this is Texas, a red state... dems generally get an ass whippin. Drag your ass out of the piney woods and tell this board something they don't already know ... like this Originally Posted by CJ7
CJ, you and I both know that for every vote Ole Ted cost Abbot, he will probably pick up two.

He is right. Texas is a unique place. Sure, we have our problems, but the solution is not resorting to the same shithole policies that seems to be bankrupting more "enlightened" cities and states.
gfejunkie's Avatar
It's quite simple, really...

Anyone who thinks Texas will suddenly turn blue this Fall is only fooling themselves.
Wendy Davis is as bad a candidate as the Democrats could run; it is telling that in the time of "Texas turning blue" mantra, she is the only candidate that the Dems could field against Abbott.

The Dems thought their "GOP war against women" slogan would sell to Texas moderates; it obviously doesn't....Davis is too far left of the mainstream of Texas politics.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-17-2014, 07:56 AM
CJ, you and I both know that for every vote Ole Ted cost Abbot, he will probably pick up two.

He is right. Texas is a unique place. Sure, we have our problems, but the solution is not resorting to the same shithole policies that seems to be bankrupting more "enlightened" cities and states. Originally Posted by Jackie S

the only thing Uncle Ted cares about is shooting his guns and his mouth ... he's doing both in the right state ... I have friends in the NRA and the Dallas Safari Club, behind the scenes they believe Ted does more harm than good, but the Safari Club in general has the propensity to kiss Ted's ass in public ... fuck Ted.

I know Assup will like this one; it has to do with turds.


Oh, BTW golfer a are handicapped. People are disabled.

You're a jerkoff. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-17-2014, 08:06 AM
back at cha whirlie

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
the only thing Uncle Ted cares about is shooting his guns and his mouth ... he's doing both in the right state ... I have friends in the NRA and the Dallas Safari Club, behind the scenes they believe Ted does more harm than good, but the Safari Club in general has the propensity to kiss Ted's ass in public ... fuck Ted. Originally Posted by CJ7
You are right, he probably does more harm than good politically. However, he is an entertaining mo fo
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Wendy Davis is as bad a candidate as the Democrats could run; it is telling that in the time of "Texas turning blue" mantra, she is the only candidate that the Dems could field against Abbott.

The Dems thought their "GOP war against women" slogan would sell to Texas moderates; it obviously doesn't....Davis is too far left of the mainstream of Texas politics. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Seven months out and twirligay is calling it.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
There you go with your typical liberal response, name calling and admitting you are too lazy to check it out yourself. Same as with Obama, too lazy to find out what he was all about before you cast your vote. I doubt seriously that you will even attempt to vet Ms Davis and will blindly vote for her just as you did with Obama. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
You never did anything to prove your assertion, Puppy. We can only assume it's bullshit. if you're talking about her campaign pointing out the fact that Abbott is unfit to stand up for Texans... Well then you're a whining pussy. Politics is a full contact sport. When that call comes at 3am...

True fact? Prove it.

Typical Kool aid drinker.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
You never did anything to prove your assertion, Puppy. We can only assume it's bullshit. if you're talking about her campaign pointing out the fact that Abbott is unfit to stand up for Texans... Well then you're a whining pussy. Politics is a full contact sport. When that call comes at 3am...

True fact? Prove it.

Typical Kool aid drinker. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Liberals should be subject to accusations of ulterior motives and code words, too.
Him not being able to "stand up" for Texans is either just plain thoughtless or diabolically anti-Rooseveltian bullshit.
If a conservative white man said such a thing about why he didn't pick an African-American woman as President of his company, he would be shot after being tarred and feathered, dragged down main street behind a truck, kicked in the balls by an ugly crowd of fat biker chicks, run over by a feminazi in her Mercedes, then shot with an assualt rifle, then hung by the neck until dead.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
angerrrrrr management
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I suppose in the liberal mindset that poking fun at the expense of a person that is handicapped by paralysis is ok.
I personally am handicapped. I am not disabled.

Her statement is nothing but an indicator of her choices in life.
Then again, like Shelia Jackson Lee, Wendy is a true representative of the liberals.
Then again, like Shelia Jackson Lee, Wendy is a true representative of the liberals. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
I am not a big fan of Sheila but since you brought her up. A very strong argument could be made that Sheila "is a true representative of" her constituents in the Congressional District, up to and including the apparently "liberal" voter known to us as 2Pups.

How did I reach that conclusion? Simple!

Y'all keep electing her time after time after time and so on and so forth!

As for Wendy, she's won tough races against Republicans in the past. In 2008 she defeated an incumbent Republican (Senator Ken Brimer) who had previously held elected office for over 30 years in his home district. He had previously won elections as both a State Representative and as a State Senator.

Four years later, Ms. Davis won re-election against another former Republican State Representative who was desperately trying to win back that Senate seat for the Republican Party. For what it's worth, Ms. Davis won both of these races despite the fact that her Senate District leans Republican, not Democrat.

We shall see whether it will be Davis or Abbott who will still be standing (from a political perspective) once the votes are all counted!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I suppose in the liberal mindset that poking fun at the expense of a person that is handicapped by paralysis is ok.
I personally am handicapped. I am not disabled.

Her statement is nothing but an indicator of her choices in life.
Then again, like Shelia Jackson Lee, Wendy is a true representative of the liberals. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
You're a mewling, whimpering bitch. I wouldn't vote for you for Governor either.

You're not the only one.

Prove your "true fact" that Wendy Davis hates the handicapped. if your "handicap" prevents you from doing that, then how are you able to sit in judgment over any forum?

Now please grow up, get over yourself and STFU.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
There you go again with your typical liberal response. Your inability to comprehend does not surprise me. Wendy Davis hates the handicapped. Check it out for yourself. You are her supporter and not me. As far as SJL, I do not live in her district and have nver voted for her. I do find it very interesting that she has a degree from Harvard which seems to sell those things to most anyone that can get somebody to pay the fare. Let me see, who is one those people, oh yes, Obama. Obvious his degree was purchased as well. We do Know that Wendy's ex bought hers. Well actually it was her husband. He did not become her ex until he made the last payment.

You would think with what is associated with a Harvard degree they would seem to lose their value.