Report: NSA Secretly Collecting Phone Records Of All U.S. Verizon Calls

Wow, Cyborg makes an appearance!
I got no idea what you said, but welcome to the mudhole anyway LOL! Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
The Mudhole! I like that name even better than what we used to have with the Sandbox.

It's got pizzazz!
The Mudhole! I like that name even better than what we used to have with the Sandbox.

It's got pizzazz! Originally Posted by bigtex
Just a Bumpin' CC's Mudhole idea!
cyborg's Avatar
Wow, Cyborg makes an appearance!
I got no idea what you said, but welcome to the mudhole anyway LOL! Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
Bro it's good to be here! I loves me some Houston and you broskis keep it rockin!
jbravo_123's Avatar
Again, this doesn't surprise me that it's been going on. It's human nature to want to be the person who has all the knowledge and makes all the decisions.

That being said, it does seem that the wide sweeping scope of the data mining is philosophically against what the courts have traditionally held to be permissible (ie, only narrow specific searches with warrants are permissible), however legal it may currently be.
LexusLover's Avatar
There was a former assistant director of the NSA discussing the capabilities of data surviellance utilizing existing "intelligent" home appliances ... through internet contacts ... and cell phone access. The technology is in place. But it's been there for years.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-11-2013, 04:49 PM
There was a former assistant director of the NSA discussing the capabilities of data surviellance utilizing existing "intelligent" home appliances ... through internet contacts ... and cell phone access. The technology is in place. But it's been there for years. Originally Posted by LexusLover

if anyone can use a toaster, blender, microwave, or electric knife, just drive by COF's house and help yourself. There will be a pile of goodies sitting by the curb tomorrow morning .... if not tonight.

Yard sale?
JCM800's Avatar
i think he's moving to Colorado with JD ....guess he doesn't need that shit anymore.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
yes you did ... either youre lying or your memory is shorter than your pecker

I railed against Willard placing a ban on assault weapons and you didn't even flinch ... regardless if you supported him with your vote or not you deemed him a the lesser evil of the two candidates.. FACT. Originally Posted by CJ7
I wasn't supporting Romney, you ignorant dolt. I was exposing your hypocrisy at being incensed at Romney's gun control measures while ignoring the Obama administration's stricter policy recommendations.

You are 100% Obamaton, 100% of the time.

<<< CBJ7
I wasn't supporting Romney, you ignorant dolt. I was exposing your hypocrisy at being incensed at Romney's gun control measures while ignoring the Obama administration's stricter policy recommendations.

You are 100% Obamaton, 100% of the time.

<<< CBJ7 Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You're damn right you didn't support Romney. You also didn't support Obama. In fact, you don't support anything American. The only thing Hanoi COG supports is his exclusive right to bitch and moan about anything and everything that America represents!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I support Freedom, Liberty, Individual Responsibility and the Constitution. If that makes me unAmerican, so be it.

And no, I did not support Romney or Obama. I refuse to choose between tyranny and despotism. I voted for freedom. How anti-American is that? Actually believing that people should be able to run their own lives with as little interference from government as possible. People being able to choose their own path, so long as they don't interfere with another's path by use of force or fraud.

Yup. I'm a real subversive here, ain't I? <<< note: sarcasm for the imbeciles on here.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
If that makes me unAmerican, so be it. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
There you have it folks, the spineless wonder shows his true colors!
I support Freedom, Liberty, Individual Responsibility and the Constitution. If that makes me unAmerican, so be it.

And no, I did not support Romney or Obama. I refuse to choose between tyranny and despotism. I voted for freedom. How anti-American is that? Actually believing that people should be able to run their own lives with as little interference from government as possible. People being able to choose their own path, so long as they don't interfere with another's path by use of force or fraud.

Yup. I'm a real subversive here, ain't I? <<< note: sarcasm for the imbeciles on here. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

He doesn't own a TV because he knows the government can watch him while it is turned on...Hope he has his camera taped on the computer.