
GinaXXX's Avatar
Yes..it was not easy, but I resisted the temptation to respond in kind with more insults. To your credit, you eventually attempted to diffuse things by calling yourself a bitch. Although I would never say that in an argument, I was thinking it.

If you go back to the beginning of that email thread and pay attention to your tone, perhaps you will see how you came across as a self-important bitch the entire time. (please note how I paid you a bit of an respect by not saying you are "always a bitch")

Your ego prevents you from considering criticism given privately, so you dismiss it as whining from just one person.

Remember several years ago when I brought up the issue on another board about fake photos on P411? You initially dismissed it as something rare until multiple people responded to that thread acknowledging the problem. When It comes to problems, I wouldn't exactly say you have a "open door" policy.

It takes a village to get to you but the problem is that some of your villages are filled with "yes men", "ass kissers", and "sharp shooters" who would never acknowledge your imperfections, deny they exist and take pot shots at those who do. The lap dogs here on ECCIE are great for stroking your ego but it plays like the sequel to "The Emperor Has No Clothes"

The issue I just brought up about pricing is a good example of how it takes a group to convince you that a problem exists and fortunately has not riled up too many WK, lap dogs or sharpshooters.. yet. (perhaps it is because I am onto something) In this case, I really do think you are wasting your time addressing it on a case by case basis, but you obviously are not going to listen.

The point is that past behavior predicts future actions, so I know better than to ever again privately make you aware of a situation in hopes that it could be handled quietly. I would not advise anyone else to try it either. Originally Posted by yourself
And I still think you are a fucking asshole.... and an utter jerk, since the entire situation you are referring to was about a review where you tore a provider apart (calling her names, like "grandma"), then came crying to me about how old she was. When I was able to confirm., without question, that she was 34 (advertising as 29).... and you wasted about 4 hours of my time trying to argue about it.

http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?p=2373156#post2 373156

I'm not perfect, that's for sure, but I spent an entire afternoon researching your complaint that day. When I got an answer that showed me that you were being unreasonable, you went on a tirade and tried to argue me down. And now, even though we had "made up" by the end of that conversation (I had thought), obviously you were just kissing ass... you apologized to me, after all.... here we are and you are making things out to be a whole lot different than the were.

So fuck you... and anyone like you.

Sorry for highjacking this thread everyone.

And I still think you are a fucking asshole.... and an utter jerk, since the entire situation you are referring to was about a review where you tore a provider apart (calling her names, like "grandma"), then came crying to me about how old she was. When I was able to confirm., without question, that she was 34 (advertising as 29).... and you wasted about 4 hours of my time trying to argue about it.

http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?p=2373156#post2 373156

I'm not perfect, that's for sure, but I spent an entire afternoon researching your complaint that day. When I got an answer that showed me that you were being unreasonable, you went on a tirade and tried to argue me down. And now, even though we had "made up" by the end of that conversation (I had thought), obviously you were just kissing ass... you apologized to me, after all.... here we are and you are making things out to be a whole lot different than the were.

So fuck you... and anyone like you.

Sorry for highjacking this thread everyone.

Gina Originally Posted by GinaXXX
I just love how Gina don't take crap from no one. She tells it like it is, no sugar coating. If your an asshole and a jerk towards women, she will light your ass up. I love you gina.

Shep3.0's Avatar
I think I developed a crush on Gina!!!

Go P411!

Ahhh your true colors are showing. Once again, I will resist the urge to stoop to name calling but I will point out that you did a good job of twisting the timing of when I came to you, when I reviewed, and when you eventually looked into the matter.

I am not proud of that review. I regret it and have apologized for it many times. I never wanted to write it and did everything I could to ask you to just privately have a word with someone who advertised "27" but looked over 40.

I was angry..at that point..more at you than at the provider. I am truly ashamed that I let myself be goaded into a state of mind where I would write something like that. That is just one more example of why I would never again go to you privately to handle something.

You are too narcissistic ever admit that maybe, just maybe your actions prior to that had something to do with it.
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
Shep and copyer, I rarely disagree with you guys, but I do in this case.

I also appreciate the service P411 provides for the community, principally for us the clients, because it allows US to be verified by providers without us having to disclose much to providers.

However, in my opinion to "take no shit from anybody" does not allow the owner of a major service to resort to low level name-calling a client of hers in public. Gina had some valid points on her reply, but her point was lost on the low language. At least for me.

I won't trust P411 to ensure that the provider's info is accurate, I realize that's a moving target, and I will take "yourself's" advice seriously.
LickHer's Avatar
And I still think you are a fucking asshole.... and an utter jerk, since the entire situation you are referring to was about a review where you tore a provider apart (calling her names, like "grandma"), then came crying to me about how old she was. When I was able to confirm., without question, that she was 34 (advertising as 29).... and you wasted about 4 hours of my time trying to argue about it.

http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?p=2373156#post2 373156

I'm not perfect, that's for sure, but I spent an entire afternoon researching your complaint that day. When I got an answer that showed me that you were being unreasonable, you went on a tirade and tried to argue me down. And now, even though we had "made up" by the end of that conversation (I had thought), obviously you were just kissing ass... you apologized to me, after all.... here we are and you are making things out to be a whole lot different than the were.

So fuck you... and anyone like you.

Sorry for highjacking this thread everyone.

Gina Originally Posted by GinaXXX
How totally unprofessional can anyone possibly get? Since I am not a P411 member and chose not to be for privacy issues, now I have an even stronger reason not to join. GINA! NFW should she be openly talking about ANYONE on this board in that manner. If she were a provider or hobbyist, she'd get points and be banned. I can't imagine anyone would TRUST her to "handle" anyting.
daddyo67's Avatar
Way to go Gina!! LickHer you shout like a 15 year old newbe! go lick yourself!!
GinaXXX's Avatar
Gina had some valid points on her reply, but her point was lost on the low language. At least for me.
I agree that a person who smiles and nods with politically correct language, is always easier to stomach.

However, I've never been a person who worried much about whether people were going to like what I had to say, or not. Sure, I often wish that I had a bit more patience and a better vocabulary... but I don't. For that reason, there are providers AND clients who hate/dislike me, pretty evenly across the board. I've made plenty of mistakes.

In the end though, I'm really just trying to do the best job that I can. I'm not perfect, but I do care about this community more than any one of you could ever know. I apologize for the "ghetto talk".... but I warn you, every now and again I just can't help myself! I try not to hold grudges though.... and even though I think Yourself is a major asshat (is that better?) at this point, I still have had many very positive experiences with him too, and I'm glad he is part of the community.

Let's go back to your corners folks...

Let's remember that these discussion boards are for entertainment.

Poor fucking new guy just had a simple question.

CFS...Welcome to "The Hobby!"
Gina, I never intended to expose you as a hothead. I really thought you had more self control than that. And until I read the material misstatements you made in your portrayal of the incident you chose to drag up, I had thought of you as a relatively credible person. It will be hard to squirm your way out of that as sequence of events are obvious from the date stamps of these posts.

As for the "tyrade" you are referring to in our emails: that came from you and it was on the same plane of the one you just posted.

This really does not look good for someone that we are supposed to trust to keep our information secure.
How totally unprofessional can anyone possibly get? Since I am not a P411 member and chose not to be for privacy issues, now I have an even stronger reason not to join. GINA! NFW should she be openly talking about ANYONE on this board in that manner. If she were a provider or hobbyist, she'd get points and be banned. I can't imagine anyone would TRUST her to "handle" anyting. Originally Posted by LickHer
Hold long have you been holding that in your arsenal
Gina is the boss of p411 and she can do as she sees fit. She is a pimp and clearly does not mind using the pimp back hand. Yourself I remember that time and I do recall you expressing regret. Not sure Gina really needed to bring that back up but it is her right to do as she wishes.

To stick with the main topic. Quite frankly while p411 has it faults, it is the best thing going. My buddy "yourself" would readily agree inspite of the past issues he has had with p411. I am glad p411 has another way for hobbyist to join without giving personal information. After being a member for a little over year, I can safely say I would have no issue if p411 asked me to reapply with more personal information. Imho if you're married, or you plan on seeing variety or a person of color i think p411 is the best way to go. Nothing is more humiliating than walking to the door and a lady says no due to color. If she pulls that and you booked her thru p411 Gina would come in guns blazing in defense of the hobbyist
LickHer's Avatar
Hold long have you been holding that in your arsenal
Gina is the boss of p411 and she can do as she sees fit. She is a pimp and clearly does not mind using the pimp back hand. Yourself I remember that time and I do recall you expressing regret. Not sure Gina really needed to bring that back up but it is her right to do as she wishes.

To stick with the main topic. Quite frankly while p411 has it faults, it is the best thing going. My buddy "yourself" would readily agree inspite of the past issues he has had with p411. I am glad p411 has another way for hobbyist to join without giving personal information. After being a member for a little over year, I can safely say I would have no issue if p411 asked me to reapply with more personal information. Imho if you're married, or you plan on seeing variety or a person of color i think p411 is the best way to go. Nothing is more humiliating than walking to the door and a lady says no due to color. If she pulls that and you booked her thru p411 Gina would come in guns blazing in defense of the hobbyist Originally Posted by Thatdude

Buy a clue! NOBODY has a "right" to abuse another human being! If she's on here and abusing people I'm going to call her out on it EVERY time, I don't care what she "runs". And stop with the "pimp" shit. Being a "pimp" only makes a person a LOSER, it certainly does NOT give them superior rights.
LickHer's Avatar
Way to go Gina!! LickHer you shout like a 15 year old newbe! go lick yourself!! Originally Posted by daddyo67
Thanks for making yourself look/sound like the fool you must be... Just because I'm new to this board doesn't mean I'm new to the hobby or to being civil to others.
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