I think we are getting value from this. It is worthwhile seeing what some ladies really think.
Originally Posted by Qziz
You mean Marco right, or some of his ladies K************ feel.
There is indeed a fox in the hen house and his name is Marco and he's outing guy's for stuff they did or didn't do (don't know or care either way) truth has never been his thing. It's always just lies or revenge or just plain dickery. I guess two can play that way. Feel free to pm me for a complete list of his ladies to avoid.
Hell I might even just slip them into normal conversation here and in another forum
Sorry Miss Marco feel free to continue with your games. What he doesn't get is in the end it only ends up hurting his business and the ladies who are stupid enough to keep working with him. How many agencies have to fail for this jack wad to get a clue. Now he secretly works with ladies behind the scene as he tries to recruit for his new agency.
Ladies don't be that stupid, he will out you in the end, he will fuck up your business because guy's won't want to come see you if you are even rumored to be involved with him.