Like many have said, this is a great thread and fantastic read into the mindsets and experiences of providers. Learning, knowing, or being reminded about these things might go a long way for some to fully enjoy themselves. Besides, walking in another's shoes (or in this case high heels) is one of the time tested methods for us humans to build better understanding about one another. It's a good list for us guys to keep in mind before engaging in future sessions with these wonderful ladies (well, if you care about that sorta insightful corrective behavior lol)
I thought about one curious addendum question while reading, although it's directed at us clients: out of these "biggest problems" listed previously, which one do you have the MOST and LEAST trouble avoiding? Put it another way: Which problem do you do most often see/catch/remember yourself struggling with or doing as opposite to least often? Especially, when you STARTED your journey in the hobby. Cuz let's face it, we were all newbies at one time or another, right? Guess I'll be brave enough to answer my own question then.
Least. Easy. I have enough respect for any provider I see to want my body to be hygienic, clean, and fresh around them. Period. I try to be as well groomed as possible too. Guess I way too subconscious about that sort of things.
Most. Well. I don't think I actually ask about forbidden things/haggle too often (I , especially around here) and not an 'emotional vamp' (had no idea what the heck that was either), but I guess since I'm being brave and stupid about answering this (to be used against me later I'm sure
...), I'd say the one I've struggled with most in the past was that whole 'time waster' thing. I guess due to me being overly cautious, or not having references, wanting to get more information out of sheer curiosity or indecision, or just trying to feel out what I was really into at a given time. A lot of that might stem from a failure to act thing, if that makes sense. Also with me not knowing what the hell I was doing. Who knows. *shrugs* Anyway, as I got more experience and confidence, it became easier for me to act because I knew more of what I wanted/how I liked it, so I'm a lot more aware of not "wasting" time and getting down to the business of the business. :P
So, any other 'brave' soul wish to take a shot at this? LoL. Anyway, thanks all for contributing and like others have said, keep it up. *waves 'Hi Slim.*