carters time bout up

... We Australians surely 'ave a saying:

"If they could just stay little - until their Carters wear out."

### Salty
VitaMan's Avatar
If you can identify the saying "give 'em the whole 9 yards" without looking it up, you get a free pass to the peanut bar.
VitaMan's Avatar
I don't recall Jimmy Carter pulling any of the stunts Mr. Trump has since he left the White House.

Through his efforts after the presidency, Mr. Carter actually tried to make America great again.

Mr. Trump ? Just continues to try and make himself great again. The weekend Waco rally case in point.
It's called mutual respect for a fellow human being. Of course Biden would be honored. Respect is not in the gop mtg leader mega world. Smart Americans know that the gop parties are really fucked up
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
billy carter. dead. jimmy carter. not dead yet.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
jimmy carter. not dead yet. but enjoying ice cream. is he really Biden???


Jimmy Carter, 3 months into hospice, is aware of tributes, enjoying ice cream
winn dixie's Avatar
SNICK Carter be milking it
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
SNICK Carter be milking it Originally Posted by winn dixie

da rascal be free oh my!

welcome back

James Earl Carter October 1, 1924 - ????

moral man. bad president.
winn dixie's Avatar
Reports indicate Carter may be close
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Reports indicate Carter may be close Originally Posted by winn dixie

i for one will mourn his eventual passing. a bad president, a good man.
winn dixie's Avatar
Carter is clinging to life like Hyman Roth!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
jimmy carter. still alive at 99

good man. bad president. what would he do today in the middle east? well he did more for middle east peace than just about any US president including Donald Trump. who did more than most.

as we all remember this "arab betrayal" for peace cost Anwar Sadat his life.

it was the right thing to do. and he paid for it. the hard way.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
i for one will mourn his eventual passing. a bad president, a good man. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
and yet he blessed hugo chavez election.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Carter is clinging to life like Hyman Roth! Originally Posted by winn dixie
who the eff is hyman roth?
winn dixie's Avatar
who the eff is hyman roth? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
He was an investor living on a pension fund.