Reese. Houston. Please.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 06-07-2011, 07:41 PM
I have rarely been discriminated against when I tried to see a lady, but when it has happened, so be it. All I have really wanted was to know in advance, not when I show up and she says, "Oh! I didn't know you had green hair and were a 700 Moroccan man with a fez, I don't see your type." Even worse, she shows non-verbal indications tht she is not pleased and neither of us enjoys the date.

I have my preferences, I expect most ladies do. I would rather see someone who enjoys being with me and I with her than someone who can't wait until I leave. Tell me up front and we can both find better matches.
  • LynnT
  • 06-07-2011, 08:49 PM
lol...Honesty, maybe not... your opinion, yes. I have had plenty of Caucasian men with smelly nut sacks. I have a fairly equal amount of black and white clients and never had an AA gentlemen with a smelly nutsack. Different scent, yes, but it's a scent that I am attracted to.. but not a bad scent at all. Kind of like the feminine scent that we all have. WALDT. Originally Posted by Reese Foster
Its my experience and my opinion; yes. Plenty of white boys smell too. lol And its more of a general smell, I dont like the smell, I was just using sack suck to humor it a bit. I also will tolerate and still rock good service for a nice gentleman as thats just how it is with certain races. The smell doesnt make them any less of a man.

He asked why and like I said thats why for me. Didnt say anyone else felt this way.
This has turned into a really interesting thread. Thought it was going to go downhill fast at one time.

Guess the girls turned it
texasjohn1965's Avatar
As always.... making his grande entrance....... Why show up early to the party when you can show up late and have everyone watch you come in? Originally Posted by Jusanotherdude
...... STFU......Fucktard

This thread is lame!!! Chica hasn't gotten to ban or point anyone yet........ But the night is still young!

JaD Originally Posted by Jusanotherdude
There you go, now he can point me and this thread can be closed as getting out of hand. Will someone merge all these threads on this subject and make it one huge sticky. Then when someone asks again, just move their question to the back of the thread.

BTW, I like points with salsa and queso....thanks.
here is another point of view I haven't seen mentioned. I have had men ask if I have seen AA gentlemen and I always reply "why do you ask? How does it affect our time together?Just like with any gentleman I see I repsect their privacy and do not reveal who I have or haven't not seen. If the choose to leave a review that is their choice. I have always refused to answer and if they choose not to see me than so be it.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
This thread is lame!!! Chica hasn't gotten to ban or point anyone yet........ But the night is still young!

JaD Originally Posted by Jusanotherdude
I know, and my trigger finger is getting itchy.

...... STFU......Fucktard

There you go, now he can point me and this thread can be closed as getting out of hand. Will someone merge all these threads on this subject and make it one huge sticky. Then when someone asks again, just move their question to the back of the thread.

BTW, I like points with salsa and queso....thanks. Originally Posted by texasjohn1965
A smartass in every crowd. Although I do like the superthread sticky idea.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Those that condone this behavior by said providers are only SUPPORTING it by seeing them. Most of these girls have black pimps. The guys that keep saying 'get over it' are just making a parody of themselves because they go see these girls, get poor service, and then are too ashamed to write a review about how they got jilted. Meanwhile, Pimp Dawg still got the money you just forked over for a gloved CBJ.

Think about it, if no one supported these 'preference' practices by these providers, they couldn't make any money. Their business would struggle mightily, to the point where it wouldn't make sense to continue that way. Imagine a modern slave owner trying to run for public office or sell merchandise. He wouldn't get 3 votes, even in his own state. The best way to end this recurring topic is to NOT CONDONE THESE ACTIONS.

Please, don't try to use level of attraction as an excuse for them. You think these women are attracted to a lard ass, beer gut, unshaven, halitosis'd breath having guys of other races simply because they have less pigment in their skin? Please. You think they're thinking, "you're white, fat, smelly, and ugly, but I wanna tear your clothes off!!!!" They merely PUT UP with you, because of the prize at the end. Sorry to break it to you.

If you FROWN upon those that run their business this way, they'd go away...and so would this topic. Maybe.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
That's not true Rambro... I say get over it 90% of the time and it isn't because of the fact that I see them, I don't see them. I spend almost 100% of my time with an independent. At least the ones that advertise as independent on here... I say get over it because it's been rehashed over and over to the point where nobody has anything new to ad to the topic.

Those that condone this behavior by said providers are only SUPPORTING it by seeing them. Most of these girls have black pimps. The guys that keep saying 'get over it' are just making a parody of themselves because they go see these girls, get poor service, and then are too ashamed to write a review about how they got jilted. Meanwhile, Pimp Dawg still got the money you just forked over for a gloved CBJ.

Think about it, if no one supported these 'preference' practices by these providers, they couldn't make any money. Their business would struggle mightily, to the point where it wouldn't make sense to continue that way. Imagine a modern slave owner trying to run for public office or sell merchandise. He wouldn't get 3 votes, even in his own state. The best way to end this recurring topic is to NOT CONDONE THESE ACTIONS.

Are you saying that a provider should not be allowed to have "preferences"?

Please, don't try to use level of attraction as an excuse for them. You think these women are attracted to a lard ass, beer gut, unshaven, halitosis'd breath having guys of other races simply because they have less pigment in their skin? Please. You think they're thinking, "you're white, fat, smelly, and ugly, but I wanna tear your clothes off!!!!" They merely PUT UP with you, because of the prize at the end. Sorry to break it to you.

Doesn't this apply to all providers to a

If you FROWN upon those that run their business this way, they'd go away...and so would this topic. Maybe. Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
Randall Creed's Avatar
Dude...I'm not even in the mood.

Speaking of rehash, you do the same thing. You can disguise and lipstick the 'preference' issue all you want. We ALL know what it really means. That's exactly what I'm talking about, dude. You're in CONDONE mode.

These types of providers can PREFER to see gentlemen, of any and all races. That's what their PREFERENCE should be.
Bobave's Avatar
Really... for providers who don't have an NBA policy, this thread doesn't matter.
For everyone else... it makes the whining black hobbyists sound SO much more desirable... what? What did I say?
What most lady providers do care about is being respected during the time you are with her..... I would be more concerned about people who are not safe to be in the community... then looks.... There are many men with big hearts as well as ladies...
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Dude...I'm not even in the mood.

Speaking of rehash, you do the same thing. You can disguise and lipstick the 'preference' issue all you want. We ALL know what it really means. That's exactly what I'm talking about, dude. You're in CONDONE mode.

These types of providers can PREFER to see gentlemen, of any and all races. That's what their PREFERENCE should be. Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
Obviously you are in the mood, you've already made 2 comments on this thread.


Chica, please let this thread ride a bit...

I love watching members, men and women alike, insert foot into mouth with some of the silly ass stereotypical comments that are posted

Yall keep posting now...ya hear