maybe [sic] you'll learn how to engage in EXCIE [sic] debate (ahem) without the unpleasant and vulgar outbursts of anger.
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Hilarious coming from you, insofar as you exhibit the same traits....
Additionally, from Wikipedia:
Latin adverb sic ("thus"; in full:
sic erat scriptum, "thus was it written")
[1] inserted immediately after a quoted word or passage, indicates that the quoted matter has been transcribed exactly as found in the source text, complete with any erroneous or archaic spelling, surprising assertion, faulty reasoning, or other matter that might otherwise be taken as an error of transcription.
The notation's usual purpose is to inform the reader that any errors or apparent errors in quoted material do not arise from
errors in the course of the transcription, but are intentionally reproduced, exactly as they appear in the source text. It is generally placed inside square brackets, to signal that it is not part of the quoted matter; and is traditionally printed in
italics, as is customary with foreign words.
Sic may also be used derisively, to call attention to the original writer's spelling mistakes or erroneous logic.