NR forums down ('twas inevitable!)

I agree with SLJb*4%8WVJs@&@.
ECCIE has a superior layout where information can be easily accessed, but it lacks a large base of active users.
USA has the opposite problem. It has plenty of users and information, but lacks organization. Everything is just runs together in one long stream, with conversations mixed in among other conversations. Someone asks about girl A, then the next post is a reply about girl B, then there's a question about location C, then someone replies about incident D, then maaaaaybe you see a reply about girl A or maybe it'll be on the next page. That format does not encourage any form of conversation.
It'd be great if ECCIE had that large, active community.
Mako113's Avatar
I can't disagree with any of that. I finally ended my paid subscription there earlier this month. Since then I have been able to log in, still see ads, can still request and be granted the ability to read reviews (weak-ass reviews, but nonetheless) and it makes me wonder just what a paid subscription gets you. I still have access to the same shit I had for the last 8 months. What a waste of $.

And as much as I hate USASG I have to agree, the size of the community alone makes it useful.