I am Just Stating the Facts.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
AssUP the Village Troll; doesn't understand the meaning of the operative words "would" and "if"...

Try to convince us that Obama wouldn't sign into law an increase in the gas tax.....we know he wants passage of a carbon tax...intelligent people know Obama wouldn't oppose gasoline excise tax legislation that is currently being discussed on Capitol Hill.

Obama's carbon tax will increase fossil fuel prices. FACT JACK....Obama favors increasomg taxes on working Americans. But AssUp the Village Troll thinks otherwise !

http://thehill.com/policy/energy-env...r-gas-tax-hike Originally Posted by Whirlaway
FACT JACK Whir-LIE-turd, the Spinning Shithead, doesn't know the meaning of the absolute words: "is" and "lie."

No wonder you shit yourself every time you read an op-Ed. When something becomes REAL then it's real. Otherwise, you're just jerking off.

As long as you deal only in hypothesis, why not accept that your bullshit is without credibility and basis in fact. Intelligent posters know that you are utterly full of shit, deliberately misread, mistreat and mislead.

Once, your spamming posts were ignored. Life was easy. Nobody challenged your lies. But things changed and you didn't like it, did you, Whir-LIE-turd?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You never challenge anything, AssupLiar, except maybe the orderlies who try and fail to keep you off the computer in the nurse's station. You just rant, scream "LIAR" without support, then call anyone who challenges you a "faggot". You're a failure, Assup, at everything, except being a Dipshit.