What's better? Economy opening back up May 1st or stretching this out until no more new cases of covid-19?

KosherCowboy's Avatar
You are all missing the concept of the "new normal".
Basic herd psych is that folks are gonna avoid crowds regardless into the future.
. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
That is a fair question for another thread perhaps. Seems to be varying opinions on that. By no means am I saying u are off topic here rather I think you pose a great question. Where do most stand on this, and for how long would you wait?

Would one get on a full British Airways flight to London in January?
Or would one get on a private jet to Cabo this winter?
Assuming all the NFL games were played w no fans but the Super Bowl was played in a packed stadium and you had two free tickets to it would you drive to Dallas for the game?

I think for the rich they will still be rich, the poor will stay poor if not poorer and the middle class will evaporate somewhat. Much lingers out there we're in limbo now but as the pic becomes clearer what will the new normal be? I think it will vary greatly..

Good points; although I am not in full agreement...
Damn Goat. Where did you get all that incorrect information you’re putting out as fact. Anyone reading what’s above please ignore anything he states as a fact and understand those are just his opinions. Look to what actual experts say not some dude on the internet or a talking head on political tv. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

Dude, first of all, everything on this board is opinion, even the reviews, haha. Secondly, don't be like all the news media, telling people my facts are incorrect, do your research (which ARE facts, they can all be verified), even on this board I have my freedom of speech, people can decide for themselves if my opinions or facts make sense or are ridiculous, it is everyone's right to decide what they want, even you. But don't just say I'm wrong without verifying what I am saying-that is the problem. Your response just said I was plain wrong, but you didn't rebuff it with any facts. Even Fauci said that as soon as he and Dr Brix made their FIRST recommendation to Trump, Trump acted. Trump and other politicians didn't do anything before that because the health experts themselves were still trying to gather information and make conclusions. People don't need you to tell them what to believe, plus with all the misinformation and confusion out there, we are all (even the politicians to some extent) are just doing the best we can all do. I've self isolated for 6 weeks, happy to stay home for another 6 weeks, want to protect my older relatives, won't be seeing any of them for awhile, but all it takes is one group of idiots to keep spreading it among their group, then one of those people goes out in the world and infects everyone else, That is how we are going to get 2nd and third waves, which I guarantee will happen, whether we stay shutdown a few more weeks or a few more months. In either scenario, people are still going to die-it is the way of the world. It sucks, but I don't think we need to ruin the economy unless we can guarantee we eradicate the disease which is impossible. Plus, even when they do develop a vaccine, there are so many anti vaxxers out there that people will still die after a vaccine is administered
hatecoldwater's Avatar
neither answer is good, i suggest you listen to the experts advise. and by expert i do not mean the president nor any of you here in this forum
Let's open this economy up and quit being a bunch of pussies!

Sweden didn't close down and they are approaching herd immunity.

Exception - keep the NBA closed - fuck the NBA!