SL stop ...

Still Looking's Avatar
Lmfao, so I finally made to a certain persons shit list. Boring Originally Posted by FirePhoenix
I guess you don't realize how popular you really are on here! You're on lots of lists!
Kit-4-Kat's Avatar
... Time for me to go to bed before this drivel floods my head.

Grow up!! ALL OF YOU!

& go read that "Everything I need to know I learned in kindergarten" poem...

PRESCHOOLERS: Ask your MOMMY to read it for you, mmm-kay?


Happy Holidays will be HAPPIER away from eccie.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 12-01-2015, 11:36 AM
... Time for me to go to bed before this drivel floods my head.

Grow up!! ALL OF YOU!

& go read that "Everything I need to know I learned in kindergarten" poem...

PRESCHOOLERS: Ask your MOMMY to read it for you, mmm-kay?


Happy Holidays will be HAPPIER away from eccie. Originally Posted by Kit-4-Kat
Many of them HAVE grown up--and are now on the decline into senility. A few are very far along that downward slope.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
Many of them HAVE grown up--and are now on the decline into senility. A few are very far along that downward slope. Originally Posted by Old-T
inspector farquar's Avatar
So history repeats itself I see...
inspector farquar's Avatar
For the love of god, stop having a breakdown or whatever this is. spamming coed does not become you sir. Either that or get back on your meds and not the little blue ones... Originally Posted by budman33
"Spamming"? SL? Really? He does that?

Wow. I just read a thread where he accused another of some such behavior. Pot kettle black?