Video Camera in Incall

  • !VI!
  • 11-12-2014, 10:58 PM
Everyone has to go through basic training. I will give her that much. Women didn't train with the men when I was drafted. I heard that recruits have cards they can hold up to a Drill Instructor. It's like a time out card, "I've reached my limit". The DI has to allow them like ten minutes. When I was in they would have beat the shit out of you.

If you screwed up, they made you a sheep dog. The sheep dog would run behind the formation. When someone else screwed up, they would halt the formation. The DI would yell, "sheep dog ho". The sheep dog would have to get on all fours and bear crawl to who ever the DI was pointing at and bite him on the ass. He better have really bit him. It wasn't unusual for the DI to make whoever got bitten to drop his pants. That person then became the sheep dog. You could become a sheep dog for as little as making eye contact with a DI. All this fun for $76 a month. Originally Posted by OldLRRP
so at this point i'm trying to figure out the actual purpose of this thread.

i'm not even going to waste my time trying to talk to you via PM because you re the keyboard king here.

1. you are not as brave as you talk online so lets end that rant there

2. you and your weak agendas are getting boring now, you know how to play and cater to trolls again on a online community

3. i may s well call you out now, mother fucker you know nothing about me... litterally NOTHING it's all assumption and troll... so the fact that you seem to be talking about my RW info is just annoying. So unless you are going to put up, shut up just that simple...

4. you guys really don't seem to get that most of the bitching you do online makes you look more like the catty bitches you keep calling everyone else...

you specifically post more oten then damn near any other person at an average of 7 posts a day and you only joined 3 months ago today??? there is no way you can tell me this is your first and only account... ijs at this point i'm going to call you out on all your BS

5. I want you to tell me something you ACTUALLY KNOW ABOUT ME, something that you can prove with physical evidence ... which you wouldn't have seeing as you don't know me? pretty damn sure you've never been near the base, you have never seen my CAC card, or for that matter even know it's there. But you seem to talk more shit about me... someone you know nothing about then people who have actually meet me and gotten on my bad side.... not gonna lie i dream of crossing paths with you so i can shut this train down because talk is very cheap and you do it way too often.

6. finally ... guys it's not the fucking complex, the only thing most of you know how to do on a computer is type ... ijs CISCO certification isn't that complicated lol, but the only way most people will know that is by knowing me then the gravy train rolls from there...

HERE IS THE BOTTOM LINE: Very few of you people know anything more then my real name.... because i didn't know about stage names when i started or cared for that reason, but at end of day you dumb asses post like you sleep in my bed with me and it people seem to listen like it should hold weight... look thru the their posts... at the end of the day this entire troll thread was a stupid attempt to attack, and i verified it lol so again haters gonna hate

if you come to me with bullshit I AM NOT THN i won't hesitate to incapacitate you because i could care less a bout your existance the minuite you try to fight me you forfeit your right to move forward. but if you re like MOST FUCKING PEOPLE WHO SEE ME REGULARLY you know i'm not a bad person, i'm honest about everything i do because i don't care bout their opinions!

so to THE OP challenge time put up or shut up
daddyo67's Avatar
Damn Wulf! all I know is I sure would like to fuck you!
  • !VI!
  • 11-12-2014, 11:32 PM
Damn Wulf! all I know is I sure would like to fuck you! Originally Posted by daddyo67
ROFL as long as you do it right we will both leave happy! lol

it's not about all this dram bullshit, it's "hey you want to see me?" "and once door closes the reality comes in "hey lets fuck" lol period leave your ego and pants at door lol, HELL i'll SUCK your dick at the door if i was horny enough lol

but that's just me being real
  • !VI!
  • 11-12-2014, 11:35 PM
i went to one recently ...

there are at least 3 camera's at entrance and there is a two way mirror at the one i went to (you can tell because o the small space in one of the corners, didn't really care still had sexy with an asian chick who was very confused... but it was fun lol
Well Wulfie, to answer your question #5, you really like to rant and rave. But, I bet make-up sex with you after an argument is smoking hot!
  • !VI!
  • 11-13-2014, 12:05 AM
Well Wulfie, to answer your question #5, you really like to rant and rave. But, I bet make-up sex with you after an argument is smoking hot! Originally Posted by cinnamonshark

lol actually make up sex with me doesn't happen, i'm the type to bar you from my vagina the moment you have pissed me off, even if you are in it at the time.
lol actually make up sex with me doesn't happen, i'm the type to bar you from my vagina the moment you have pissed me off, even if you are in it at the time. Originally Posted by Wulf_Princess
And there you have it folks, straight from the horse's mouth. Sorry to hijack. Meanwhile, back to the topic of the thread.....
  • !VI!
  • 11-13-2014, 12:31 AM
And there you have it folks, straight from the horse's mouth. Sorry to hijack. Meanwhile, back to the topic of the thread..... Originally Posted by cinnamonshark

lol "hijack" it's not like i or you said anything new
broes's Avatar
  • broes
  • 11-13-2014, 01:45 AM
lol actually make up sex with me doesn't happen, i'm the type to bar you from my vagina the moment you have pissed me off, even if you are in it at the time. Originally Posted by Wulf_Princess
I keep reading that you have a dirty incall but I don't believe anything I read on here. If it is as messy as people have said would you be down with a clean and go? I come over, you start cleaning, and I jerkoff while you do so? I can nut on any hardwood or linoleum surface that you point me to. I wouldn't want to bust on your carpet and catch some ninja throwing star to the neck.
  • EZ.
  • 11-13-2014, 01:58 AM
so at this point i'm trying to figure out the actual purpose of this thread.

i'm not even going to waste my time trying to talk to you via PM because you re the keyboard king here.

1. you are not as brave as you talk online so lets end that rant there

2. you and your weak agendas are getting boring now, you know how to play and cater to trolls again on a online community

3. i may s well call you out now, mother fucker you know nothing about me... litterally NOTHING it's all assumption and troll... so the fact that you seem to be talking about my RW info is just annoying. So unless you are going to put up, shut up just that simple...

4. you guys really don't seem to get that most of the bitching you do online makes you look more like the catty bitches you keep calling everyone else...

you specifically post more oten then damn near any other person at an average of 7 posts a day and you only joined 3 months ago today??? there is no way you can tell me this is your first and only account... ijs at this point i'm going to call you out on all your BS

5. I want you to tell me something you ACTUALLY KNOW ABOUT ME, something that you can prove with physical evidence ... which you wouldn't have seeing as you don't know me? pretty damn sure you've never been near the base, you have never seen my CAC card, or for that matter even know it's there. But you seem to talk more shit about me... someone you know nothing about then people who have actually meet me and gotten on my bad side.... not gonna lie i dream of crossing paths with you so i can shut this train down because talk is very cheap and you do it way too often.

6. finally ... guys it's not the fucking complex, the only thing most of you know how to do on a computer is type ... ijs CISCO certification isn't that complicated lol, but the only way most people will know that is by knowing me then the gravy train rolls from there...

HERE IS THE BOTTOM LINE: Very few of you people know anything more then my real name.... because i didn't know about stage names when i started or cared for that reason, but at end of day you dumb asses post like you sleep in my bed with me and it people seem to listen like it should hold weight... look thru the their posts... at the end of the day this entire troll thread was a stupid attempt to attack, and i verified it lol so again haters gonna hate

if you come to me with bullshit I AM NOT THN i won't hesitate to incapacitate you because i could care less a bout your existance the minuite you try to fight me you forfeit your right to move forward. but if you re like MOST FUCKING PEOPLE WHO SEE ME REGULARLY you know i'm not a bad person, i'm honest about everything i do because i don't care bout their opinions!

so to THE OP challenge time put up or shut up Originally Posted by Wulf_Princess
We know about you because you chose to air your dirty laundry on here. Then there are the negative reviews on a site that rarely gives them.

Girl, you have the nerve to question me? How many rows of ribbons on your uniform? How about jump wings? Combat Infantryman's Badge? Ranger Scroll? Recondo Patch? What do they give computer geeks? ...a gold mouse?

Within a year maybe who knows? They are going to plant my ass. Yes, I have a lot of time on my hands but I'm going to see as many fine looking girls as long as I'm able.
  • !VI!
  • 11-13-2014, 02:01 AM
you know damn well i scare you

and i have like 4 full body manikins because after a year i'm finally done making 11 costumes lol

i will be moving out frm my current locaton soon tho, because i just hate the complex, so i will have a clean incall until febuary when con season starts again lol and we have to clean to get the deposit back lol funny enough worse mess is on the balcony with all that paint

I keep reading that you have a dirty incall but I don't believe anything I read on here. If it is as messy as people have said would you be down with a clean and go? I come over, you start cleaning, and I jerkoff while you do so? I can nut on any hardwood or linoleum surface that you point me to. I wouldn't want to bust on your carpet and catch some ninja throwing star to the neck. Originally Posted by broes
  • !VI!
  • 11-13-2014, 02:10 AM
We know about you because you chose to air your dirty laundry on here. Then there are the negative reviews on a site that rarely gives them.

Girl, you have the nerve to question me? How many rows of ribbons on your uniform? How about jump wings? Combat Infantryman's Badge? Ranger Scroll? Recondo Patch? What do they give computer geeks? ...a gold mouse?

Within a year maybe who knows? They are going to plant my ass. Yes, I have a lot of time on my hands but I'm going to see as many fine looking girls as long as I'm able. Originally Posted by OldLRRP

If you are really my superior i would be ashamed that you even own a computer, so yes I QUESTION YOU! i'm not a coward hiding behind a screen and talking

i may not be a full-timer but i've done my afghan tour and at moment discussing egyptian swap out, so yea fuck you lol. to be far it's not you specifically it's you and your clique

you do seem like a legit guy, but the way you run your mouth you can't be in my shoes, or you would understand why i am not afraid to fight
broes's Avatar
  • broes
  • 11-13-2014, 02:23 AM
you know damn well i scare you

and i have like 4 full body manikins because after a year i'm finally done making 11 costumes lol

i will be moving out frm my current locaton soon tho, because i just hate the complex, so i will have a clean incall until febuary when con season starts again lol and we have to clean to get the deposit back lol funny enough worse mess is on the balcony with all that paint Originally Posted by Wulf_Princess
Oh, absolutely. You scare the shit out of me. That's why I enjoy your posts. But I'm not trying to come over and fuck you in front of the huskies and leave with one less arm or a blow gun dart in my neck. I need some insurance, beeeeyotch.
  • !VI!
  • 11-13-2014, 08:57 AM
Oh, absolutely. You scare the shit out of me. That's why I enjoy your posts. But I'm not trying to come over and fuck you in front of the huskies and leave with one less arm or a blow gun dart in my neck. I need some insurance, beeeeyotch. Originally Posted by broes

lol how about just a spanking brah,

i even have insurence but i'm just a hooker lol
The service I managed videotaped everyone who walked thru the door. They'd walk in and give them the "test".

"Are you a member of law enforcement?"
"Are you connected with LE in any way , shape, or form?"
"Ok touch me here (vag)..."

Right there off DNT/SV. Plenty of Dallas mofos are on tape somewhere. Smiling and shit! Haahahahhaaaaaaaa