New ‘Medicare for All’ Bill Would Kick 181 Million Off Private Insurance

To repeat, I am not hung up on Obamacare. It has had no impact on my life either positive or negative. If Congress can agree on a more suitable health care plan that is superior to Obamacare, I would support repeal and replace. As of yet there is nothing proposed that is close to being better so we live with what we have, which I believe is better than repealing Obamacare without replacement. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
I guess with your logic if you put mustard, ketchup or mayonnaise on a shit sandwich it will be more palatable...
Which condiment do you prefer??
To repeat, I am not hung up on Obamacare. It has had no impact on my life either positive or negative. If Congress can agree on a more suitable health care plan that is superior to Obamacare, I would support repeal and replace. As of yet there is nothing proposed that is close to being better so we live with what we have, which I believe is better than repealing Obamacare without replacement. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
I'm not concerned if you are hung up on Obamacare or not.

The OP is about replacing private insurance of 181 million with "Medicare for all".

As I noted, Obama, as well as many others on the left, had alluded to and even post passage stated that it was the conduit to get to single payer government run healthcare. There is no doubt about that.

It didn't luckily become deeply rooted enough and has been sufficiently gutted to have lost it's ability to force that takeover by the government of the industry.

As such, you now have even the left railing against it and demanding the Medicare for all replacement.
Great post, bud. Five stars!!!!!

Pack your bags. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Your obsession with packing bags...more of you BS!!
You are the narcissist with giving yourself 5 stars and giving ++ to you own posts...your the one that needs to pack you bags to that utopian society you dream of.
The crazy statements of yours...just two I have several more.
Why should we care about what congress thinks.
This next one definitely deserves 5 stars...
You said I was trying to sabotage you with good news!!
That there was comedy GOLD.
You need to PACK YOUR BAGS and head out into the sunset.
Liberalism is a gutless choice.
Make shit up???? I said the AHCA did not make it to the Senate floor for a vote. FACT. Yes, 3 senators broke ranks and would have voted against the AHCA. FACT. Three is several -- definition of "several" is "more than two but not many". FACT. And we all know who the 3 senators were who planned to vote against the AHCA. That was never in doubt.

Yes, we all know you don't think the government should be involved in health care. That is an OPINION that is not supported by the majority of the people in this country.

"Most continue to say ensuring health care coverage is government’s responsibility

Six-in-ten Americans say it is the federal government’s responsibility to make sure all Americans have health care coverage, including 31% who support a “single payer” approach to health insurance, according to a new national survey by Pew Research Center."

I provided 2 links from 3rd parties stating Obamacare was NOT socialism. You can choose to believe them or not.

I never objected to Obamacare because it didn't impact me negatively in any way, either before I retired or after I retired.

And, for whatever reason, you have not responded to my question posed in a different thread:

So you are completely against giving people any form of government assistance such as medicaid, TANF, CHIPS, SNAP, EITC, Supplemental Security Income, and housing assistance, which are welfare programs in the U.S.? Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
McCain and two RINO's what a mandate...this originally passed with no support from the think that was what the majority of the Americans wanted. This thing is a complete disaster and you cheer it on. Come to find out it was all based on complete lies.

It is nice you said it didn't impact you one way or the other so you didn't object to it...but screw the millions like myself that are paying up to 60% more and getting less...GOTCHA!!
You don't feel that forcing someone to buy health insurance isn't a form of socialism...then why does the Gumment FORCE this upon ANYONE. Please explain that.

All the programs that you mentioned are ripe with inefficiency, out of control spending, fraud and going broke...yeah their great.

The DEMS got this unACA passed and now people want something for nothing...whatever happend to self-reliance?? This was the Liberal plan all along...the more people dependent on the Gumment the better. Why just stop at healthcare...hell now these socialist want a "living wage" for everyone open borders with healthcare for the illegals. This impeachment nonsense shows exactly what the DEMS are made of...NOTHING.

This push towards free healthcare for all can't be sustainable with a multi-trillion dollar price tag. Several states have tried this and it was another socialist failure.

The good thing about the far left dream is that it is going to get them crushed in 2020 and rightfully so. Speed you never told me why the word socialism is "name calling"...HUMMMM??
You sound like one of those sanctimonious souls that would have no problem bankrupting us with your compassion.
As I said before liberalism is a gutless choice.
Oh oh - get off my fucking back.......meltdown in 10...9....8...

Then pound the RTM button, like you always do, oeb11, but get off my fucking back.

Your provocative speech and name calling adds nothing to any debate. Developing your own lexicon, thereby branding your hatred, doesn’t make for a “cogent” or productive debate.

Shirley an educated man like yourself can see that.

Unless you just don’t give a fuck about the subject.

In which case, I suggest you post elsewhere.

This thread as about the OP claiming that Sanders’ proposed bill will turn 181 million voters to Trump.

I read it. Read the story. Called bullshit and explained my position. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You had me going for 5 whole minutes. Damn, I'm still chuckling.

Just checking on you Yssup. I was afraid you stroked out and fell on the keyboard. Originally Posted by eccielover
So if we go to medicare for all I don't think the millions and millions- did I say millions -of heath care professionals are going to be willing to take a pay cut. Trump just picked up more votes.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I guess with your logic if you put mustard, ketchup or mayonnaise on a shit sandwich it will be more palatable...
Which condiment do you prefer?? Originally Posted by bb1961
You supply this board with all the shit it needs. I'll pass.
Best, and probably the only sane comment from last night came from former Colorado governor John Hickenlooper (Hickenlooper and Buttplug - now there's your ticket!!) when he called the notion of taking away private insurance from millions "a disaster at the ballot box. You might as well Fed-Ex the election to Donald Trump." ..... well at least at the end of the debate you had Mr Bat Shit Crazy and Ms. Bat Shit Crazier hugging each other ..... at least that looked mighty cute .....
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
McCain and two RINO's what a mandate...this originally passed with no support from the think that was what the majority of the Americans wanted. This thing is a complete disaster and you cheer it on. Come to find out it was all based on complete lies.

It is nice you said it didn't impact you one way or the other so you didn't object to it...but screw the millions like myself that are paying up to 60% more and getting less...GOTCHA!!
You don't feel that forcing someone to buy health insurance isn't a form of socialism...then why does the Gumment FORCE this upon ANYONE. Please explain that.

All the programs that you mentioned are ripe with inefficiency, out of control spending, fraud and going broke...yeah their great.

The DEMS got this unACA passed and now people want something for nothing...whatever happend to self-reliance?? This was the Liberal plan all along...the more people dependent on the Gumment the better. Why just stop at healthcare...hell now these socialist want a "living wage" for everyone open borders with healthcare for the illegals. This impeachment nonsense shows exactly what the DEMS are made of...NOTHING.

This push towards free healthcare for all can't be sustainable with a multi-trillion dollar price tag. Several states have tried this and it was another socialist failure.

The good thing about the far left dream is that it is going to get them crushed in 2020 and rightfully so. Speed you never told me why the word socialism is "name calling"...HUMMMM??
You sound like one of those sanctimonious souls that would have no problem bankrupting us with your compassion.
As I said before liberalism is a gutless choice. Originally Posted by bb1961
I'm sorry Obamacare hurt you and others. AGAIN -- Republicans have had 8 years to come up with a healthcare plan superior to Obamacare. NOTHING YET!!

I am forced by the government to purchase insurance for my automobiles. Is THAT socialism?

So your answer to my question

So you are completely against giving people any form of government assistance such as medicaid, TANF, CHIPS, SNAP, EITC, Supplemental Security Income, and housing assistance, which are welfare programs in the U.S.?

is "All the programs that you mentioned are ripe with inefficiency, out of control spending, fraud and going broke...yeah their great."

Anything other than your opinion to back that statement up? You are long on opinions, short on facts. Hopefully you will never have someone who needs government assistance on a temporary basis. I have and that temporary assistance was a life-saver.

Calling someone a socialist, which you tend to call anyone whose political viewpoints differ from your viewpoints, is wrong. Especially when you are clueless as to the other person's political viewpoints.

So please -- go ahead and call others "gutless" and that all liberals want bankrupt the country. How little you know.
lustylad's Avatar
Do the math. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Yes yssup, why don't we do the math??

This is from the OP's blog link, which you didn't bother to read, let alone critique...

"Both the liberal Urban Institute and the conservative Mercatus Center projected that the earlier version of the Sanders’ plan would cost approximately $32 trillion over 10 years."

So lemme see... both left-wing and right-wing studies peg the cost of Medicare for All at $32 TRILLION over a decade, which works out to roughly $3.2 trillion a year...

For perspective, that sum is over 4x our current defense budget. It's 70% of what the federal govt currently spends on EVERYTHING (Social Security + healthcare + defense + all discretionary programs) so it would nearly DOUBLE the federal budget.

It's also 21x as costly as the 2017 Trump tax cuts, using CBO numbers for the latter... you remember those tax cuts? The ones the dimotards keep railing against as being fiscally reckless and irresponsible?

So according to simple math, which I pray you are capable of digesting, the dim's Medicare for All plan is fiscal recklessness and irresponsibity ON STEROIDS!!

And that doesn't even address the wrenching HUMAN cost of throwing 181 million people off their current private health insurance coverage.

But yes, it's always a good idea to "do the math", yssup!!
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
[QUOTE=eccielover;1061662331]I'm not concerned if you are hung up on Obamacare or not.

The OP is about replacing private insurance of 181 million with "Medicare for all".

As I noted, Obama, as well as many others on the left, had alluded to and even post passage stated that it was the conduit to get to single payer government run healthcare. There is no doubt about that.

It didn't luckily become deeply rooted enough and has been sufficiently gutted to have lost it's ability to force that takeover by the government of the industry.

As such, you now have even the left railing against it and demanding the Medicare for all replacement.[/QUOTE

I do not support Medicare for All. Got it??

What I have said is that only 2 of the 20+ candidates for the Democratic nomination for POTUS support Medicare for All.

There is a HUGE difference between "alluding to" something and taking action to get it done.

Now you can leap to the conclusion that the real goal of all the Democrats is moving from the ACA to Medicare for All but even if true, it won't happen.

As I keep saying -- Obamacare is far from perfect. Work to find something better. So far the Republicans have offered NOTHING.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Replacing a broken system is an imperative.

Haven't seen anything resembling a proposal from Trump or his bobbleheads.
lustylad's Avatar
Replacing a broken system is an imperative. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Go take a poll of those 181 million and ask how many think the current system is "broken".

Then out of the ones who say yes, ask whether they want the federal govt to "fix" it by abolishing their current private coverage.

Then come back and tell us what "the math" says, ok?
lustylad's Avatar
What I have said is that only 2 of the 20+ candidates for the Democratic nomination for POTUS support Medicare for All. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Do ya thinks their support of such a fiscally reckless and irresponsible idea is correlated to the fact that neither one of those two idiots ever took a course in economics?

Not sure about their math proficiency either....

But they both earned an "A" in Pandering 101!!