Providers gaining weight.

ANONONE's Avatar
Ya know. . .for those that get too bent out of shape about this issue, we could always have a scale for a mutual weigh in before the session.

Then we could have alternative rate scale based on the differential between the client's weight and the provider's weight. Say $1.50 per pound per hour?

Maybe it would convince everyone in the hobby to take better care of themselves?

I know it would motivate me, if we were given such an incentive.
Over the past 5years I put on an extra 60 lbs. My original weight was 102-105. I have since had 2 babys and well it was not as easy as it was after my 1st 10 yrs ago. Over the past year I have lost about 20 lbs. I do believe that we as providers should take care of ourselves. It is not as easy as it sounds. I myself never had to diet or work out. To be honest until I had my first child I was trying to gain wait. I was practically100lbs of bones and boob. ( Ive always had large breast) After my first I maintained a weight of 115-120. I was very happy. Now after my last 2 I find that it is way harder to lose the baby weight. It takes alot of dicipline to diet and workout when you never had to before. I am about 20-25 lbs away from my goal. I am very happy with my womenly body, I just feel to be healthy I need to get down to 120-125. That being said all my pictures I have in ads, websites ext are recent within 6-8weeks. I also do not lead people to believe I am smaller then I am. I am very vocal about my size in my showcase and weekly ads. I also turn appts down if I see that they have a pattern of seeing women who have that spinner type body and let them know why. I just dont understand why some are so misleading. Do they not think that when the door is opened the client is not going to see straight through the lie? I much rather be honest, if you dont like me well then just move on to the next ad till you find what your looking for.
lingam4u's Avatar
Ms Molly, you are a perfect example of a combination of the right genes and motivation to look and stay looking that fantastic. Keep it up.
Audrina, sounds like you are motivated as well to look your very best. As one gets older, it does get harder. Most providers I meet tell me they never exercise and I tell them it will catch up sooner or later. The key is believing you can get to any goal regardless of your slower metabolism if you were there once. Your body does change so you will never be like you were when much younger but 120-125 is very achievable. Your pics in your showcase are very sexy and inviting now and when you get to your goal you will be surprised at the difference.
Dallas, I told my friend about your challenge. He said he is ready for you your powerful and sexy legs to be wrapped around any part of him and he, in turn, is ready to do his own wrapping. He will be in contact to see if you are serious.
Nice thread and good responses.
Certainly weight is a very touchy issue, especially for women. I think most women are very aware of their weight and body. Most women think they are not nearly as pretty as they truly are.

Probably the "heavy-provider-with-old-skinny-pix" issue really stems from hope and denial. Denial that weight gain has happened, and hope that they will soon be back at their old skinny weight. Those skinny pictures want to just hang on like that old pain of skinny jeans in the back of the closet, just waiting to be worn again.

Most interesting is that I haven't seen a provider reply about heavy men.
Isn't that an issue for some providers?
I suspect if providers started screening by male weight we would see many men with equally bogus physical stats and old photos.
berkleigh's Avatar
We are all human beings.

We gain weight and lose weight.
Lea Madisson's Avatar
Lea, your body looks super. Are your pics current? love to hear what you do to stay so perfect. Originally Posted by lingam4u
I have my mom's genes and metabolism but I also work out three or four times a week. Thanks for the compliments, and, yes, the pictures are current.

I am very happy with my womanly body, I just feel to be healthy I need to get down to 120-125. That being said all my pictures I have in ads, websites ext are recent within 6-8weeks. I am very vocal about my size in my showcase and weekly ads. I also turn appts down if I see that they have a pattern of seeing women who have that spinner type body and let them know why. I just don't understand why some are so misleading. Do they not think that when the door is opened the client is not going to see straight through the lie? I much rather be honest, if you don't like me well then just move on to the next ad till you find what your looking for. Originally Posted by Audrina Monroe
Girl... you are so right about different strokes for different folks! You are beautiful in and out!!

Dallas, I told my friend about your challenge. He said he is ready for you your powerful and sexy legs to be wrapped around any part of him and he, in turn, is ready to do his own wrapping. He will be in contact to see if you are serious. Originally Posted by lingam4u
Gotta love that last line, Dallas. "He will be in contact to see if you are serious." Boy doesn't know what he is getting into!!

Most women think they are not nearly as pretty as they truly are.

Most interesting is that I haven't seen a provider reply about heavy men.
Isn't that an issue for some providers? Originally Posted by DonJuan
A woman looks in the mirror and immediately notices everything that is flawed. A man looks in the mirror and he sucks in stomach, pokes out his chest, flexes a muscle or two (or tries), moves a few hairs on his head... and says to himself, "damn, you still got it!"

C'mon guys, you know its true! LOL I have watched y'all!!

Heavy men? Each provider has their own requirements but as I see it, he is paying me, I am not paying him! LOL Plus, quite frankly, a man on the heavier side of stud muffin is usually a kinder man... a teddy bear!!


Adrielle's Avatar
+1 Berkleigh.

I doubt that our weight fluctuates any more or less then the normal civilian woman. We eat, we diet, we have babies. All that stuff contributes to weight and the shape of our bodies.

I also don't think it's fair to say something like this:

Undercoverdiva, tell us why you did put on all that extra weight if it wasnt the bonbons? Do your current pictures reflect that weight gain? Are you working to take it off to get back to where you feel and look your best? Houston men deserve you at your very best dont you think? Originally Posted by lingam4u
Because you're making the assumption that bigger girls aren't "at their best". Not all men like petite women. I have an ass, I love it, and I've yet to have a complaint about it. I've met plenty of women that look better as they've gained weight, and they accurately advertise that. But hell, maybe I'm just biased because I prefer my women average to thick.

I'm a size 8-10, and have a lower body fat percentage then most of the skinny girls I know. I've played sports all my life, I lift weights and run on almost a daily basis. I don't have a clue how much I weigh, I haven't been on a scale in years. If I have to input a weight I just guess. Is that fair? Depends on who you ask, some guys think that the actual number makes a difference. But I'm certainly not going to advertise that I weigh 100 lbs, because that's a blatant lie. I have a muscular build, I don't think I've weighed that much since I was probably in elementary school. That's why I make it a point to post my measurements, because it more accurately portrays my size.

On the other hand, the actual number a woman weighs isn't an accurate way to describe how she looks. I've known women that I had 30 lbs on, and I wore the same size as them. Everyone carries their weight differently, and a woman who weighs 110 lbs can be just as flabby and lacking muscle tone as a woman who weighs 200. But I suppose that discussion is for another thread.

But my point is, I don't quite understand why this is such a big deal. Yeah, providers gain weight. If a woman shows up at your door and doesn't look like her pictures, you have every right to send her on her way, because it's false advertising. But isn't that what reviews are for? Most reviews, at least the parts that I can see, note if the provider looks like her pictures. Comments like "Her pictures don't do her justice" or "She looks about 15 lbs heavier then her photos" are pretty common in reviews, correct?

So excuse my frankness, it sucks that there are a ton of women out there that use old pictures, but in my opinion, it's part of this business. Now, that doesn't mean I think it's okay, but there will always be women out there shaving years off their age, inches off their measurements and using fake/old pictures. Some of the women doing stuff like that are beautiful enough to get plenty of business using their own, accurate pictures, but think they can get away with it. But providers with good reps don't do stuff like that, or they obviously wouldn't have good reps. So if you stick to a chick that knows what she's doing and carries herself in a professional manner, this shouldn't be an issue.
ANONONE's Avatar
Over the past 5years I put on an extra 60 lbs. My original weight was 102-105. . .

. . .Over the past year I have lost about 20 lbs. . . Originally Posted by Audrina Monroe

Taking my example above, a session with you at your current shape with the average out of shape client would be right around $232.50 per hour. It would be $262.50 per hour at your stated goal.

I am game if you want to make a resolution and then tour Ohio next Spring!

Weight can be such a tender issue for so many ladies. While some are just naturally lean most of us even the petite ones have to work at it. I can understand why gentlemen get frustrated when they see an outdated pic thinking it is the current version of the lady they are meeting. Upon arrival they will likely be disappointed if her photos are of her in her prime and not current.
We all have to really work hard on our own personal brand. It is what defines us as individuals. Personally I eat a very strict vegetarian diet and started this about a year ago. I have never felt better in my life. It is not for everyone nor do I suggest everyone try it. I also make sure that I am getting at least an hour of good solid cardiovascular exercise outside of the bedroom 4x a week in addition to resistance and light weights to tone everything. This is just what makes me feel good.
I think essentially it is all about balance and doing what it takes to make yourself feel good and healthy. I know that we all have those itty bitty jeans in the back of the closet. Mine were a size 0. Do I really need to fit into them? Nope. I am perfectly happy as a size 4. When I look back at the 100lb me in past photos I think wow, someone should have told me to eat something! Now at 5'2 I fluctuate between 118-122. I am much happier and much more content with myself.
Sonya Playmate's Avatar
I must applaud all providers who are putting in the effort. Sonya, I can see why you stay in perfect shape. I dont think many providers can keep up what I see you doing in your avatar. You need to produce a sexual aerobics video. Originally Posted by lingam4u
Aww yup hump hump..Okay got get my morning run done
Sonya Playmate's Avatar
Sonya, you need to visit Houston and workout with me or work me out or both. Originally Posted by whitechocolate
whitechoc..Oh yes we can both give each other a workout..
rednecksatyr's Avatar
Over the past 5years I put on an extra 60 lbs. My original weight was 102-105. I have since had 2 babys and well it was not as easy as it was after my 1st 10 yrs ago. Over the past year I have lost about 20 lbs. I do believe that we as providers should take care of ourselves. It is not as easy as it sounds. I myself never had to diet or work out. To be honest until I had my first child I was trying to gain wait. I was practically100lbs of bones and boob. ( Ive always had large breast) After my first I maintained a weight of 115-120. I was very happy. Now after my last 2 I find that it is way harder to lose the baby weight. It takes alot of dicipline to diet and workout when you never had to before. I am about 20-25 lbs away from my goal. I am very happy with my womenly body, I just feel to be healthy I need to get down to 120-125. That being said all my pictures I have in ads, websites ext are recent within 6-8weeks. I also do not lead people to believe I am smaller then I am. I am very vocal about my size in my showcase and weekly ads. I also turn appts down if I see that they have a pattern of seeing women who have that spinner type body and let them know why. I just dont understand why some are so misleading. Do they not think that when the door is opened the client is not going to see straight through the lie? I much rather be honest, if you dont like me well then just move on to the next ad till you find what your looking for. Originally Posted by Audrina Monroe

Well said!
lingam4u's Avatar
I never said bigger girls arent at their best. There are excellent providers of all sizes and shapes. Adrielle you look great with a very solid looking sexy shapely muscular body. Savanah, you look super as well. Both of you have two different body types and both look great. The bottom line is that most providers will gain weight as they get older and their shape will change. You just need to feel good about the way you look and let the guys know you feel good about it and advertise accurately. If you dont feel good about it, do something like exercise or diet or both to change the way you look and not make excuses and use denial and old out of date pictures. It is up to the provider to advertise accurately and not reviewers to tell it the way it is which some do and some dont for many reasons which is another topic in itself.

Taking my example above, a session with you at your current shape with the average out of shape client would be right around $232.50 per hour. It would be $262.50 per hour at your stated goal.

I am game if you want to make a resolution and then tour Ohio next Spring!

Originally Posted by ANONONE
I just joined a fitness boot camp. I may take you up on your offer........ Savannah, In my eyes you are one tough cookie to be on that kind of diet. I do not think I have it in me, I eat really healthy 6 days a week. But I do allow myself to indulge on a big juicy steak, I can polish off a 16oz+ Porter House.. Umm Yummy. I think if I didnt allow myself one day of eating pleasure my diet would probably fail.....
whitechocolate's Avatar
In my opinion, being in the business, the key to a successful exercise/eating healthy program is doing it and living it daily. It is like breathing or sleeping. You cant go a day without it. I know people like to have "rest" days but I personally dont believe in them. If you need steak or chocolate or whatever, have it but in a very small portion size. Dont deny yourself what you crave as that will lead to failure. Exercise for health is done daily in one form or another. Intensive workouts in the bedroom like Sonya demonstrates do count as that constant hip action can be very aerobic.