Why some married men cheat?

Wakeup's Avatar
Divorce seems like throwing the baby out with the bath water just because I want to bust a nut inside a beautiful woman every once in a while instead of jerking off. Originally Posted by bizzly1001
Have you asked your wife if she'd like to throw you out with the bath water? Glad you're making all the decisions in your marriage, and fuck all what she thinks..real man you are...

Until you tell her and modify your contract, or don't tell her and get a divorce, you're a pathetic excuse for a man.
bizzly1001's Avatar
Have you asked your wife if she'd like to throw you out with the bath water? Glad you're making all the decisions in your marriage, and fuck all what she thinks..real man you are...

Until you tell her and modify your contract, or don't tell her and get a divorce, you're a pathetic excuse for a man. Originally Posted by Wakeup
Your indignity is well placed and I'm glad you're sticking up for "manhood". So if you could take your self righteous church lady routine somewhere else that would be real swell...

Do you see any irony at all in being a philandering monger hanging out in a community for hiring hookers but standing up for morality?
Wakeup's Avatar
No. You posted it, yo get to take all comments.

No. Do you see any irony in posting on a hooker board and despising beating women? Everyone has things they believe in...I believe in keeping my word...no matter the other things I believe in...
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 10-28-2015, 04:37 PM
Your indignity is well placed and I'm glad you're sticking up for "manhood". So if you could take your self righteous church lady routine somewhere else that would be real swell...

Do you see any irony at all in being a philandering monger hanging out in a community for hiring hookers but standing up for morality? Originally Posted by bizzly1001
WU has a very well defined set of morals--and strongly believes they should be imposed upon everyone else for their own good.
  • jwood
  • 10-28-2015, 05:53 PM
No married men , no hookers, fact.
Have you asked your wife if she'd like to throw you out with the bath water? Glad you're making all the decisions in your marriage, and fuck all what she thinks..real man you are...

Until you tell her and modify your contract, or don't tell her and get a divorce, you're a pathetic excuse for a man. Originally Posted by Wakeup
Calling someone a "weak and pathetic excuse of a man "because they break their vow...is like... well, low class. And....your opinion, dude.

For someone with "mod" in their title block, you're acting a little unprofessional and your conduct would not befit the title.

I personally have not hobbied since I got married.. I likely will someday.. and when I do, I will be no weaker in the eyes of MY peers OR myself. Those are the only opinions which could possibly matter. Certainly not the 2 cents thrown in by some internet "pay for pussy marriage counselor".

BTW.. we are all either saints or scoundrels, which one we are depends on if you feel like being honest.
albundy's Avatar
What is the deal with Wakeup?!?

Are you serious? You sit around passing judgment on people on a HOOKER BOARD!!! And then you say something totally irrelevant and ridiculous to justify your hypocrisy. From your post: "Do you see any irony in posting on a hooker board and despising beating women?" WTF?

Moral arguments from a guy who only reviews street walkers??? Paying them a few bucks to support a "forbidden topic" is OK, but cheating on a wife that suddenly changes the parameters of the marriage...well, that's just WRONG. Uh...Ok. Having "forbidden topic" whores suck you off in your car and then you have the nerve to call other guys "a pathetic excuse of a man". SMH.

You either have MAJOR issues or you're one of those "trolls" that join different forums just to post stuff to rile people up. I'm leaning towards the latter.
albundy's Avatar
And you obviously didn't think about any of these possibilities BEFORE you got married...or else you'd have not gotten married. But you did get married, you did stand in front of family, friends, your God, and your wife and enter into a contract where you wouldn't cheat on her...and now that's exactly what you're doing.

You're a weak excuse for a man...

Man up, tell her you're cheating, and see if she will either let you out of your contract, or modify your contract so she allows you to cheat on her. Originally Posted by Wakeup
I did think of those things. SHE changed it. What then? Jerk off for the rest of my life? Divorce and lose half of everything and barely ever get to see my kids? Just because SHE decided sex isn't something we need to do anymore? You say things that make it sound like the woman is always an innocent victim. A guy is soley responsible and should just accept whatever his wife decides...Bullshit. Monogamy implies SEX with just each other. If you're NOT having sex anymore, then what? SHE changed the terms of the "contract", not me. I'm starting to think you're actually a woman, Wakeup, to have the "views" you have. Did your ex-husband cheat on you? If you're for real and not a troll that is. Keep on trolling street walkers, "Mr." Morality.

Edit: I just took a closer look. It's restaurant reviews and not street walkers that you reviewed. Trying to be funny, I guess. OK, now it's pretty clear. Sorry I was so harsh. You're a jilted woman. Sorry that happened to you but maybe you needed to work on the marriage as well. Think back. Maybe there were things you could have done to make the situation better too. It's not just the guy. You had to work on it too.
RandB fan's Avatar
I am sure that Old-T does lie about almost anything but there is such a thing as doing what is best for the group. I personally think that having a relationship outside of the marriage is dead wrong and the people who do it get what they deserve. Stepping out once a month and spending time an hour or two getting what you can't get at home, with someone whose name you don't know, is not jeopardizing a relationship but instead it would be considered as something other than an affair.

My wife tossed me to the curb when she was no longer dependent on my income, her(our) kids were out of college and yes I was seeing a very hot petite sex starved divorcée who started dating a guy who found out about me. If I would have been with a Hoogar and been caught I would have probably had a stern conversation about why I was paying for sex and she would have to acceopt it and maybe realize that she needed to step up her game. Instead I broke the foundation that the relationship was built on and did the divorce thing and didn't get to keep the divorcée either.

If knocking out a Hooger once a month keeps a guy from becoming a "player" and probably destroying a perfectly good family, who am I to calling him scum like WakeUp.

If your wife was seeing a dude, going out to dinners, concerts, and taking business and vacation trips with him would you have a problem that would end in court.
But,If your wife hired a male provider how would you address it, see an atty?
1st off you would probably see your sex life get better, and 2nd off you would probably never find out. But if you did would you change the locks and toss her stuff in boxes and have then delivered to her office? I doubt it.
If you found out she had a key to a guys condo and she was there multiple times a month, had no interest in sex with you would you address the breach of contract issue and follow through with tossing her to the curb.

My ex wife always said "what I don't know about can never hurt me. Make sure what I do find out about doesn't" hobbing was not a mojor wound, having feelings for another was.

When she saw a sign of me hobbying she stepped up her game but hobbying slacked off a little but real GFE didn't happen at home. I was better and it lasted for a while but I stumbled across, lets call her Donna, I started driving the apex instead od staying between the lines and when she found out that I was seeing someone 20 years younger on a regular basis... well that broke the marriage.

One of my acts was breaking the rules, the other showed disrespect and lack of regard for the others well being and destroyed the relationship.

It's everyones own life and they have to decide where lines are drawn and how to manage the gray areas.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar

Are you serious? You sit around passing judgment on people on a HOOKER BOARD!!! And then you say something totally irrelevant and ridiculous to justify your hypocrisy. From your post: "Do you see any irony in posting on a hooker board and despising beating women?" . Originally Posted by albundy
I don't believe WU was so much "passing judgement," as laying claim to a moral high ground. Which, in this example, he's entitled to. You lie and cheat on your spouse, your life's mate, and he does not. Like it or not, it seems very cut and dry.

His claim of moral superiority is similar to a fellow who fudges a little on his taxes feeling superior to the embezzler of the company's pension fund. Or the arrested barroom brawler considering himself a better man than the home invader, or especially the rapist.
All prisoners, or so its reported, consider themselves superior to the pedophile.

So yes, there can be morality on a hooker board. Or do you expect that "anything goes" because one person chooses to pay another person for sexual entertainment, and that with that payment the former becomes somehow disqualified from commenting on another person's behavior?
Bobave's Avatar
I'm starting to think you're actually a woman, Wakeup, to have the "views" you have. Did your ex-husband cheat on you? If you're for real and not a troll that is. Keep on trolling street walkers, "Mr." Morality.

Edit: I just took a closer look. It's restaurant reviews and not street walkers that you reviewed. Trying to be funny, I guess. OK, now it's pretty clear. Sorry I was so harsh. You're a jilted woman. Sorry that happened to you but maybe you needed to work on the marriage as well. Think back. Maybe there were things you could have done to make the situation better too. It's not just the guy. You had to work on it too. Originally Posted by albundy
Bingo. I've thought this for quite a while now. Read through all of WU's posts and what you hear is the kind of language a woman would use if she were trying to sound like a man. To play safe, she usually makes really short, cryptic comments - except on this one topic, where the BSC bitch part gets loose.
Wakeup's Avatar
I did think of those things. SHE changed it. What then? Originally Posted by albundy
Why is this difficult? I've already explained "what then" twice...

You either have an honest discussion with your wife that goes something along the lines of "I'm not getting the sexual satisfaction I need from this marraige. I'd like to seek that satisfaction elsewhere, do I have your permission to do so?" or "I'm not getting the sexual satisfaction I need from this marraige. Can we discuss how that can happen between us? or else you get the fuck out of your marraige.

You DIDN'T think of these things, because if you had, you'd have come up with that answer for yourself, because you'd have thought of what would happen when sex started to dwindle in your marraige...as it does in almost all marriages...but you didn't...

Now you get to suck up being a weak ass excuse for a man...or you can change that...but you won't...because you're nothing but a scared weakling...
albundy's Avatar
I'm sorry you had a bad go of it, honey. There's a man out there for you. You just won't find him here, nor will you change any guy that's on here's mind about cheating. Try Match.com or maybe a gathering at your church. Good luck on your search. There are good men out there somewhere that will treat you like you want. Be patient.
Wakeup's Avatar
Thank you for conceding the point...
albundy's Avatar
The point? That you're a woman? That's all I am "conceding" to you. I'm just trying to be nice to a woman who obviously was "betrayed" by either a boyfriend or husband. That's all. I don't know what happened exactly. Maybe you were the cause of the betrayal. I don't know. But, I DO NOT concede any point you tried to make. That's for sure.

I'm guessing the guy who did that to you used ECCIE. That's why you're on this site.