I ask all of my suitors to please Quit Feeding the Troll

Mojojo's Avatar
You are getting me all hot and bothered. I need to come see you when things settle down at work. Originally Posted by rekcaSxT
I hate you, you lucky bastard!

Angelina check your pm plz
rekcaSxT's Avatar
I hate you, you lucky bastard!

Angelina check your pm plz Originally Posted by mojojo213
Yeah, Angie and I are in LUST with each other....

tron's Avatar
  • tron
  • 02-21-2010, 10:13 AM
Now, off to recruit my ladies and gents to another board who will allow us to vote off this menace. Originally Posted by TaylorMaiden29
If you are about to retire anyway, why is this so important to you?
Kit-4-Kat's Avatar
Amen brothers & sisters who are for getting along even when that means agreeing to disagree. I always speak my mind whether it's popular to do so or not. Recently, I told another provider there were some ladies I felt were more detrimental to our community than Whispers. Personally, I agree w/ many of his points especially in regard to honesty in reviews.

There's a lot of half-ass providers out there who hustle the naive and inexperienced and even some of those fellas who should know better. The little head takes over, I realize, but sooner or later those hobbyists will realize they've been had and hopefully move on to some of the more worthy contenders. I haven't been feeling like part of the group for a while which is largely due to the sniping on the board. I don't like gameplayers & bullshitters. Fuck 'em. They can go elsewhere or if not, I'll just choose to pass up their posts. I'm just focusing on my own biz & personal life these days rather than letting the negativity here bum me out. Where's my community of unity? I sure hope the crew settles into a comfy camaraderie soon. I miss exchanging thoughts in an intellectual manner and having an opportunity to show that ladies can contribute more than "look at me" posts.

Why don't we all just quit posting to this & similar threads, eh? This is my last post on a negative BS thread.



You are an intelligent woman. It is wise to keep to yourself. Don't trust some of these women who will try and convince you of mistruths, perceptions and stereotypes. Some of them that see your success will attempt to tear you down. Those who give you a chance will try to initiate you into their clique, much like high school and college sorority hazing. Keep to yourself, and you will make megabucks like I have without the support of sisterhood. I now have a team working for me, a financial consultant and an accountant.

Kudos to you, girl. Whispers does make a lot of sense. I don't agree with every point he makes, but let's not rule out all of his points. As rekcaSxT knows, I am all about searching for the truth. I like you, Kat. Keep it up and you will do well. I am all about the positive energy and promoting good in the hobbying world.

Wishing you nothing but the best and financial success.



Amen brothers & sisters who are for getting along even when that means agreeing to disagree. I always speak my mind whether it's popular to do so or not. Recently, I told another provider there were some ladies I felt were more detrimental to our community than Whispers. Personally, I agree w/ many of his points especially in regard to honesty in reviews.

There's a lot of half-ass providers out there who hustle the naive and inexperienced and even some of those fellas who should know better. The little head takes over, I realize, but sooner or later those hobbyists will realize they've been had and hopefully move on to some of the more worthy contenders. I haven't been feeling like part of the group for a while which is largely due to the sniping on the board. I don't like gameplayers & bullshitters. Fuck 'em. They can go elsewhere or if not, I'll just choose to pass up their posts. I'm just focusing on my own biz & personal life these days rather than letting the negativity here bum me out. Where's my community of unity? I sure hope the crew settles into a comfy camaraderie soon. I miss exchanging thoughts in an intellectual manner and having an opportunity to show that ladies can contribute more than "look at me" posts.

Why don't we all just quit posting to this & similar threads, eh? This is my last post on a negative BS thread.


XOXOX Originally Posted by Kit-4-Kat
TaylorMaiden29's Avatar
I hope that the women who do not play fair, who like to crucify good hobbyists, who withhold references from fellow providers, who have WK's do their dirty work, who do not post honest pictures, who lie in their ads, who post trollish things trying call out trolls, who like to brand certain hobbyists for calling a provider on her bullshit, and all of the other trollish things a few of you are doing; I would hope those providers do go somewhere else.
Originally Posted by rekcaSxT
I understand this concern, but please believe me, the ladies police each other really well. It's true that the well established providers that you guys and desire keep a black book of girls that they would recommend and a blacklist of those who they wouldn't for the reasons you list above.............Network marketing is alive and flourishing. It's no secret why the girls who are friends tend to see the same gentlemen. This has been going on long before I became a provider and will continue after I'm gone.

Do we need bullies who don't even see the Indies or appear to even like the Indies do the police work? Really? He's already made his decision that he doesn't like us. All I'm saying is that I don't even want to read these boards anymore and do so less and less. The Ladies Info share, although can be a battleground too, has many women participating. We don't have one voice dominating every single topic in every single thread.

by angelina adams
Well, count me out of the Austin ladies forum/powder room/infoshare. I have never felt welcomed there by a small sect of women who are "popular" there. Even when I tried to post intellectual, truthful intel in that forum only to be attacked on two specific occasions back during the ASPD days by some women, not all women.
AA, I don't recall the details of the alert from aspd so I'm not sure which girls you had issues with. I know that it must have hurt your feelings quite a bit to not feel validated so I can see why you would feel animosity. I, also, have detractors, both gentlemen and ladies who poke at me from time to time. You can't win em all, eh?

But I do know this, rarely are any attacks personally. I learned this in "The Four Agreements" a short and easy to read book by Don Miguel Ruiz. In fact, this book says to take nothing personally, not even compliments as every opinion is really just a reflection of the person giving it. Sometimes the opinion is a reflection of what the person is fearing is true, like when I was accused of skewing the market by playing a Dominatrix from time to time.

I also know that the Ladies Info share has a lot of valuable information and support for each other. Like when I was questioning Maggie Sinead, a new comer whose personality is so big that her presence took me aback and gave me pause. Other ladies heard my concern, met with her (which meant I didn't have to) and now sing her praises!

You also know the rest of what I think might be going on......but perhaps a few calculated referrals to some of the ladies you do value on the board and a meditation session on tolerance and I think you'll be accepted by most (can't please everybody) if that's what you really want.

by txsacker

So all the female trolls, keep opening your big mouths and showing your true colors. It is really helping us guys out with our research.
Are you saying that I'm a troll? I don't hijack threads!!! Did you even read the definition of troll? Is that a picture of me? Shrek and Ms. Shrek aren't trolls, they are OGRES. HELLLLLLOOOOOOOO. And didn't I black list you way back in the aspd days for publicly announcing my private special, emailed directly to each chosen hobbiest, because of the exclusivity of it? Was that you who was behind the hurt emails I received from some of the gents who didn't receive the email special? You didn't cripple me, but you definitely put me in an uncomfortable situation that I had to remedy. And you apologized and apologized because you still really wanted to see me. Now, since I never gave you the green light to see me, you accuse me of being a troll? You have never contributed to my life (my choice, not yours) and now you accuse me of being a troll.

You are on several black lists for DIFFERENT reasons! You were blacklisted by some BEFORE our incident so don't go giving me any credit for that.

So this forum has become a legion of black listed trolls?

[quote] by Kat

Why don't we all just quit posting to this & similar threads, eh? This is my last post on a negative BS thread. [/qoute]

I agree, this thread did turn into bullshit. My last post too.
TaylorMaiden29's Avatar
If you are about to retire anyway, why is this so important to you? Originally Posted by tron
I care because October is months away and I still want to be active on a friendly board until I go, of course.

And THIS is my last contribution to this thread.
rekcaSxT's Avatar

No it wasn't because you didn't give me a "green light". It was because I started to see more and more that you were a troll yourself, and use WK's to do your bidding. I did want to see you at one time, but I became less and less interested as time went by.

I am sure I am on some DNS lists. I am sure they are women I wouldn't see anyway. I am guessing there are a lot of lies going around about me. When someone rubs a provider the wrong way with their online persona, you girls make up all kinds of shit about them.

I can only imagine why I am on any one's DNS list. I wouldn't think it is because I bring a nice bottle of wine or liquor as a gift to EVERY girl. I don't think it is because I write GOOD well worded reviews. I don't think it is because I NEVER short change a woman. I don't think it is because I am respectful and well behaved in my sessions.

So I can't really figure out why I would be on a DNS list, other than some woman doesn't agree with something I say, and makes shit up about me.
rekcaSxT's Avatar
And yes I know Shreck and Princess Fiona were Ogres. It was the image that popped up in my head.
rekcaSxT's Avatar
Amen brothers & sisters who are for getting along even when that means agreeing to disagree. I always speak my mind whether it's popular to do so or not. Recently, I told another provider there were some ladies I felt were more detrimental to our community than Whispers. Personally, I agree w/ many of his points especially in regard to honesty in reviews.

There's a lot of half-ass providers out there who hustle the naive and inexperienced and even some of those fellas who should know better. The little head takes over, I realize, but sooner or later those hobbyists will realize they've been had and hopefully move on to some of the more worthy contenders. I haven't been feeling like part of the group for a while which is largely due to the sniping on the board. I don't like gameplayers & bullshitters. Fuck 'em. They can go elsewhere or if not, I'll just choose to pass up their posts. I'm just focusing on my own biz & personal life these days rather than letting the negativity here bum me out. Where's my community of unity? I sure hope the crew settles into a comfy camaraderie soon. I miss exchanging thoughts in an intellectual manner and having an opportunity to show that ladies can contribute more than "look at me" posts.

Why don't we all just quit posting to this & similar threads, eh? This is my last post on a negative BS thread.


XOXOX Originally Posted by Kit-4-Kat
I just want to say that I love Kat. She rocks.

That is all.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
And THIS is my last contribution to this thread. Originally Posted by TaylorMaiden29
Time will tell. Anyone want to start a pool?
Mojojo's Avatar
I just ignore most the bullshit really. Arguments on the internet are retarded even if you win your still an idiot for having wasted all that time and bandwidth. If provider X talks crap about provider Y is provider x really worth seeing? Personally that turns me off to hear one lady talk bad about the other, I'm here for fun not for drama. If that happens I wont return to see her. Ladies I ask you if your client believes provider X's crap is he really worth seeing?
I promise to not feed the trolls.

The problem is where are some of these women going to go when we stop feeding them? (by feeding I mean paying. By trolls I mean the bitchy providers with no business sense)

Taylor I used to like you. Of course that was before you had some WK leak info from the LR to you. Originally Posted by rekcaSxT

Well, Angelina, if she's trying to emulate your marketing/business model, then perhaps you become a primary competitor for her selected target demographic (the clients who respond to your model).

Tearing you down becomes an additional means to accomplish her goal of expanding her market share.
Originally Posted by Carl
Angelina, Carl is so correct on this, you are the model of business that she and many others can not compete with, nor capable of competing with, so when that happens one's tenancy is to make you seem someone of a lesser. Keep in mind the source of the complains and keep on the path that you are traveling. You go girl!

Now, off to recruit my ladies and gents to another board who will allow us to vote off this menace. Originally Posted by TaylorMaiden29
What's the saying? Don't let the door kick you in the ass on your way out!

WickedMILF has disappeared, of course she will be back under a new handle soon, she will not miss the chance to bitch and complain in one form or another. Are you joining her?
LadiesFan's Avatar
[QUOTE=TaylorMaiden29;129317] BTW, which of you ladies would like to give Whispers a public or a private vouch? Oh, yeah, he hangs out on the independent boards but admits to not contributing to the independent girls with his precious time and $$$. Seems like he should go hang out in the stripper and agency section where he claims they want him so much that he gets MORE than he would from the Indy's. QUOTE]

I'm confused... what is this "independant board" that Taylor is referring to? Is she saying that the Co-Ed section is the"independant board"?
Whispers's Avatar
Now, off to recruit my ladies and gents to another board who will allow us to vote off this menace. Originally Posted by TaylorMaiden29

At first they were afraid
They were petrified
they kept thinking they could never live
Without you by their side
But they spent so many nights
Thinking how you did them wrong
And they grew strong
And they learned how to speak their mind

And so you're back
We just walked in to find you here
With that mad look upon your face
We should have changed that stupid lock
We should have made you leave your key
If We’ld have known for just one second
You'd be back to bother we

Go on now go
Walk out the door
Just turn around now
'Cause you're not welcome anymore

Weren't you the one who tried to break us with your lies
Did you think we'ld crumble?
Did you think we'ld lay down and die?
Oh no, not we

We will get laid
Oh, as long as We got bucks to spend
We know We'll not get played

We've got all our life to live
We've got all our lust to give
And We'll get laid
But you’ll not be one that’s getting paid
Hey Hey

It took all the strength they had
Not to fall apart
They Kept trying to be polite and hold in all their fart
And I spent oh so many nights
Just feeling sorry for all of them
I used to cry
But now I’m proud to see them hold their head up high

And you see We
Somebody new
They’re not that chained up little bunch
Still so fooled by you
And so you felt like dropping in
And just expect them to say Please
But now they’re saving all their bucks
For some new Goddess on her Knees!

Go on now go
Walk out the door
Just turn around now
'Cause you're not welcome anymore
Weren't you the one who tried to break us with your lies
Did you think we'ld crumble?
Did you think we'ld lay down and die?
Oh no, not we

We will get laid
Oh, as long as We got bucks to spend
We know We'll not get played
We've got all our life to live
We've got all our lust to give
And We'll get laid
But your not getting paid
Hey Hey