Oh yes....the whole world will join hands and sing in perfect harmony for a Coke-Cola ad.
Do you and PJ really believe this? I mean yes....the smarter more prosperous countries have negative growth rates. What does that leave us with?...a world where the ignorant masses are breeding like rabbits.
Look what shape our declining population birth rates and aging population living longer trends are putting us a a competitive disadvantage. Yet you think an older , less productive population will correlate into higher living standards? Please tell me how this utopia can come about?
Originally Posted by WTF
If you aren't Al Gore, I'm not Jimmy Carter or Pollyanna, and there is a lot of room between the sort of global apocalypse scenarios you and J Diamond are describing and idealistic utopias. I.e., you are setting up straw men with which to joust.
My main point is that I don't believe that anyone, not the pessimists and also not the optimists, can make anything remotely in the neighborhood of usefully reliable predictions about the future of humanity (or "the world") for more than a few years in advance. Mostly it is just extrapolation of current trends or postulation of imagined scenarios. Take a look at the history of these crystal balls and you will see that they are absurdly inaccurate.
For example, around 1900 it was widely and *seriously* believed that New York and other major cities would soon have to stop growing or suffer an ecological catastrophe (though they did not use that term) due to the insupportable populations of horses required to keep them going (disposing of the manure and bodies of deceased horses, feeding them etc). In the 1960s many American "futurists" predicted that automation/computers and the increasing number of women joining the work force would accelerate the already long term trend of an ever shorter "work week" to new extremes...and that a typical worker would be putting only 10-20 hours into their job per week and be enjoying 2 or 3 months of vacation time per year by the year 2000. (This is just about when the trend to shorter working hours began to reverse, btw.) Another popular idea was that traffic jams would soon be abolished by wide spread use of "flying cars" or "robot driven vehicles".
At the moment, technology is the most obvious wild card in the deck for those trying to read the world's fortune. For example, many molecular biologists believe that it will be possible to turn off human aging within less than a century...maybe much less. Nanotechnology and bio-engineering have the potential to allow us to manufacture all sorts of "raw materials", including food and what we now call petroleum products. Some foresee computer/net communication and virtual reality technologies removing the need for people to transport their bodies from place to place nearly as much as is now the case. Etc.
I've probably said as much in this discussion as makes sense in this forum, so as a concluding summary: It is not that I think that I know what the future holds, it is that I don't think anyone knows and don't believe that either simplistic slogans such as "people are like locust" or detailed analyses such as in Diamond's book suffice to make anyone a reliable prophet.