Truth about Covid 19

Let me say up front this is not about trump or fake news. My question is more about irresponsible reporting. Do you feel the media is the cause of a lot of the panic. Do we need to be cautious, yes. But come on saying people are dying followed by the same file photos from Washington state. My point, is it factual report,or yelling fire in a crowded theatre. Yesterday they reported healthcare providers testing positive for virus, sad but remember they are on the front line. Stop going for ratings. Originally Posted by Dr Hackenbush
More people have died from Covid-19 in America than in 9/11.

You're nuts if you think this isn't a big deal. If you don't fear Covid that much then go ahead and go outside and interact with people and let them cough on you.
sportfisherman's Avatar
Hey all you Chumpsters ; this is how your experiment with a Reality TV personality, anti-government, outsider, swamp drainer has turned out.
A medical and financial disaster.
You think he drained a little too much swamp when he shit-canned the Pandemic Office ?
You think the Genius might have considered consulting the Pandemic Playbook Obama left him ?
He is desperate now. He realizes the Pandemic has overwhelmed us and the death and medical toll will be horrific.
So his only hope is to somehow re-start the economy.So even though intelligent people recommend a long shelter and distance approach.Chump will forego that and look to re-open things and fade the heat of more medical problems and fatalities.

His mantra - We can't let the cure be worse than the crisis. That statement does not consider the pain and suffering so many will face !
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...You think he drained a little too much swamp when he shit-canned the Pandemic Office ?... Originally Posted by sportfisherman
Says who? You? The pole dancers at Snopes? Due mainly to your inability to rub two brain cells together to even get a spark of a coherent thought, let me take a guess that you are referring to the move from one John Bolton in 2018. To wit:

Bolton in 2018 merged the Directorate for Global Health Security and Biodefense with two other functions into a new Directorate of Counterproliferation and Biodefense.

I wonder what the head of that office had to say about that right there? Let's check:
the top National Security Council official at the time of the change stressed that no office was closed. “We consolidated three directorates into one,” Tim Morrison, former senior director for counterproliferation and biodefense on the NSC...“This eliminated layers in the reporting chain and in the accountability chain.”

Though I do wonder what the Ovomit-Comet did during his reign of terror. Let's check:
President Barack Obama closed the White House Health and Security Office in 2009, according to The Washington Post. But after the emergence of the Ebola virus in 2014, the Obama administration opened the Directorate for Global Health Security and Biodefense as part of the NSC.

Seems to me, you are confusing the consolidation and optimization of multiple and redundant offices to produce a much better performing function under GEPOTUS Trump versus the ping-pong, flailing shenanigans of the Jr Greenhorn, community-agitator-in-chief.

Now where did I put my hair on fire, shocked face?

sportfisherman's Avatar
Jethro !!

Whatever Chump merged or consolidated it into - it certainly has not functioned well primarily cause Chump did not listen to the NSC when they warned him about all this.

Chump - hesitant,indecisive,inconsiste nt messaging,very poor leadership.

How's this for Reality TV ? Did you know there is a Field Hospital in Central Park ?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
... Did you know there is a Field Hospital in Central Park ? Originally Posted by sportfisherman
Do you recall who had it put there? (GEPOTUS)
Do you recall who thanked GEPOTUS for it? (Cuomo)
Do you recall who is responsible to providing for NY City residents? (DeBlasio)
sportfisherman's Avatar
You are so dense - I keep mentioning this to you as a reality check and you don't perceive it. Who put it,who thanked anyone,or DeBlasio is not the point.

The point is it is there. I know of no previous administration in which we have had a Field Hospital in Central Park !!

I mention it so that when you look up from your charts and graphs and number crunching you take notice that your Reality TV Amateur has brought us to a place where we are in alot of shit.

Face reality. Chump's mismanagement is beyond anything imaginable.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...The point is it is there... Originally Posted by sportfisherman
The points are (in no particular order):
  • DeBlasio's mismanagement of NYC resources is beyond anything imaginable
  • Cuomo's mismanagement of NY State's resources is beyond anything imaginable
  • Obama's mismanagement of the Nation's resources is beyond anything imaginable
  • Stage 5 TDS is NOT curable
  • Somebody (GEPOTUS) has to do something to cover for the slackers
sportfisherman's Avatar
It's cured when he gets voted down in Nov !!

Let's see if you have all your bases covered ; Obama,Governor,Mayor.
Looks like you forgot China and the Media.

Jethro !! You are a scream !!
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
It's cured when he gets voted down in Nov !!... Originally Posted by sportfisherman

While you're waiting for November, maybe you should work on your list of reasons why you are so enamored with Joe Biden as your standard bearer. Shouldn't take you very long.
Good luck with that...
Precious_b's Avatar
You are so dense - I keep mentioning this to you as a reality check and you don't perceive it. Who put it,who thanked anyone,or DeBlasio is not the point.

The point is it is there. I know of no previous administration in which we have had a Field Hospital in Central Park !!

I mention it so that when you look up from your charts and graphs and number crunching you take notice that your Reality TV Amateur has brought us to a place where we are in alot of shit.

Face reality. Chump's mismanagement is beyond anything imaginable. Originally Posted by sportfisherman
You have to admit ellen and him are peas in a pod. Can't address something directly, rely on misdirection and so full of themselves as to lob insults from their perceived perches.

Get a chuckle on so many levels. Maybe if he put it in a fashion they both understand from a giffy I can't get to visualize here.
sportfisherman's Avatar
The main thing about Biden is that he is not Reality TV Sketchy Shyster Con-Man Chump !! Past that he is a seasoned professional public servant well versed in the machinations of our government which has served us well for couple of hundred years.If I want to revise our country at sometime I do not want it done so by a stooge like Chump.

They get that playbook from Chump.Chump is not very bright and his followers tend to not be as well.

Let's see ; Obama , Governors , Mayors , State and Local Officials ,
China , the Media ... Did I blame everybody and everything yet ??

We need a new campaign slogan. Can't very well use Make America Great Again can we !!

How about " Make America About a Half-Way Semblance of What it Used to be Again ".

How's that ??
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...How's that ?? Originally Posted by sportfisherman
About as good as you can get. Good luck with that.
The main thing about that he's too old for office. If he's elected he will let his minions rule the government. I feel sorry for him. I can see the way he struggles to answer questions. I can see when he doesn't quite know what the question is or was. Actually,anyone with a brain can see it so I guess that leaves you out.

The main thing about Biden is that he is not Reality TV Sketchy Shyster Con-Man Chump !! Past that he is a seasoned professional public servant well versed in the machinations of our government which has served us well for couple of hundred years.If I want to revise our country at sometime I do not want it done so by a stooge like Chump.

They get that playbook from Chump.Chump is not very bright and his followers tend to not be as well.

Let's see ; Obama , Governors , Mayors , State and Local Officials ,
China , the Media ... Did I blame everybody and everything yet ??

We need a new campaign slogan. Can't very well use Make America Great Again can we !!

How about " Make America About a Half-Way Semblance of What it Used to be Again ".

How's that ?? Originally Posted by sportfisherman
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
In his recent fundraiser pod cast, Joe presented us with his thoughts about Covid-19 and his action plan:

…“We cannot let this, we’ve never allowed any crisis from the Civil War straight through to the pandemic of 17, all the way around, 16, we have never, never let our democracy sakes second fiddle, way they, we can both have a democracy and … correct the public health.”…

I'll just leave that right there. It clearly speaks for itself.

For you sadists out there:">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355">
sportfisherman's Avatar
No , I see it. He does appear a little old some times. Reagan was a good president. For his second term he was becoming less sharp and his Chief of Staff and his wife Nancy took care of many things for him. She was fiercely protective of him. I agree Biden would let "minions" take care of some things but actually that is what Chump should do more of.Let the professionals do their jobs. He has worn out that "Deep State" bullshit too long.