Proof Jan 6th Was An Inside Job

Yssup Rider's Avatar
^^^ Yeah, I don't forget the audience in this forum. After reading the OP's rebuttal to my post, I would have to RTM myself for the insults if I wanted to continue with this nonsense.

Like the old saying goes, "you can't teach an old dog new tricks". In this case, you can't teach an old trick to not believe bullshit just because they found it on some far-right nut job site on the internet.

Oh well, I guess time will tell some of you guys what really happened even though it has been many years and time has already told the rest of us. LOL Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Problem is, some of our esteemed colleagues from across the aisle can’t tell an insult from an honest observation. Hence, EVERYTHING is an insult.

However, that doesn’t justify the absurdity and outrageousness of the MAGA cult’s continued assault on the truth that became an ugly stain upon the fabric of this great nation on January 6.
ICU 812's Avatar

"The biggest lie in your entire post ICU is paragraph 4 sentence 2. Either you’re a liar or you have no clue who you are."

Regarding Obama and the birthers: I did not vote for President Obama. I did at first have doubts about his constitutional qualification to run. However, I soon came to understand that the evidence presented was not valid. In fact, my own "Birth Certificate" from New York City looks even less impressive as it is merely a notarized photocopy of a microfilm file.

Regarding space aliens: I have long believed that there are intelligent beings out there somewhere. But at this time, I do not believe that any government, ours or anyone else's, has artifacts or biological specimens of extra-terrestrial origin.

I do not give credence to, support or endorse either of those speculations.
  • Tiny
  • 11-21-2023, 11:51 AM
its highly unlikely that these "rogue Fed agents" were trump supporters.

one of the red flags (its the biggest one) I mentioned is the former Capitol Police Chief. He has stated that he requested national guard to help support the capitol police and was denied. His force was understaffed to handle a very large crowd.

He reports to the Speaker of the House.

and whats more... he was not interviewed with the J6 commission.

that tells you something was up on that day. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
You can lay the blame on incompetence on the part of House and Senate security officials and Army General Walter Piatt. But there wasn't anything nefarious going on.

Sund (Chief of Capitol Police) says during a conference call with several law enforcement officials at about 2:26 p.m., he asked the Pentagon to provide backup.

Senior Army official Lt. Gen. Walter E. Piatt, director of the Army Staff, said on the call he couldn't recommend that Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy authorize deployment, Sund and others on the call told the Post. Piatt reportedly said, "I don't like the visual of the National Guard standing a police line with the Capitol in the background," the Post reported.
texassapper's Avatar
You can lay the blame on incompetence on the part of House and Senate security officials and Army General Walter Piatt. But there wasn't anything nefarious going on. Originally Posted by Tiny
Sure.... It's not like anyone over at the puzzle palace would ignore the orders of the CINC. /sarc.

You realize that Obama fired something on the order of 130 flag rank officers to make way for ideologues like that clown Miley and the flunkie Austin? You have no way of knowing what is nefarious or not here.
  • Tiny
  • 11-21-2023, 12:16 PM
I guess the first question is WOULD the Feds act as agents provocateur? The answer to that is unequivocally, yes. In the Whitmer kidnaping plot 36% of the indicted were Federal resources. Originally Posted by texassapper
I don't believe that's a good example. There were FBI informants and agents involved in that, but were ANY of them actually indicted for their part in the Whitmer kidnapping? Are you referring to people who ratted on their buddies so they'd get a lighter sentence?

And if you know your history, the Ruby Ridge Fiasco and Waco massacre was similarly instigated by the ATF/FBI. So is it reasonable to assume that the Feds had some hand in directing or participating in J6? Absolutely. Originally Posted by texassapper
That's just cops being cops. A friend of mine was convicted on bogus charges because the sheriff had a personal vendetta against him and wanted to take away his guns. So they drummed something up and while he never went to jail, he can't get a decent job or travel.

There were no Feds on the inside that pushed Waco and Ruby Ridge along. Yes the Feds did have a plant at Waco, but he never encouraged Koresh to do what he did.

Paraphrasing what McCain said, does this theory make sense? No it does not. Why would the deep state threaten its very existence and the lives of its enablers on Capitol hill, just in order to put some Proud Boys, Oathkeepers, and nameless Republican demonstrators in jail?

Lets talk about the J6 pipe bombs for a moment. The Feds released video of the person planting the bombs USING THEIR CELL PHONE! Most J6's were out of towners and were traced via cell records... but they can't find this particular person? LOL... I mean a kitchen timer w/ a one hour duration is going to trigger a pipe bomb 17 hours later? The FBI obviously thinks you are stupid..... The secret Service even swept the DNC location and didn't find the pipe bomb Originally Posted by texassapper
Again, does this make sense? Why would the Deep State attack the Deep State? This was the work of one or more anarchists, not federal agents.

Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund requested the National Guard be placed on standby to support his forces 6 times prior to and during the day of J6. His direct boss, Nancy Pelosi denied those requests or outright ignored his calls. Do watch the whole interview as it is very enlightening. Originally Posted by texassapper
It wasn't Pelosi, it was security officials in the House and Senate, who were senior to the Capitol police Chief and Senate Sergeant at Arms, who wanted the Guard on standby. And the Army wouldn't have granted the request anyway based on what happened on January 6. Please see reply to Dilbert and NPR link above.

Pelosi, AOC and some other Democrats rightly or wrongly (I think wrongly) believed they were at risk of getting killed on January 6. Again, does it make sense for Pelosi to damp down security so she could place her life in danger (at least in her view)? I don't think so.

Anyway, there is enough questionable activity from the days events and the follow up to appear to be a cover up that I could spend days pulling up articles about why it's reasonable to believe that the Feds either provoked, or participated in J6 to focus the publics attention off the election irregularities. Originally Posted by texassapper;1063355771Perhaps the best reporting being done on J6 is on Is it logical to assume that the Feds had NO agents on the ground on J6? By their own accounts, they lost track of how many they had... The whole Ray Epps tale is interesting... the Feds are putting people in jail that never even entered the Capitol but Ray Epps... meh after realizing how stupid they look they finally charged him... with disorderly conduct. LOL

The whole Epps fantasy was cooked up by Revolver and Tucker Carlson to sell advertisements. It's ridiculous. But we've already beat that horse to death several times. See for example ICU's thread,

Just because a majority of people believe the official narrative doesn't make it so...

Now there is going to be more footage coming out that Politicians didn't want you to see... why not? You paid for it... what are you going to discover that they didn't want you to know?

Maybe you think none of this sounds reasonable because you still trust your government? You don't think they have the resources to pull it off? Or you think people would keep their mouths shut? heh... Tell it to Seth Rich. Did the DNC ever turn over those servers to the FBI fr analysis?

Seriously why WOULD you believe the governments version of events? Originally Posted by texassapper
I don't trust the government, and I don't trust Swamp Creature Donald Trump.

Julian Assange pointed the finger at Seth Rich to throw people off of the his true source for the leaks, Russian hackers. Rich was walking around late at night in Washington, D.C. and got axed by somebody trying to rob him.
  • Tiny
  • 11-21-2023, 12:23 PM
Lookie Lookie.... when you start pulling on the thread, we all know where this is gonna go..

Rep. Loudermilk CONFIRMS undercover Metro Police Officer Urging J6 Crowd to advance on the Capitol.

He is named and shamed too... which means we can find out who put him there and what for... Officer Nicholas Tomasula (sp).

Does this count as another Conspiracy theory that has become fact?

So yeah, McCain.... it appears that what I asserted was completely REASONABLE... and this is just the first name we have

Which begs the question.... why did they have to set this up? What were they trying to hide? hint: The stolen election...

Originally Posted by texassapper
I see the guy saying "go, go" in the video. And Loudermilk says he was helping people up the scaffolding. Doesn't sound like he played a big part in the day's events, if you believe Loudermilk. From what I'm reading, there were allegedly 8 or 9 undercover Metropolitan Police in the crowd. If they were all wearing bodycams, it seems like Loudermilk could have come up with something more convincing than this.

Loudermilk was accused of giving a tour of the Capitol to an instigator of January 6. Now I don't necessarily believe that happened, and if it did sure don't believe it was intentional. But maybe he's pointing a finger at the policeman to deflect from that. If January 6 was a government plot, then you can't really accuse Loudermilk of providing intelligence to the Proud Boys or Oath Keepers or whoever. Surely the federal agents already had a good handle on the layout of the Capitol.
texassapper's Avatar
I don't believe that's a good example. There were FBI informants and agents involved in that, but were ANY of them actually indicted? Originally Posted by Tiny
LOL... The entire plot was funded and provisioned by the agents. Without the FBI involvement there would be no Whitmer kidnapping plot.

That's just cops being cops...There were no Feds on the inside that pushed Waco and Ruby Ridge along. Yes the Feds did have a plant at Waco, but he never encouraged Koresh to do what he did. Originally Posted by Tiny
You mis the point. RR was again the ATF pushing Weaver to make the weapons mods that Weaver was not interested in. Waco was that they could have arrested Koresh in town. He even went to the range the previous week with people he knew to be Feds... they could have arrested him then, instead the Fibbies wanted headlines.. and they got them.

Why would the deep state threaten its very existence and the lives of its enablers on Capitol hill, just in order to put some Proud Boys, Oathkeepers, and nameless Republican demonstrators in jail? Originally Posted by Tiny
The only peoples whose lives were in danger were the protestors. The point wasn't arrests it was to push the certification process without allowing for any pause that Americans might be allowed to look at the evidence for the frauulent election allegations and to allow the Dems to turn their political opponents into pariahs.

Again, does this make sense? Why would the Deep State attack the Deep State? This was the work of one or more anarchists, not federal agents. Originally Posted by Tiny
Because the pipe bombs weren't viable.... it was a 60 minute kitchen timer on black powder.... set down 17 hours earlier... it was meant to be found at a certain time in order to pull police off of capitol hill making the breech easier. Do you know of any mechanical kitchen timers that can run 17 hours? lol

It wasn't Pelosi, it was security officials in the House and Senate, who were senior to the Capitol police Chief and Senate Sergeant at Arms, who wanted the Guard on standby. Originally Posted by Tiny
Wrong... watch the Chief of police testimony or his interview.

And the Army wouldn't have granted the request anyway based on what happened on January 6. Originally Posted by Tiny
LOL.. exactly the plotters had zero reason to want NG on the hill.

Pelosi, AOC and some other Democrats rightly or wrongly (I think wrongly) believed they were at risk of getting killed on January 6. Again, does it make sense for Pelosi to damp down security so she could place her life in danger (at least in her view)? I don't think so. Originally Posted by Tiny
and you believe them why? Because they fcuking said so? lol.... that is rich. Pelosi had her own kid filming the crap.. and did multiple takes to capture for her version of history... doesn't sound like someone scared for their life.

The whole Epps fantasy was cooked up by Revolver and Tucker Carlson to sell advertisements. It's ridiculous. Originally Posted by Tiny
Then explain the lack of prosecution and then only for trespassing for behavior far worse than what others were given YEARS for... the guys a Fed and was tagged the day before because he was such a dunce of an actor.

I don't trust the government, and I don't trust Swamp Creature Donald Trump. Originally Posted by Tiny
But you also don't apparently think they'd lie to you.

Julian Assange pointed the finger at Seth Rich to throw people off of the his true source for the leaks, Russian intelligence. Originally Posted by Tiny
And you know this how?

Rich was walking around late at night in Washington, D.C. and got axed by somebody trying to rob him. Originally Posted by Tiny
Yet they failed to take his watch or wallet.... really hard to get good muggers isn't it? lol

Try again.
texassapper's Avatar
I see the guy saying "go, go" in the video. And Loudermilk says he was helping people up the scaffolding. Doesn't sound like he played a big part in the day's events, if you believe Loudermilk.

Loudermilk was accused of giving a tour of the Capitol to an instigator of January 6. Now I don't necessarily believe that happened, and if it did sure don't believe it was intentional. But maybe he's pointing a finger at the policeman to deflect from that. If January 6 was a government plot, then you can't really accuse Loudermilk of providing intelligence to the Proud Boys or Oath Keepers or whoever. Surely the federal agents already had a good handle on the layout of the Capitol. Originally Posted by Tiny
LOL... But I thought there was no undercover presence in the crowd... so was there or not?

If there was, then the American public deserves to know how many...
Michael8219's Avatar
Epps, Loudermilk, blue bullhorn guy, Capitol police waiving folks in to the Capitol. Firing tear gas deep into the crowd who weren’t even close to the building.

Definitely a plot to set up Democrat control for years. To make the right seated folks on the aisle look like crazies and “insurrectionists.”

Next October you will see the exABC producer, who produced the made for TV miniseries now titled as something sounding legitimate (see link below), make campaign commercials for the democratic candidate for president.
  • Tiny
  • 11-21-2023, 02:15 PM
Epps, Loudermilk, blue bullhorn guy, Capitol police waiving folks in to the Capitol. Firing tear gas deep into the crowd who weren’t even close to the building.

Definitely a plot to set up Democrat control for years. To make the right seated folks on the aisle look like crazies and “insurrectionists.”
Originally Posted by Michael8219
And who's responsible for that? Well, Trump, for promoting his "stolen election" delusion and telling people to show up and protest on January 6.

Big protest in D.C. on January 6th. Be there, will be wild!

- Donald J. Trump, December 19, 2020

Now, it is up to Congress to confront this egregious assault on our democracy. And after this, we're going to walk down, and I'll be there with you, we're going to walk down, we're going to walk down.

Anyone you want, but I think right here, we're going to walk down to the Capitol, and we're going to cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women, and we're probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them.

Because you'll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength and you have to be strong. We have come to demand that Congress do the right thing and only count the electors who have been lawfully slated, lawfully slated.

-Donald J. Trump, January 6, 2021

And the solution, to prevent Democrat control for years, is simple. Kick Trump to the curb. A Generic Republican wins against Biden, 48% to 37%, in this very recent NBC News poll:

For good measure, if the Republicans would also stop trying to ban abortion, they'd probably win the Senate and House in 2024.

Unfortunately though, that's not going to happen. And the United States of America may indeed become a one party state.
  • Tiny
  • 11-21-2023, 03:39 PM
You mis the point. RR was again the ATF pushing Weaver to make the weapons mods that Weaver was not interested in. Waco was that they could have arrested Koresh in town. He even went to the range the previous week with people he knew to be Feds... they could have arrested him then, instead the Fibbies wanted headlines.. and they got them....

Because the pipe bombs weren't viable.... it was a 60 minute kitchen timer on black powder.... set down 17 hours earlier... it was meant to be found at a certain time in order to pull police off of capitol hill making the breech easier. Do you know of any mechanical kitchen timers that can run 17 hours? lol Originally Posted by texassapper
Thanks for the post.

I should read up on Ruby Ridge and Waco again. They were travesties. I don't believe the additional details above, that I wasn't aware of, lend credence to the belief that January 6 was engineered by the Feds.

I think you or someone else posted about the timer and it didn't sink in. That might argue that someone like a Proud Boy or Oath Keeper did it. That is, that one of the small minority of the protestors who planned to occupy the Capitol ahead of time planted the bombs.
... The "bombs" there were a back-up plan - just in case the
6th Jan protest at the Capitol wasn't intense enough.

Why is it that this "planted bombs" story has been ABANDONED
by the main stream media??

... Because they surely got their marching orders from the DNC
and the White House, that's why.

... Please understand the gravity of the situation:
The Vice President-Elect was nearly KILLED by a bomb explosion.

And yet - not-onley do we hear nary a word about it,
but EVEN WITH modern technology - state of the art, as they say,
and video footage - The Biden FBI/DOJ somehow cannot seem to
find the culprits. ...

... THAT should help you lads understand that this whole thing
was indeed a sad inside job.

#### Salty

"The biggest lie in your entire post ICU is paragraph 4 sentence 2. Either you’re a liar or you have no clue who you are."

Regarding Obama and the birthers: I did not vote for President Obama. I did at first have doubts about his constitutional qualification to run. However, I soon came to understand that the evidence presented was not valid. In fact, my own "Birth Certificate" from New York City looks even less impressive as it is merely a notarized photocopy of a microfilm file.

Regarding space aliens: I have long believed that there are intelligent beings out there somewhere. But at this time, I do not believe that any government, ours or anyone else's, has artifacts or biological specimens of extra-terrestrial origin.

I do not give credence to, support or endorse either of those speculations. Originally Posted by ICU 812
If you don’t believe you’re a conspiracy theorist your level of delusion is through the roof.
Poor Tiny. You can’t reason with crazy stupid or dumb. You’ll just join them.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
... Thank you for posting the photo of the gallows.

You see those people standing-with the gallows there?
That's Ray Epps and his "GhostBus" mates.

You see, THEY surely CONSTRUCTED the gallows.
The day before.

... They got the gallows "construction workers" (2 blokes)
on video. ... WHY have we not heard of either being
charges or convicted of anything??

... See? ... More FACTS to show what a sad "Inside Job" it was.

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
And your “FBI agent” who showed a badge to enter the Capitol… wasn’t waving a badge, but a vape. Proven by numerous sources.

MAGAs are so silly.

No wonder they don’t win.