List Five POSITIVE Things The Current Person In Office Has Done For AMERICA

  • Annef
  • 09-19-2012, 05:02 PM
And? Is the problem in the Middle East solved? Well, of course not, did anyone think it would be by killing one person when this is a huge, complex, cultural issue? But, are you anti us getting Osama? Won't fix everything, but we did it and it needed to be done. Not sure what that post was for. His death was unfortuante and a part of the way we are learning to redifine our construct in which we view the problem, which for me has increasingly become less about past events than about a true disconnect between free speech and struggling democracies who have absolutely no understanding of the separation of church and state-comparable things because you can't have one without the other.
Obama is clearly an Anti Colonialist. And this is bad HOW? He has not and will not do anything positive for this country at least not in the eyes of true Americans. LOL, it's a shame you aren't one and don;t know any. If Obama gets re-elected America will never have another presidential election again. Hey Rush, go see your housekeeper and see if she can get you some more pills. We will loose all connection with our constitution and the America we were born into. We have already lost connection with what the Consitiution was and how it was interpreted - back in the 19th Century. Pining away for the "good old days," eh?[/QUOTE]

Another legend in his own mind..... Originally Posted by acp5762
Poor Ole CandyAssRandy another emotional cripple trying to shoot down something that just scares him to death. You don't know shit, you're a fucking joke.
I B Hankering's Avatar
And? Is the problem in the Middle East solved? Well, of course not, did anyone think it would be by killing one person when this is a huge, complex, cultural issue? But, are you anti us getting Osama? Won't fix everything, but we did it and it needed to be done. Not sure what that post was for. His death was unfortuante and a part of the way we are learning to redifine our construct in which we view the problem, which for me has increasingly become less about past events than about a true disconnect between free speech and struggling democracies who have absolutely no understanding of the separation of church and state-comparable things because you can't have one without the other. Originally Posted by Annef
Your Odumbo braggadocio needed a dose of reality. Odumbo's foreign policy is failing!

Real Goal of Cairo Riots: Freedom of Blind Sheik
Guest123018-4's Avatar
WE should execute him in public, cut off his head and attache it to a pig carcass.....ijs
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I got me a pig.
I named him Muhammed.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Poor Ole CandyAssRandy another emotional cripple trying to shoot down something that just scares him to death. You don't know shit, you're a fucking joke. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
Heh, heh, heh - so I'm "emotional," huh? Your whacked-out post I responded to is certainly the stuff of careful "intellectual" study.
Oh stop it, chicken little. Obama is hardly a radical. Now FDR radically changed the way government worked in America. We survived that and many other more far-reaching government programs than anythingObama has proposed. the sky will still be here when he is gone. Originally Posted by Annef
We all have our own political views. You have yours I've got mine. Obama has been the most controversial President in my life time. I really don't care much about where he was born or what his religion is. I mostly care about how he thinks and what his compass is and where it points for the future of this country. Does Obama desire for America to be a great country a prosperous nation, or just another country occuping the globe?
TheDaliLama's Avatar
1) Promoted Golf
2) Promoted Basketball
3) Promoted Beer
4) Promoted David Letterman
5) Promoted food stamps
LaStang's Avatar
1. he taught me to live off less money
2. he tought me to work harder to earn less money
3. he taught me that inflation has no limits even when you make less money
4. he taught me that i should feel good about having less money because i was evil for having so much before
5. he taught me that when i finally get more money i wo'nt tell a friggin soul , will not put it in a bank , will cut up all my credit cards and pay cash for everything so no one can trace the amount of money that i do have .
1. He enabled the Republicans to retake control of the House
2. He extended the Obama tax cuts
3. He extended the Patriot Act
4. He escalated a previously unpopular tactic of using drones to kill America's enemies and in some cases, Americans
5. He made heroes out of SEALS to kill Osama bin Laden, some Somoli pirates and two assistants to a Libyan Ambassador
1. He enabled the Republicans to retake control of the House
2. He extended the Obama tax cuts
3. He extended the Patriot Act
4. He escalated a previously unpopular tactic of using drones to kill America's enemies and in some cases, Americans
5. He made heroes out of SEALS to kill Osama bin Laden, some Somoli pirates and two assistants to a Libyan Ambassador Originally Posted by gnadfly
Turdfly hates Obama. He will take it to his grave. We get it. I find it hilarious, especially when he will be forced to put up with the Prez for

Eat your heart out Sucker!

Heh, heh, heh - so I'm "emotional," huh? Your whacked-out post I responded to is certainly the stuff of careful "intellectual" study. Originally Posted by acp5762
You didn't understand it cause you're not all that bright. You're replies to post don't even coincide with the original message.
LexusLover's Avatar
Eat your heart out Sucker! Originally Posted by bigtex
That's about all that will be left to eat after for more years of this shit.....

.. he was thinking all this time about getting re-elected. Just wait until he doesn't have to get re-elected!

BT the first time, shame on Obaminable; the 2nd time shame on you.

BT the first time, shame on Obaminable; the 2nd time shame on you. Originally Posted by LexusLover
LL, are you saying that I should have learned from the stupid mistake you made 8 years ago after I told you in the Pig Pen "LL the first time, shame on GW; the 2nd time shame on you?"

The fact that you (LL) made a stupid mistake 8 years ago doesn't equate into me making the same mistake now.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news but the final outcome of this years election is very close to being etched in stone. My hunch tells me that Mitt Gaffeney has already gaffed his way into a loss. My question now is more along the lines of how big Gaffeney's loss will be? There is very little, if anything, you or I can do at the polls on November 6 to prevent Obama's re-election. Especially here in Redneckville, Texas! Nationwide, this years Presidential election is very close to being another Obama victory lap on November 6.

I am predicting that on November 7 you will not be logging on to ECCIE. In fact, I will go out on a limb and say for the 6 months following November 7, you will be not be logging on. Being absent from these boards will be consistent with how you reacted following the Repubes trouncing at the polls in both the 2006 and 2008 elections. You ran off in a corner and hid both times! As I recall, in both '06 and '08 we had an all points bulletin out for you. Your Shiny Lexus was nowhere to be found. I believe we were looking for the wrong tined vehicle thought. It seems that following both elections your Shiny Lexus had lost its luxurious lustre and turned into a Dull Gray!

There are a couple of things you and I can count on. No matter who wins on November 6, I will be posting as usual on November 7! Should Obama win and if history is any indication, we will probably not be able to say the same about you!

But this time around, if you are absent I will be looking for a Dull Gray Lexus, not a Shiny one!
I think obama has done a lot of "positive" things. the term positive is a function of what one thinks is good and to him things he does are positive..he and the like-minded think his "fundamentally changing" of america is positive. his goal was to make america just another nation among that end he has done many things but 5 are:

1. created a destructive spending scheme without budget or control which will lay america low
2. created a vast union propping (albeit a government union job is only as good as its current year funding as it has no way to support itself), blue state rescue, cronyistic, scam of a stimulus package with the only lament that it wasnt larger, yeah what a great one-time blow to america's debt...hes an evil-genius in his own mind
3. in demonizing job creators while mouthing his job creating abilities he has made ever more people think they are dependent on government even to the point of advertising in Mexico for food stamp appliers.
4.turned his back on our allies while appeasing america's enemies..think poland, england, isreal
5. created ever deeper division and enmity among america's people with his class and race politics and policies