It started in the Sixties... after JFK's assassination. Maybe Woodstock. Around the time the Berkeley free speech movement flipped and started enforcing Political Correctness. Around the time Bill Ayers joined the Weather Underground. Hard to pinpoint.
Originally Posted by lustylad
So you can't pinpoint, but it happened sometime since the classic Americana from of the 50s. Lots of things both great (e.g., man walking on the moon, Internet, etc) and bad (e.g., Pol Pot, HIV, etc) have happened since JFKs death. Clearly one thing that has happened since the late 50s is that white males do not have as much power as they did then. Is that the root of our demise? If not, what is/are?
Your comment also seems to imply that Political Correctness is a primary demise of our great Republic. If so, why is that?
I am just trying to understand what the basis for your anger and/or bitterness and/or frustration as to where we are as a people.