Bobster36's Avatar
First of all, the OP has conveniently removed herself from my to-do list. Reminds me too much of another overweight brunette provider in Dallas that periodically goes on non-sensical rants.

Second, big shout out to chew toy for his hilarious translation.

Lastly, to all the providers reading this.....do not post stuff like this if you want to stay in business. I'm single, w/o a S/O and I don't want drama. I'm certain the married hobbyists on here want even less drama.
All Caps... poor wording. probably her pimp.
All Caps... poor wording. probably her pimp. Originally Posted by Jim.Electron
Not much of a pimp. He'll prolly get kicked out of the pimp union for letting an unattached provider get so deep under his skin. "Please, please stop the mean provider from puttin' da black ball on my ho's."
bojulay's Avatar
If it were me I would tell her you know what the score is and if she does
it anymore you are going to put her name out there and give all the details
as a warning to others, and let her know that is exactly what you will do.

The only way to handle people like that, she will find something else to
occupy her time with I'm sure.

If this is legit you already know what to do, why ask, isn't it obvious.
I'll bet the black ballin' provider is holdin' some info that the pimp would like to remain private.

Just a guess....
damn shame.... i can teach you how to spell..shit i will even teach you on how to use your keyboard correctly! but, however! i do charge and no drama is allowed!! lol
TXHUNTER66's Avatar
Not much of a pimp. He'll prolly get kicked out of the pimp union for letting an unattached provider get so deep under his skin. "Please, please stop the mean provider from puttin' da black ball on my ho's." Originally Posted by eccienewbie
My thoughts exactly all caps poor spelling
Got to be the pimp worried that some other provider
Is trying to get her into another fold or go independent.
Who said pimp'n was easy.
Mrs Shade... "what you've just said ... is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul..."
I'll be the first to admit that I too, had more than one heavy chuckle out of this thread. The grandchild/pimp reference was almost too much and when curiosity got the best of me I browsed her profile.

Much to my surprise, a very respected gentleman I know has written a review on her. I couldn't help myself and asked a few questions. I was hoping someone would step forward but since that seems as likely as the Cowboys going to the Superbowl...here goes.

She's actually a really sweet lady. Perhaps not a scholar, like the rest of us BUT sweet and without ill intentions. I think she was actually trying to get some advice. I won't even try to figure out what exactly the dilemma was...

She doesn't have a pimp. I agree the complete mess of her words didn't quite articulate that clearly.*

All and all if you read back, she did not address any of the negative comments. She didn't post long drawn out petty rebuttals ... she graciously left the thread. That speaks more about her than her original jumble manifesto.

Let us all remember you don't have to master remedial grammar to become a trusted Eccie provider. The only thing that should be required is a sweet demeanor and grace - that she has, I'm sure if it.

Hell, maybe her caps lock got stuck ... Could happen to any of us. If it happens to me, I'll be sure to post backtobacktoback just because I know how much you all enjoy the all caps threads - adds to the excitement, no?
I bet my last dollar,my home, car, truck and a free weekend session she had a Pimp* and the Pimp* is the one that wrote this thread. Her account is disabled and that should tell you something. I would say the well known hobbiest didnt know she was Pimped*. Go look at all her old threads it reads like a man and it is in caps. I also would say that the Pimp* is the one that has ran this handle from day one.