Oh I know Naomi. I am all ready hearing how refreshing it is to see a provider post that has a soul. In fact, some of my best clients came from appreciating my attitude and no they didn't expect favors from the get. I attract the classier guys who know how to act. Most well to do but not all are so when their company downsizes or they become disabled, I understand. Here's a bet, I will get more quality clients contacting me from these posts than you will. And the respect for your SO while you are a provider is just absurd. Who the hell can respect a guy that will accept that his woman provides? I wouldn't want a man who was okay with me providing. In fact, I see no manhood, respect or self respect in that at all. If I were a client, I wouldn't want to see providers with a SO no matter how hot she was, I wouldn't want to be a member of that club. I don't need more clients, btw. That's why I don't have over a 1000 posts in a month. I am bizzy enough in and out of the hobby. After all, I don't need to advertise. I just pick up my phone or send out emails. I also answer requests for "when are you coming to my area" quite often. In fact, this spring... I will be coming straight up through the Carolinas (by request) all the way to NY (by request) and you won't see me advertise or reviews cause I have all ready earned my respect to the point that some try to attack my credibility. So while I am being all unprofessional up your neck of the woods, you will be posting ads and wondering why it's so slow. Well, now ya know Hmmm, a lot of those request are over 2 years old and from the most seasoned hobbyists. They know I am going to email/text/call them... I wonder how I will do. Probably pretty decent since they know they can ask me and do ask me to look into things for them. Ya know, "what do ya think of this girl" types of trusts they have with me because they know I will look out for them and be honest about it. See, I all ready have quite a few clients from the Carolinas. They tend to get to Florida pretty often and that's one of my stomping grounds. They will email/text/call and back channel their hobby friends and let them know I am coming and I'll appreciate it even though they don't know it or expect it. Now I apologize if it seems I am coming down on you but I am insulted by some of the statements here and I really do have a lot of respect for the clients so I get a lil perturbed when I feel insulted and see needless disrespect for the guys. After all, they are human too. You should do what works for you. If you are gonna come out blasting people on professionalism and intelligence, then you should expect some in return. If the girl who never claimed to be a professional were here to defend herself, I wouldn't have posted at all. My clients love me and I really don't need to defend myself. I have only had 2 things effect my business... being thrown under the bus when the walls were all ready coming down and a crazy mod that I refused to see attacking my credibility with his mod squad. Hence, I am now utr.
Tracey, very well put. You weren't mean about it at all and that too is refreshing. I bet your clients love you too. I know everything I have read in your posts seems very sweet and real. That is a cute avatar.