Only because it’s been slow in here and I’m tired of the drama. Total off the wall question that may or may not be inappropriate. And please be honest. Most of us are human with the exception of a few trolls!

boardman's Avatar
Well I'll be sure to drop an F bomb if I see u! Lmao

Let me know in advance if you want silent but deadly or loud and proud!

Originally Posted by ZantannaParella
Beware's the silent ones that are the most deadly. Originally Posted by tbone2u

I prefer to hear it rather than smell it...
You got it! And FYI. No upcharge for the farts. Let's call it a boner bonus'! Also a breath of fresh air was an interesting choice of words concidering the topic of choice!

And damn I hate my honesty sometimes. my loud and proud can also pack a punch if you know what I mean ;-)
Russ38's Avatar
I can’t recall any fart related hobby incidents right off hand but to stay on topic, I do have a fart related story I can blast your way.....

I work with a group of pranksters and practical jokesters on a daily basis. The office building we work out of is divided into two departments on each side....the dept. I’m in and the other one, each consisting of about 5 guys each. We share one common restroom that’s just basically two shitters and a urinal but has a very powerful exhaust fan in the ceiling (fucking thing will suck your hat off when you walk underneath it) All the ceilings in the building are suspended tiles so it’s very easy access with a ladder. I come in on a weekend when the place is empty and re-route the fart fan exhaust duct into the AC duct that feeds their side of the building and offices....

Now you see where I’m going with this....Every time ANYONE takes a nasty shit, the smell is piped directly in their office. Not hardly a day goes by when we don’t laugh our asses off listening to them down the hallway curse and blame each other for fouling up the humor and it never gets old.....and they still haven’t figured it out.....
^^^^. That's fartin' amazing. I love shit like that. Takes my breath away.

I personally like to do it when at a sports bar or sporting event when surrounded by a group of boys! (Oops. Sorry slit lol) when it finally makes its way up and they catch a sniff, they all start looking around and blame eachother.
Nobody ever even thinks or suspects this little gurl. Its all I can do not to break down and laugh my ass off.

Every once in a while i will take the credit. Now if my best friends are around they call me out but it backfires a lot guys think they are blaming me when it was really them.

Ahhhhh. I do love some good fart stories.

I am having a hard time believing that I'm the only girl on here who farts and shits!! That's so weird
Women are not foooking chiming in because this has to be the most asinine thread ever created by a street walker. We pay 250 an hour, which is great pay, for the illusion of foooking excellence. It is not cool for a high dollar provider to talk about farting. Most of these guys get that already with their fat ass so. We pay for excellence. That shit is cool around the low class people you hang around but no courtesan would ever talk like this. Ever. So please keep in with this classless dialogue, and it shows how desperate these guys are that they think it's cool for a chick charging great money to joke about farting. Like wtf. To each his own but in my book if I want a farter I can pick up a 20 dollar head and come out a lot better.
Slitlikr's Avatar

You sound like a jelly little troll.

Ironic from an insignificant, small man who posted this thread-

May Tebow have mercy on your dark soul after ZP chews you up and farts on you.
Bankshot's Avatar
Women are not foooking chiming in because this has to be the most asinine thread ever created by a street walker. We pay 250 an hour, which is great pay, for the illusion of foooking excellence. It is not cool for a high dollar provider to talk about farting. Most of these guys get that already with their fat ass so. We pay for excellence. That shit is cool around the low class people you hang around but no courtesan would ever talk like this. Ever. So please keep in with this classless dialogue, and it shows how desperate these guys are that they think it's cool for a chick charging great money to joke about farting. Like wtf. To each his own but in my book if I want a farter I can pick up a 20 dollar head and come out a lot better. Originally Posted by shinepro
Oh lord I was wondering when the fucktard trolls were gonna show their dumb ass faces.

And there are felmals chiming in! Learn to read everything before commenting incorrect BS please. And really. Lighten up you are way to uptight. Geezzz

Where to start???
First of all. Not a street walker illiterate fuck! Far from. I have a RW job and not only did I complete elementary school which is something you clearly didn't judging by your grammar skills, I also got a degree from a real school and not one from taking online classes from Hooked on Ebonics like it would appear you have accomplished. Congrats BTW.

And as slit pointed out you are obsessed with shit that comes out the ass.

So basically I really DON'T GIVE A FLYING FUCK what you think about my post. You have about zero credibility in here. What is this,? Like your 3rd or 4th profile? Also heard that you are really a provider who was banned many times and now you pose as a dumb ass man . Funny tho how you just had to show up and comment.

Ima help you out tho cuz I'm a southern gal and southern hospitality and all Ya might want to lose the great cuz you are far from great. Hell. You ain't even OK. Try using proper English. It may be cute once or twice but after continuing to talk stupid, nobody will ever take you serious. And after you complain and bitch about people being disrespectful on your post i I find it ironic that you do the same to me. Difference your opinion means nothing to me. You couldn't pay me enough $$$ to ever see you. I would rather be homeless and starving than ever sleep with you why don't you meet up with some of the peeps in here for lunch to prove you are real?!? Hmmm. Cuz you can't show up with no PP and boobs. Cover blown! Anyway!
Bless your heart. I feel sorry for you. What a sad pathetic lonely existence you have.

Oh. Keeping on topic, I will never fart on or in the presence of shine the ignorant because I will never see her. Him? Oh hell. It. It doesn't exist. It's an illusion.
[QUOTE=Oralist;1061660901]What I want to know is why the Anal Seepage Trollstars haven’t weighed in on this Thread

See what happens when you say it's name damn it!?! Just like bloody Mary or candy man it shows up And all of the sudden it is offended with matters of the ass! Ironic, don't ya think? Lol

[QUOTE=ZantannaParella;10616609 08]Because trolls don't fart. Their assholes are located in their face in the shape of a mouth so instead of farts or shits they just blow mud threw their mouth-anus.

Oh holy ass claps Batman. I was right!

So much mud blown out that mouth!
How long do u think it's gonna take shine to run and tell Mommy on this big little mean gurl? I mean really. He came on my shitty post and stunk it up with his completely rude and out of line comment and I ain't gonna tell on him cuz I've got my big girl panties on today
CurvyKatie's Avatar
You know what's interesting Zantanna?

SC made several posts yesterday (minimum of 3 that I saw) creating his new narrative that Shine is trolling him.

During all of the posting SC made yesterday and several of those posts incriminating Shine, Shine was no where to be found.

When Shine does log in, he chooses to come to your thread to make a post just to crap on you and your thread. He makes one other post to discuss buyer's remorse (in one of SC's threads nonetheless, the very man making allegations against him). He makes no comments to SC at all, whatsoever. Where is this trolling of SC?

And that is it. He is done posting for the evening.

But we all know that Shine is not one to take being disrespected lightly. He came down hard on Russ38, as we all know, and he has come down on others as well in the past.

But yet, after allegations were made repeatedly of him specifically trolling SC (and during which time he was no where to be found), he logs on and completely ignores all those allegations and comes directly here to this thread and make it a point to make a very negative post towards YOU and this thread. Shine has done this before, logging on specifically to make targeted negative posts towards females, and I know as I have been on the receiving end as well as other colleagues, and then he exits.

And Shine being the egomaniac that he is, didn't bother to address all other allegations where his name came up?

His account does seem to be used for the purpose of trolling, but ironically he is NOT trolling the very victim who claims to be trolled by him (SC), nor is he present when SC makes these allegations, nor does he address these allegations.

But his account IS handy and available to make targeted attacks when others are not here posting (as you will notice other profiles seems to arise and make targeted attacks as well).

Food for thought.

And speaking of food, avoid beans and dairy before a session. They seem to be the biggest culprits of intestinal distress.
Girl I know. He seems to be a coward. I looked into his profile yesterday. Seems a little on the fake side. Prob some pissed off chick who was banned multiple times and decided to say screw it and come back as a fake man
I don't let the trolls bother me but I will put it in its place.

So shine. Or whomever the fooooook you are. Be a man. And answer some of the people calling u out. Better yet. Leave. You bring nothing to the table except makes us all a little dumber for having read your crao
CurvyKatie's Avatar
Girl I know. He seems to be a coward. I looked into his profile yesterday. Seems a little on the fake side. Prob some pissed off chick who was banned multiple times and decided to say screw it and come back as a fake man
I don't let the trolls bother me but I will put it in its place.

So shine. Or whomever the fooooook you are. Be a man. And answer some of the people calling u out. Better yet. Leave. You bring nothing to the table except makes us all a little dumber for having read your crao Originally Posted by ZantannaParella
I believe you are on to something. There are more posts that are very eerily similar that I could show that go even further down the rabbit hole and give credibility to your assumptions. I am going to watch things unfold for now, though.

When it comes to passing gas and other things that just don't smell right, there is usually some kind nasty shit lurking just behind it.
I'm saying nothing mean to you curvy Katie. You lost your father and I grieve for you. I said no thing mean just facts. This shit is expensive. No one pays 250 an hour to hear fart jokes or think that woman fartd. We are buying an illusion. Not a fart. Curvy you get a forever pass from me. You lost your father and made yourself vulnerable. I will never say any I'll word to you ever, even though I never did.
I only grieve with you and pray comfort on your spirit. If you ever need anything I will do my best to help you. I cant imagine your pain. May you have peace.