Good advice for clueless people...

That's why I prefer to be (the passenger of an automobile) in the SLOW lane. ROAD HEAD is much better received in the slow lane. Besides, why would I want crazy ppl honking and flipping him off when he's already trying NOT to wreck in the 1st place....

...he he he...
Just a couple questions.

- If everyone is doing 60-65, but there is enough room for racer boys with radar detectors to do 85, I assume you are doing the speed you are comfortable with, and the racer boys are not effecting your speed, so why do you care?

- I don't see flow of traffic in DFW slowing to 60 - 65 except at rush hour, when 85 is is not possible. My observation is that 70-80 is more realistic. Where are you driving?

- Quote "Save the infantile racer boy fantasy for the open road."
Any place that allows me to do 85 seems pretty open to me. What do you consider to be an open road, and where can I find one?

- Quote "I like to get in the far left hand lane and set the cruise on a nice, safe, relaxing 45mph.

After all, evceryone knows that you shouln't drive fast when steering with your knees, as I usually am.

How else can I properly apply mascara, lipstick, comb my hair, text, and check my emails???

Silly people-often they flash their lights at me and give me the finger as they pass-I just smile and wave or blow them a kiss."

I thought this earlier post was humor, but now I'm not so sure.
I drive fast.
I have been driving this way since the year you were born, and I've never hit anything bigger than a curb.
I have never understood why this bothers people. I do not slalom through traffic. I do not cut people off. I am more likely than the average driver to let someone go in front of me. When I see an accident, I stop to see if anyone needs help. I carry a fire extinguisher in my car for such occasions. When there is nobody in front of me, 85 - 90 mph is common, and 100 isn't surprising.

Seriously, what is it that you have a problem with?

On the other hand, thank you for the "infantile racer boy" comment. It takes 20 years off my image. Originally Posted by PODarkness
Yes, the first post I made in this thread was an attempt at humor.

The other two are certainly not.

When there is traffic and everyone else is traveling at 65mph or so and some A-S-S-H-O-L-E is weaving in and out of traffic going at least 10 and often 15 or 20 mph faster than everyone else, yes, I do have a problem with that. I see it everday on 635, 35, and 75 during rush hour.

If you are on a stretch of interstate and away from city congestion, knock yourself out. Hit 90, 100, whatever. I'm sure we're all impressed.

But if your speeding is endangering myself, my daughter, and other law abiding citizens that's a different story.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Yes, the first post I made in this thread was an attempt at humor.

The other two are certainly not.

When there is traffic and everyone else is trasveling at 65mph or so and some A-S-S-H-O-L-E is weaving in and out of traffic going at least 10 and often 15 or 20 mph faster than everyone else, yes, I do have a problem with that. I see it everday on 635, 35, and 75 during rush hour.

If you are on a stretch of interstate and away from city congestion, knock yourself out. Hit 90, 100, whatever. I'm sure we're all impressed.

But if your speeding is endangering myself, my daughter, and other law abiding citizens that's a different story. Originally Posted by Sweet Heather
I concur! I consider myself precious cargo while in a vehicle! There's a place and time for those "crazy speed demons", and while I'm on the highway, it ain't that time! I nearly ended a relationship because a SO drove like that with me in the car.....eff that!

Funny to think of him stopping in the middle of the road because I absolutely went ballistic, which I never do, but after asking on several occasions to consider how he was endangering others and that didn't work, I lost it. There I am walking in traffic cause I felt it was safer than being in the vehicle with a racing mad man behind the wheel. He sure never did it again!
Well, you know what they say..the faster the car, the smaller the..,wel,you know.
PODarkness's Avatar
Yes, the first post I made in this thread was an attempt at humor.

The other two are certainly not.

When there is traffic and everyone else is trasveling at 65mph or so and some A-S-S-H-O-L-E is weaving in and out of traffic going at least 10 and often 15 or 20 mph faster than everyone else, yes, I do have a problem with that. I see it everday on 635, 35, and 75 during rush hour.

If you are on a stretch of interstate and away from city congestion, knock yourself out. Hit 90, 100, whatever. I'm sure we're all impressed.

But if your speeding is endangering myself, my daughter, and other law abiding citizens that's a different story. Originally Posted by Sweet Heather
You are right about trying to outrun a radio. It doesn't work.

Those who slalom through traffic pose a hazard, slow down the general flow by causing everyone else to hit their brakes, and in my experience don't get there any faster than I do. I see it most often on Central Expressway when I'm headed downtown. All that energy and action generally gets them stuck in a right lane when they guess some particular car's next move wrong, and I end up passing them in the end, from the passing lane.

If everyone on the highway was (by my definition) a good driver, you would rarely ever have to use your brakes. Making a move that causes someone else to brake is inconsiderate, slows the general flow, and in heavy traffic causes a chain reaction that results in stop and go traffic. That includes entering an expressway while going slower than the lane you are trying to merge into.

There is no excuse for that.

I am not trying to impress anyone with the speed I drive. If 90 - 100 mph impresses someone, so be it. After about 140 mph I become impressed, not with the driver, but with the car. It takes a good motor, suspension, tires, and aerodynamics to maintain those speeds, and every mph after takes a lot more horsepower. I'm impressed by the engineering, not the "talent" it takes to push your foot down.
One of the best compliments a woman ever gave me was that I was a "smooth" driver. It meant a lot that she noticed, and immediately endeared me to her. If she had said "fast" I doubt I would remember it.

Speed limits have very little to do with saving lives, and everything to do with money and control. If the government wanted to limit everyone to 70 mph, they could mandate that all cars sold in the US have limiters and make it a crime to tamper with them. They did it with catalytic converters, and tampering with a limiter would be much more obvious than using an off-road exhaust system. German auto mfg. already does this, (at a liberal 160 mph) so the technology is there. If the US did this it would take a major source of revenue away from municipalities and give the police one less reason to pull people over, question them, search their vehicle, and check their ID.

I warn oncoming traffic of revenue traps whenever possible. We all pick and choose the laws we respect. This board is proof of that, hypothetically anyway (it's all fantasy as far as I know). Laws that stop me from doing something that hurts nobody, get little respect from me. I find no civic duty in helping the police enforce those laws, and a little bit of pleasure in warning others, when there is an immediate danger of getting caught.

Perhaps this discussion should be moved to the sand box. Driving seems to have hijacked the thread, and for that, I apologize.

Can I still be "infantile racer boy"? It has a ring to it.
motocrossman39's Avatar
Well, you know what they say..the faster the car, the smaller the..,wel,you know. Originally Posted by Sweet Heather

I thought it was the bigger the Truck?..... LOL (yup Heather, I have a Big 350 Dually) LOL
berkleigh's Avatar
That's why I prefer to be (the passenger of an automobile) in the SLOW lane. ROAD HEAD is much better received in the slow lane. Besides, why would I want crazy ppl honking and flipping him off when he's already trying NOT to wreck in the 1st place....

...he he he... Originally Posted by ItalianaPrincess
I just switched seats and am gonna give some "road head" now!
otrdriver's Avatar
Motorcrossman got you beat my truck has 5 axles and is 70 ft long. lol

To all Please when driving around a big truck please don't tailgate, don't drive next to me, especially next to the rear tires on the trailer, don't expect me to change lanes(from left lane) just because you are entering the highway. Ditto on the merge onto the highway speed up before you enter the roadway not 1/2 mile after you have caused everyone to slam on brakes to let you take your time dirupting the flow of traffic. The air pressure in truck tires is 100lbs. when the tire blows (usually caused by high heat, puncture, low tire pressure) the remains will take out a windshield or tear a door off a car.

To all you Dallas drivers if you think traffic is bad in DFW don't go to San Antonio or Houston. I drive alot in LA and at least I know those idiots will pass on the shoulder or cut me off at the earliest convience. But Texas drivers, you never know what to expect.

Bottom line please be careful around the trucks their stopping distance is alot longer than you might expect ( 70 ft X 60mph = approx 700-1000 ft.) remember this the next time you cut in front of a truck and slam on the brakes to miss hitting the car that just slowed down. Please!
Fast Gunn's Avatar
I really feel there should be gunslinging allowed on the freeways in Dallas. It will help clear up this problem of slow drivers who have no clue on how to operate a car.... LOL j/k Originally Posted by The Apostle
They have they already, don't they?

I did see a bumper sticker once there that said:

"I Brake To Reload"
scooterpie's Avatar
It all boils down to this:

Anybody driving faster than you is an idiot,
anybody driving slower than you is a moron.

If the slower divers would speed up and the faster drivers would slow down, traffic would move so much smoother.
gptxman's Avatar
Well since we are on the subject of driving all I have to say is I don't really care if you lead, or follow as long as you get the fuck out of my way.

Now for the hobby my advice is to eat more pussy!