Trumps impeachment is not official!!!!

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Yous are a little, little girl, oebsy. Originally Posted by HoeHummer

in other news Yssup Rider is still BANNED.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
do you need one?


actually impeachment is both a judicial and legislative matter. typically the judicial committee of the House handles the inquiry of impeachment, unless you have an idiot like Jerry Nadtard as chair. then you have to move it to the Intel committee so Schitthead can handle it. which is exactly what the Democrabs did. is that legal? sure! close enough anyway.

Exactly at what point did the Judicial Branch hear the case? I'm really restraining myself from being a naughty smartass here. Just out of some small sense of respect for you.

it becomes a legislative matter when the House votes formally on articles of impeachment. then it becomes judicial again when the Senate holds a trial.

i find it amusing that the usual leftists like sissy chaps and others claim Pelosi is making a "brilliant" move by not moving the articles to the Senate. it's a ploy but one that will fail. McConnell knows full well who decides the rules in the Senate and that is the majority party. i.e. HIM. the republicans hold the high ground and the Constitution says so.

Pelosi can stall all she wants. she can hope for the courts to rule in favor of their cases for testimony and Trump's tax returns, hoping for more articles to add to the current ones. good luck with that! all of it will go to the Supreme Court and legal precedent favors Trump in all cases. they aren't going to get Trump's returns without an existing reason. they have none. oversight of the IRS? laughable. "suspicion" of a crime? Nope! if Congress had the subpoena powers they claim they do, they wouldn't have to go to court over it, would they? the Supreme Court has upheld the rights of a president to executive privilege in the majority of cases they have heard and will do so again for Trump. they will also uphold the rights of the private citizen, i.e. Trump to not have his tax info used in a witch hunt.

so let them stall all they want. by the time the Supreme Court rules the election will be over and no impeachment. after Trump wins again, they'll still get shutdown when the Supreme Court rules in favor of Trump. So they'll be stuck with this Ukraine call stupidity. right where they are now. then they'll lose in the Senate. if they think that they will hold the Senate after 2020 they still lose because they need a 2/3rds vote to remove and even if they regain the Senate they aren't going to get a 2/3rds majority. they still lose.

so they lose no matter what they do or when they do it.

BAHHAHHAAAAAAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

Yada yada yada about process. So I make myself clear - I meant impeachment is a matter for the Legislative Branch. Not to include the Judicial Branch.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Yada yada yada about process. So I make myself clear - I meant impeachment is a matter for the Legislative Branch. Not to include the Judicial Branch.

Exactly at what point did the Judicial Branch hear the case? I'm really restraining myself from being a naughty smartass here. Just out of some small sense of respect for you.

what? you can't manage to make an ass out of yourself without my help??
Originally Posted by eccieuser9500


When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: And no Person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two-thirds of the Members present.

this is when it becomes judicial .... when this guy sits in the Senate chamber and seats the jurists .. for a trial. judicial enough for ya???

thank you judicial poster!

eccieuser9500's Avatar

When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: And no Person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two-thirds of the Members present.

this is when it becomes judicial .... when this guy sits in the Senate chamber and seats the jurists .. for a trial. judicial enough for ya??? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
So you don't feel the least bit stupid for posting this . . .

it becomes a legislative matter when the House votes formally on articles of impeachment. then it becomes judicial again when the Senate holds a trial. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

The Senate is part of the Legislative Branch. So is the HOUSE Judiciary Committee. The Judicial Branch is separate, but equal, all together. Impeachment is a Senate trial. Never a matter for the Judiciary Branch!

Wikipedia again?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
So you don't feel the least bit stupid for posting this . . .


The Senate is part of the Legislative Branch. So is the HOUSE Judiciary Committee. The Judicial Branch is separate, but equal, all together. Impeachment is a Senate trial. Never a matter for the Judiciary Branch!

Yes ... Wikipedia again

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

thank you judicial poster!!
eccieuser9500's Avatar
thank you judicial poster!! Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
You're welcome Legislative poser.

The Legislature will take care of this. Not the Judiciary. Roberts only serves as controller. If it was a Judicial matter, it would be just. Nobody here, or anyone anywhere, should cry "IT'S NOT FAIR!" He is impeached. He will likely stay in office.

It's not this bad. But pretty fuckin' close.

oeb11 seems to think so.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You're welcome Legislative poser.

The Legislature will take care of this. Not the Judiciary. Roberts only serves as controller. If it was a Judicial matter, it would be just. Nobody here, or anyone anywhere, should cry "IT'S NOT FAIR!" He is impeached. He will likely stay in office.

It's not this bad. But pretty fuckin' close.

oeb11 seems to think so. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

if you say so, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, highest court of the JUDICIARY Roberts.
More fun and amusement this year in twit land. Nancy is hanging trump out to dry in his orange (it's the lights stupid) outrageous ignorant skin. I can't wait to read his next ignorant miss soelled melted down and no clue wtf twit lol. ( I meant spelled

The ignorant racist redncks white old men (and one old woman from Austin wtf n smh lol) are a fun read on here when I can keep up. Dang they have no life and post 24/7 to try and support stupid. I just wish I had the time to cut n paste and paste n cut zhit. Putin and his loyalist are owning America and are fun to read too.

The Obama economy is still going strong though. Originally Posted by Tsmokies
The Obama Economy was all about "Quantitative Easing" the illegal practice of printing money.
Somebody wake me when this Dim circle jerk is over or the rebellion starts.
HoeHummer's Avatar
When the circle jerks ends??? You’ll be in a pool in the middle! Wears something buoyant!