Any M&Gs in the DFW area

Nothing without permission and only after I saw a notice posted at the door. I can't under stand these paranoid people. A bunch of the pictures are with me hugging a lovely lady. Oh well their loss I have fun and never a complaint. Dallas and I have pictures taken at Hooters with Hooters girls. Those pictures are for her and I to remember some fun times. My avatar was at her request then I spent several weeks getting it for my avatar as she was using it.
Nothing without permission and only after I saw a notice posted at the door. I can't under stand these paranoid people. A bunch of the pictures are with me hugging a lovely lady. Oh well their loss I have fun and never a complaint. Dallas and I have pictures taken at Hooters with Hooters girls. Those pictures are for her and I to remember some fun times. My avatar was at her request then I spent several weeks getting it for my avatar as she was using it. Originally Posted by tucson
The world of escorting is full of ordinary people who live ordinary lives.

Nothing too important to take pictures about.

Good for you if you were able to find ladies to take pictures with. But, if you come to M&Gs solely to take pictures...then well...that's a problem.
Gonzo DFW's Avatar
I notice a few gents/ladies, in this thread, who would like to attend meet/greets. Perhaps those of you who are like minded could organize a gathering of your own and invite those you already know. It's a beginning point to a possible successful venture.

There is a learning curve on finding a suitable location with privacy and security in mind for your guest.
Best of luck should you decide to take on this major task. Originally Posted by EmilyEzzell
I'd certainly be in for a lunchtime or early happy hour M&G. My problem, and I suspect many other hobbyists share it, is the evening M&Gs. So I've dropped off those lists. The other problem is organizing the event and then hosting it. I don't have time for either so I don't bitch when not invited. However, I'd pay my share of the freight to attend.
I go to the M&Gs to meet others and at each I have come away with the name matching the lady. Each location has different locations for parties and each has it's own customs. I attended a M&G in Dallas at Christmas and found some wonderful friends. This picture thing has taken over the thread and I am sorry if some have taken the wrong intent. I know of one person that would not want me to attend a party in Dallas. Things that happened three years ago are water under the bridge. If I were to meet her I would be cordial and friendly as we did have some fun times.