Bashir of MSNBC Apologizes to Palin

Yssup Rider's Avatar
JDIdiot is TRULY defending Sarah Palin?

Then he tries to justify her ridiculous remarks?

Obviously he found nothing wrong with her moronic performance as the GOP VP nominee. Why wouldn't he defend her then?

He's telling us a LOT about himself.

What next? Defend IBIdiot's using the same insult 15-25 times in every post?

Come on JDIdiot... Where's the beef?
NiceGuy53's Avatar
Yesterday, Odumbo claimed that 100 million Americans have successfully enrolled in new insurance plans during the first month of the healthcare exchange. The real figure is closer to 100,000 and this includes those who have chosen a plan but haven't purchased it yet. I guess math was not his best subject.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You get to judge nothing shit-for-brains. You asked for idiotic got them. You can try to make excuses for your girl all day long. We all know better. She's a moron.

Aren't you supposed to be swabbing out the bathroom at the junior college? Don't eat the big mint in the urinal. Originally Posted by timpage
As I pointed out (no charge either) with one possible exception none of those quotes were stupid. There were brain farts and things that you disagree with but not stupid. Maybe you should look up things Tina Fey says.