Teddy Roosevelt nailed it!!!!

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
RINO. Theodore Roosevelt wanted an income tax and an inheritance tax.

There was only one great Republican president during this era, Calvin Coolidge. He cut regulation, lowered taxes AND the national debt, opposed farm subsidies, avoided foreign entanglements, and strongly supported civil rights for blacks and Indians. When he cut taxes on people making over $100,000 per year ($1.5 million/year in todays dollars) from 73% to 24%, tax receipts from that group increased from $210 million to $650 million.

Wise man, that Calvin Coolidge. If only we were so lucky today to have a man like him as president.

Admittedly though, ideally he would have favored bank regulation more strongly. Originally Posted by Tiny
that he did. but he failed to overturn Wilson's racist order of removing blacks from federal civil service.
Ripmany's Avatar
So he was first fucker president.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
that he did. but he failed to overturn Wilson's racist order of removing blacks from federal civil service. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
this didn't stop until FDR did it.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
So he was first fucker president. Originally Posted by Ripmany