Do you think that the American politicians are concerned about the ebola situation?

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-04-2014, 06:19 PM
My view is that you are more likely to get hit by lightening than catching Ebola.

LexusLiar's point is to blame Ebola on Obama.

So even though we both have a point....LexusLiar's point is as idiotic as his constant crying about 'Death Panels'.

Lastly is you do not want your topic pissed on....may I suggest not posting it in this shithole.

Originally Posted by WTF
Please explain what you just learned from WTF's post?

Here's what I learned ... he argues with himself .. by ...

fabricating what the other person says, and then answering it.
Originally Posted by LexusLover
Below is your first post in this thread...

Yes ...

government employees .. NO. Originally Posted by LexusLover
How far did SARS get?

People should be more concerned with getting hit by lightening.

Originally Posted by WTF
Here is when you ask someone what my post meant, it is easy to digest. You try and blame Obama for Ebola and I say correctly that you have a better chance of getting hit by lightening. No fabrication just facts.
Elisabeth, I was impressed it went to 18 posts before BigTex decided to take off track. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
LexiLiar had this thread drifting "off track" twice, a full 24 hours prior to me coming on the scene.

Hell, I was just trying to play catch up!
Yes ...

government employees .. NO. Originally Posted by LexusLover

Change your diet, then. Originally Posted by LexusLover
See what I mean!
Stupidity is one of the most deadly and widespread diseases known to mankind, but no one's in a hurry to find a cure for that. Pisses me off. LOL

I was treated to a monologue (since being able to respond would have made it a conversation) by someone who doesn't watch the news and has never had any interest in politics or it's dealings until she started boning a conspiracy theorist.

I was told that this was the beginning of the end, that the government plans to control the population with an Ebola outbreak. I was, dare I say, 'enlightened' about how there's a cure for AIDS and other plots of the entrusted. I was asked to forfeit a gun to aid in their escape to the wilderness of East Texas once martial law goes into affect. The one thing that saddens me is while I'm being asked for resources, I was never once invited to come with them to escape the Zombie Apocalypse that will be the Ebola outbreak in the US.

As a political and history buff, I know that our government is not without its agendas. But stupidity doesn't help any situation.
LexusLover's Avatar
You try and blame Obama for Ebola and I say correctly that you have a better chance of getting hit by lightening. No fabrication just facts. Originally Posted by WTF
Actually, Little Boy, you create the fictitious argument and then post some ludicrous counter argument in an effort to appear intellectually superior.

No wonder you voted for Obaminable TWICE!!!!

Now, Little Boy, since you can't post how much taxes my parents paid (so you can boast yours pays more), now find the LINK and provide it in which I posted saying .... I "blame Obama for Ebola"!!!!!

Just save yourself some time, and the Board some bandwidth, and admit, Little Boy, you are a Lying Sack of Shit and a Mental Midget, who is one notch above BigTitsLiarStalker, who can't stay on topic either.
who can't stay on topic either. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Brought to you by the very same hypocritical LLIdiot who complains about others not being able to stay on topic but he gave us the following two posts in the first 6 posts of this thread.

Yes ...

government employees .. NO. Originally Posted by LexusLover

Change your diet, then. Originally Posted by LexusLover
LLIdiot wouldn't hijack a thread. No way, now how!
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Please explain what you just learned from WTF's post?

Here's what I learned ... he argues with himself .. by ...

fabricating what the other person says, and then answering it.


LL Originally Posted by LexusLover
Although I may be in the minority, I'm not a WTF hater. There have been times when he has written an argument and made complete sense. As far as this topic goes, well, you're in a pissing match of sorts.

When a couple of posters start to have a back and forth, I tend to gloss over that while reading a topic. Especially if I don't have to referee in any fashion.

So I don't have an answer to your question. I don't believe that he's taught me anything during this topic but in the past? Sure.

Stupidity is one of the most deadly and widespread diseases known to mankind, but no one's in a hurry to find a cure for that. Pisses me off. LOL

I was treated to a monologue (since being able to respond would have made it a conversation) by someone who doesn't watch the news and has never had any interest in politics or it's dealings until she started boning a conspiracy theorist.

I was told that this was the beginning of the end, that the government plans to control the population with an Ebola outbreak. I was, dare I say, 'enlightened' about how there's a cure for AIDS and other plots of the entrusted. I was asked to forfeit a gun to aid in their escape to the wilderness of East Texas once martial law goes into affect. The one thing that saddens me is while I'm being asked for resources, I was never once invited to come with them to escape the Zombie Apocalypse that will be the Ebola outbreak in the US.

As a political and history buff, I know that our government is not without its agendas. But stupidity doesn't help any situation. Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
Well, I've known people who have that type of thinking. So what are your opinions with regard to the ebola situation going on now?

I've often wondered WHY the CDC actually has a zombie apocalypse section. Never knew if it was a joke or what. Government agencies making jokes on federal websites has always struck me as odd.

Brought to you by the very same hypocritical LLIdiot who complains about others not being able to stay on topic but he gave us the following two posts in the first 6 posts of this thread.

LLIdiot wouldn't hijack a thread. No way, now how! Originally Posted by bigtex
Well, at least it's been a relatively interesting exchange.

Happy Tuesday!

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-05-2014, 07:01 AM

No wonder you voted for Obaminable TWICE!!!!

. Originally Posted by LexusLover
You have no factual basis for saying is pure speculation on your part.

Now, Little Boy, since you can't post how much taxes my parents paid (so you can boast yours pays more), Originally Posted by LexusLover
Speculation , just as you do. But I'd put money on it.

now find the LINK and provide it in which I posted saying .... I "blame Obama for Ebola"!!!!!

. Originally Posted by LexusLover
In a thread asking about Ebola, you post this below. A picture of Obama! What a wordsmith you are LexusLiar.

No different than the GWB admin always talking about 9/11 and Saddam's WMD's to imply there was a connection.

Yes ...

government employees .. NO. Originally Posted by LexusLover
LexusLover's Avatar
In a thread asking about Ebola, you post ... A picture of Obama! Originally Posted by WTF
Little Boy, and from that your feeble mind draws the conclusion that ...

"I "blame Obama for Ebola" ...................

I doubt the World, outside of your LITTLE WORLD, really gives a rat's ass about your opinion on anything, but if anyone out there thought it was worth two cents, your feeble attempt at logic would probably take the two pennies off the table.

I'm actually glad you posted that unbelievable bullshit ... for anyone who gives a shit to see.

Please excuse yourself from any further embarrassment.

Go wash golf balls, so you practice cleaning on BigTitsLiarStakler's balls.
boardman's Avatar
Stupidity is one of the most deadly and widespread diseases known to mankind, but no one's in a hurry to find a cure for that. Pisses me off. LOL
Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
Actually we encourage stupidity and it's reproduction by putting warning labels on everything. A good dose of Darwinism would straighten things out in just a couple of generations.
LexusLover's Avatar
I think George Carlin had Darwin in mind when he suggested parents should not stop their children from eating marbles.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-05-2014, 10:16 PM
I think George Carlin had Darwin in mind when he suggested parents should not stop their children from eating marbles. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Sounds like your parent took his advice.