Addressing some issues...

Sensual Sophia's Avatar
Im suprised a certain individuel that thinks she runs the boards isnt in here throwing in her two cents like she always is.. Originally Posted by Venom
Um... isn't this the type of post we are trying to avoid? It's pot stirring. Not sure who Venom is referring to, but that comment is designed to be offensive and divisive.

Why can't we just at least try to be nice in a thread about being nice?

Can't we all bury the hatchet and start fresh?
rekcaSxT's Avatar
I think this is just people trying to get their last shots in. He probably wanted to say something during the preceding flame war, but didn't have the resolve to then.


But I got the alert in my email about his post and I know whose name he dropped. teehee...

LadiesFan's Avatar
But I got the alert in my email about his post and I know whose name he dropped. teehee...

Originally Posted by rekcaSxT
teehee? really man... teehee?
You just lost all street cred.

don't shoot, just yanking your chain

rekcaSxT's Avatar
teehee? really man... teehee?
You just lost all street cred.

don't shoot, just yanking your chain

LF Originally Posted by LadiesFan

yanking back
  • Logic
  • 02-24-2010, 12:56 AM
I wasnt trying to be offensive at all.. To anyone, i just didnt see the normal drama i normally see. Please forgive me if i offended anyone.

Whispers's Avatar
I wasnt trying to be offensive at all.. To anyone, i just didnt see the normal drama i normally see. Please forgive me if i offended anyone.

Thanks!! Originally Posted by Venom
I'm sorry but that's just so wrong.

Someone calling themselves "venom" should not be saying I wasnt trying to be offensive at all.. or Please forgive me if i offended anyone.

Many posts, but little of value to the members. Originally Posted by GneissGuy
True, but what may be valuable to one could be worthless to another....something about one man's trash being another man's treasure.

The great thing about boards, unlike real conversation, is that you can decline to not be a part of it by just leaving the thread if you don't find the comments meaningful.
I've no issue with unwritten rules. In previous lives, I found that documenting basic rules of conduct turned into mess when taking action on stupidity that wasn't specificly called out and documented. Yes, litigation can occur here in our own community. If people simply operate with respect (does not mean agreement) to each other, the rules needn't be delineated. If one wonders if what they just typed is respectful or not, it probably isn't. There is a backspace key for a reason, use it. I haven't yet achieved the Jedi level that provides the ability to slam someone so eloquently that they thank me for it, but I know I can tell one to go to hell in a way that doesn't offend everybody reading the thread. Is it really that hard? Do we really need to define all the ways one can be an asshole? I like Harley's ad campaign "Screw it, Let's Ride.", let's take LAP's advice and say "Fuck it, let's Screw!"
This post is not directed to the so called "Trolls" and "Trollettes", but rather the Austin Adorables and Out town Hotties that are weary from all the banter.

I know that allot of venom has been spewed on the boards as of late. I am sure this crap is starting to paint a negative picture on the Austin scene. I am also afraid it has kept allot of our local talent as well as out of towners from posting Ads and/or posting comments in the COED for fear of attacks or feeling they don’t want to get messed up in all the drama.

I want to let you lovely ladies know that there are allot of us guys here in the ATX that do not buy into all this banter and just want to have good clean "drama free" fun! So post away! Let’s have some fun! Lord knows I need some : )

Sure, I love a good spirited debate, and value and respect many of the so called "Trolls" and "Trollettes" posting. But, when it damages our rep and "Austin appeal" It is bad for both Hobbyist and Providers alike.

Remember ladies and gents, most of us have enough drama in our civie life and come here to get away from it all. Let’s have some fun and safe Hobbying!!!!

Here’s some sound advice, that I’ve learned over the last two years.

- Vote with your wallets
- Make the money, don’t let the money make you!

Happy Hobbying!……. Java out
  • Logic
  • 02-25-2010, 04:57 PM
Someone calling themselves "venom" should not be saying I wasnt trying to be offensive at all.. or Please forgive me if i offended anyone. Originally Posted by Whispers
That Name Venom...Is what i call myself in call of duty 4?? I just carried it here. You over analyze things way to much. Would it make you feel better if i called myself Teddy Bear?? Could one of the Mods please help me change my name to Teddy Bear, that way Whispers will feel better.

Good Day!!
That Name Venom...Is what i call myself in call of duty 4?? I just carried it here. You over analyze things way to much. Would it make you feel better if i called myself Teddy Bear?? Could one of the Mods please help me change my name to Teddy Bear, that way Whispers will feel better.

Good Day!! Originally Posted by Venom
I think "Cream Puff" or "Muffin" is a bad ass Call of Duty 4 name.
Whispers's Avatar
sheesh.... i was only kidding... sensitive, the gamer is
swwaustin's Avatar
I think "Cream Puff" or "Muffin" is a bad ass Call of Duty 4 name. Originally Posted by TheCandyMan
I shit you not, I had a drill sergeant named Muffin. He called me Candy Ass, I think it was a term of endearment. He was sweet, I miss him.
Dagny D.E.W.'s Avatar
This post is not directed to the so called "Trolls" and "Trollettes", but rather the Austin Adorables and Out town Hotties that are weary from all the banter.

I know that allot of venom has been spewed on the boards as of late. I am sure this crap is starting to paint a negative picture on the Austin scene. I am also afraid it has kept allot of our local talent as well as out of towners from posting Ads and/or posting comments in the COED for fear of attacks or feeling they don’t want to get messed up in all the drama.. Java out Originally Posted by CupOfJava
I'm not sure I follow all of what has gone on but I D.E.W. know that I had over 2000 posts on aspd and here I pretty much just have been reading the ladies area only. So much was rude, crude and just not fun to read that it didn't take long for me to just quit looking in other sections.

I mean if I know how it works and have a pretty tough skin but not willing to go thru all that blather I can see lots of new ladies who wouldn't bother either. Guys I'm sure you would rather have ladies join in the conversation so that you can get a feel for them before calling. Isn't that the point?

So thanks Mods, for watching over things here.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Holy chit! Are people misbehaving already? Glad I didn't pick DOUCHEBAG for my handle!