Thoughts about us on D&T

I think its time i show my diplomatic qualities and invite my beloved WTF and dear SR Only to a conference call on skype (plus webcam of course) and give them the chance to discuss their differences in philosophies while looking at my strip show live. Only drawback: once i am undressed, issue must be solved. :-) Or - i will only undress after issue is solved. Your choice :-) (giggle)
I think its time i show my diplomatic qualities and invite my beloved WTF and dear SR Only to a conference call on skype (plus webcam of course) and give them the chance to discuss their differences in philosophies while looking at my strip show live. Only drawback: once i am undressed, issue must be solved. :-) Or - i will only undress after issue is solved. Your choice :-) (giggle) Originally Posted by ninasastri
I so think you and I should skype sometime soon!
Or - i will only undress after issue is solved. Your choice :-) (giggle) Originally Posted by ninasastri
That would probably speed things along. If you are naked while they are arguing, that fight could go on for a long time.
That would probably speed things along. If you are naked while they are arguing, that fight could go on for a long time. Originally Posted by pjorourke
Naomi4u's Avatar
I so think you and I should skype sometime soon! Originally Posted by Valerie
Valerie, I'm loving the new avatar.
Valerie, I'm loving the new avatar. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Me too...but I kinda miss Naomi's avatar though....
Naomi4u's Avatar
Me too...but I kinda miss Naomi's avatar though.... Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
Ok I'll put it back for you Ed.
Ok I'll put it back for you Ed. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
I knew you would...thanks anyway.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
I so think you and I should skype sometime soon! Originally Posted by Valerie
Can I watch?
Valerie, I'm loving the new avatar. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Thanks sexy!...I've been going through folders of various photoshoots and found it!

Me too...but I kinda miss Naomi's avatar though.... Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
Ed....I'm clearly not enough for I want a divorce!

Can I watch? Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
Sure ya can!
I so think you and I should skype sometime soon! Originally Posted by Valerie
we definetely should :-) (lol) you think we should include SR Only and WTF?
Can I watch? Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
of course :-) (lol) but only if you add something to the show. Its a give and take
Ok I'll put it back for you Ed. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Oh i am pleased as well. Great "sights", Naomi.....
Valerie, I'm loving the new avatar. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Me too, isn`t she a beauty. I really can`t wait to see some of you in reality...It will be a pleasure for my eyes.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Oh i am pleased as well. Great "sights", Naomi..... Originally Posted by ninasastri
Thanks love.

Me too, isn`t she a beauty. I really can`t wait to see some of you in reality...It will be a pleasure for my eyes. Originally Posted by ninasastri
Well I am dying to meet you. Summer is almost here .