.

Thanks Obama.