Cock ring

sue_nami's Avatar
Yea, it's been my experience that cock rings do help a guy with some ED issues. I welcome anything like that because if it makes the client happy, I am all for it. So guys, no judgement here if you use them. I find them a hot option for guys to try. There are so few guy toys to experiment with that are not for the back door, not going to rule one out. It''s all about the adventure and fun. I let the guys decide what they enjoy and I offer a wide variety of toys and options to experiment with for those men who are curious.
vive la différence!!
If you are seeing a provider that offers full service - be a Gentleman and ask first if the provider would be ok with a cock ring. I'm a full service provider and I would not enjoy it. It's about the clients pleasure and honesty is the best way to go about it. Folks can tell if you're faking it and that is absolutely no fun for anyone.
Yep I agree with what Ellen said above. If someone likes it fine. Just ask. Personally I don't like how they feel. Too constricting. I tried some different sizes a couple times. Maybe they do have ones that are like huge with a strap and all that but nah I'm just not into it.

It's too tight and nearly "hurts" when I cum. I think earlier somewhere in here I mentioned how the first time I used one it basically blocked my cum (which fyi did cause the most dramatic shooting effect **ever** lol - but it hurt though). Never used it after lol.

Anyway yea, I think it's a good idea to ask the girl too b/c you never know they may actually have an aversion to using one and like Ellen said that's no fun for anyone then :/
Anyone heard from CSB?
Groovy Johnson's Avatar
I would think it might be a difficult item to shop for.
I mean,can you just walk into Forbidden Fruit and expect to get the best fitting model,first try? Maybe you can.I don't know.
But I was lucky. A provider who knew me well gave me one.
And I can attest,for me,it helps. No pain issues.And more important,no blue-pill side effects, i.e. headaches,muscle pain,ect. Mind you,they're no help if you're not erect in the first place. They're for prolonging.
And almost every lady I see is better at applying them than I am. Kinky chicks rule.