This guy is pathetic

You never know when some normal hobbyists who follows the rules can just snap one day, possibly because of feeling empowered by crap like that.

And if anyone wants to "try" rape, a provider is the best target because she is unlikely to call the police. Originally Posted by Sensual Sophia
As a normal hobbyist, I kind of take umbrage to that comment. I don't want to diminish the risks that providers take every time you see a new hobbyist, but to suggest that any one of us could just snap and turn rapist is a little melodramatic. Its one of the problems with these activities being illicit -- no one can do a "no-bullshit" study on these types of things. I suspect that if they did, they would find that the percentage of rapists among hobbyists is about the same as the percentage of rapists among the average population. But, of course, I can't say that with certainty because our elected officials have kept all of this locked away.

Comments like that are alarmist and don't do anything to improve the relationship between providers and hobbyists, which seems to be the point of the co-ed section to begin with. They also contribute to the religious right's completely fictional idea that hobbyists and prostitutes are deviants outside normal human behavior, given to violence and crime.

I'm not defending the writer of that article. He's a douchebag and IMHO fantasizing. The whole thing reeks of bullshit, even the comments of the one's "egging him on". Everyone types big from the safety and solitude of their home PC. In the real world, we're all a bunch of pussies. But that's beside the point. What I'm trying to say is that, by and large, most of us hobby safely and free from violence. I don't doubt that the violence and force depicted in that asshole's "story" exist, but I believe them to be aberrations.

But that's just my opinion, from my limited view of this whole deal. I also wouldn't be surprised to learn that I'm as wrong as two people fucking in church on Sunday, Easter day. I'm just talking about the hundreds and thousands of reviews, representing a very, very small portion of the hobbying going on, and the rareness of alerts about violent behavior. If it's really as simple as "any hobbyist just snapping", it seems to me we'd hear about it a whole lot more.
dearhunter's Avatar
I take exception to being lumped in with that shithead............the bareback shithead rapist........not enderwiggin
Don't even worry about it. The guy is a delusional fucktard... I may say more in a bit since I decided to make myself a manhattan to go with my lunch of air and water.
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
Everyone types big from the safety and solitude of their home PC. In the real world, we're all a bunch of pussies. But that's beside the point. Originally Posted by enderwiggin
TexasGator's Avatar
Based on thread title, assumed y'all were fuckin' with carkido again.
Need to quit thincking after 5 on Fridays
ibechill's Avatar
He has an online profile that says this:
I am starting to hate women Mood: depressed.

I am not surprised.

And this in another place.

Aug 1, 2009 @ 6:00 PM suicide is painless (not the last attempt)

8 years ago I bottomed out depressed, and took a bottle of pain killers.
Well it did not have the deseired result I woke up 3 days later unfortunatly still alive and in great physical pain well here I am again bottomed out and facing my 39th birthday alone, I have no wish to go through another year of hearing my voice eco, so I am at a loss.

I love myself but I hate life right now, I have over 200 resume's floating around out there but I still have a job I hate, most of my friends have moved out of state(looking for work) and I have no love in my life I had to let my motorcycle go back so I am stuck driving my crappy car, and again I have no love in my life.

I wont be missed lord knows my long string of ex-GF's will dance on my grave.
All I wanted was to be happy but every time I find myself happy something comes along and ruins it.
I feel the phrase "you get back what you put into" is the biggest lie ever told
I entered the dating world full of hope and have been crapped on when everything was going good. I entered the work force during the best economy in american history and now I cant find a job that does not make me want to stab my throat.

I have had some great jobs too, I've managed a strip club, I have been a night manager at a machine shop(cool people worked there), but usually when I find a good place to work after awhile new management come in and turns it into a nazi work camp. I have dated some wonderful women in my youth I have many happy memories, saddly most of them are decades old, my best years are behind me and I see that now. I dont plan on seeing 39 I want to leave here with the knowlege that I did have some good times in my life and skip the pain of the rest of it.

A wise man once said "we die at 25 and are buried at 80" I really understand that statement.
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
To all those who "took umbrage", I think you misinterpreted my comments. Obviously, it's rare that previously well behaved hobbyists change into assholes. But what I said is you never know when, i.e., it's pretty hard to predict.

I know 3 providers who saw the guy that murdered a provider in Austin last year. They saw him multiple times and had no problems vouching for the guy.

Another provider I know recently had a longtime client attempt to force bbfs (he didn't get away with it because she had a weapon in reach). But the point is, he had never shown any signs of this kind of behavior before. Last year my sister vouched for a guy who beat the crap out of the provider who accepted my sister's vouch. She felt guilty but never had any inkling that he was capable of such a thing.

You don't read the providers private area so I'm sure you are unaware of a lot of these incidents.

I'm sorry to those I offended.
boardman's Avatar
Based on thread title, assumed y'all were fuckin' with carkido again.
! Originally Posted by TexasGator

Too easy
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
Don't even worry about it. The guy is a delusional fucktard... I may say more in a bit since I decided to make myself a manhattan to go with my lunch of air and water. Originally Posted by RebeccaRothko
... and all this time I thought you were an old fashion type of gurl... pay her fee... get a couple of Old Fashions in her and .... yowser ....
ibechill's Avatar
Last year my sister vouched for a guy Originally Posted by Sensual Sophia
Ah didn't know you had a sister.
ibechill's Avatar
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
@ - Ibechill .... where is this guys internet profile?

I would like to read some of his entries. I think I might write a paper on this sick fuck this school year.
ibechill's Avatar
Googled his name:Nathaniel Edwin Briscoe.
Only came up with articles about this incident.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
Ah didn't know you had a sister. Originally Posted by ibechill
Yep. I have a few actually. The one I mentioned is a provider in another state.