My 100st post!!!! So lets talk GUNS, GUNS, GUNS!!!!!

I am so disappointed. I think CG4U has kicked ass and taken names with all the libs. I expected good intelligent debate when I opened up this thread.
Maybe it's just a bunch of good ole Texans on this board. Either way, I am happy to be in Texas and happy to see so much support on guns.
I went to buy a vault the other day to store my guns and other stuff. 3-4 month waiting list.
Precious_b's Avatar
3 to 4 months?! Damn!
LOL frack...someone has been watching Battlestar Galactica.
BoomShakaLaka's Avatar
I don't personally believe in guns. For myself. I have no issue with anyone's constitutional rights, I just don't want guns in my home. I am a disabled vet, and I proudly used a weapon in combat. I do wish there were more strict gun laws in the acquisition of firearms, not the ownership. There seems to be a lack of training in my opinion.

The true issue isn't with weapons. It's like blaming a screwdriver for stripping a screw. Any tool used properly can be useful. Maybe we should be focusing on proper usage.

I draw the line, but not at simple assault weapons. I have a friend who owns a fully functional M-60 machine gun. He never uses it. He shipped it back from Africa piece by piece. It was something to do at the time to not go crazy. Should he have it? No. But is he at least responsible? I suppose. Originally Posted by nerdy123

I agree with this part 100% --- Lack of training is one issue -- but the biggest issue is people think the tool is evil -- the tool is inanimate -- its the user of the tool thats the problem
Hollywood101's Avatar
GREAT post CG4U, my thoughts exactly!

Wow a pretty face, great body, AND a beautiful mind, what a smokin' hot combination!
Precious_b's Avatar
Don't forget the sterling BCD reputation, Hollywood
Hollywood101's Avatar
Don't forget the sterling BCD reputation, Hollywood Originally Posted by Precious_b
Well that, my fine sir, I have YET to discover...........
Hollywood101's Avatar
Ugh, realized after I pushed send that that sounded bitchy! Her reviews are wonderful. What I meant was to discover her for myself BCD, lol!

Ok, now back to the topic at hand, sorry for the minor derailment.
Precious_b's Avatar
I have discovered that.

And, No. You did not come off as bitchy whatsoever to my keyboard ears.
I have to agree with you pretty much across the board. I hate it when someone tells me I'm a Republican (I vote candidates not parties) or I need to watch something other than Fox (I watch MSNBC and CNN as much if not more) and stop listening to Rush (quit listening to him a many years ago). If I don't agree with someone that's their right, a right a lot of us serve/d to ensure and protect, however whenever I don't agree with them I'm being unreasonable. It really annoys the hell out of me. I think everyone on this site is at least a bit liberal or we wouldn't be here

And anytime you want a range buddy give me a call, it's my second favorite hobby
Mossman's Avatar
Wow, looks like I came late to this post. Have never met you and probably never will, but I have to say I love your thinking brain!

The only gun law I want is the one that says any law abiding citizen may openly carry the weapon of his or her choice and use it in appropriate circumstances.
Junior64's Avatar
CG4U is right on!!!! Country is fubar and we all sit around and look in shock that it is. We keep electing these low life's who are supposed represent us. All they represent is their checkbook and who can deposit the most in it for the vote a lobbyist needs! No more lobbyist to start with!!!!!!!!
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 03-02-2013, 12:01 AM
The real definition of gun control...
Wait for it...

A Good Steady Aim!

They can try! But if the people refuse they can't do shit! They can do what we let them.