The Current State of Kansas City. (Rant) 😁

Thug4lyfefucyawife's Avatar
This ^^^^
Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
how about the locals who get 1000 calls and no shows constantly everyday. How about showing love to your own city.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
You are correct.
Even the kc metro gals avoid posting here cause of the trolls.
Thug4lyfefucyawife's Avatar
You are correct.
Even the kc metro gals avoid posting here cause of the trolls. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
Point is some people are concerned about visitors when they don't even cater to their own hometown providers. 🙄 At least fake like they do.
how about the locals who get 1000 calls and no shows constantly everyday. How about showing love to your own city. Originally Posted by Thug4lyfefucyawife

And btw this notion isnt soley a problem in KC.
Its in every city
Point is some people are concerned about visitors when they don't even cater to their own hometown providers. �� At least fake like they do. Originally Posted by Thug4lyfefucyawife
Really? This coming from you? Please enlighten us on what local gals that use this site, that have had "the pleasure" of your company, (as if). Many posters here see both local ladies and travels as well for the variety. (You do realize that many of the local gals visit other cities as well, correct)? Its not for us to decide who the gent chooses, the issue is that many available ladies,( from both pools) choose NOT to post here because they either don't feel they benefit from it, or don't feel welcome here.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Both locals and travelers deal with the NCNS shenanigans and the last minute cancellation shenanigans.
Your joking right? That’s some sort of joke?
Thug4lyfefucyawife's Avatar
Really? This coming from you? Please enlighten us on what local gals that use this site, that have had "the pleasure" of your company, (as if). Many posters here see both local ladies and travels as well for the variety. (You do realize that many of the local gals visit other cities as well, correct)? Its not for us to decide who the gent chooses, the issue is that many available ladies,( from both pools) choose NOT to post here because they either don't feel they benefit from it, or don't feel welcome here. Originally Posted by KCFalcon77
Well there are a a lot of locals that are not aware of the site. Therefore, I have a challenge for the guys. Choose a local provider to see. Someone who you have not seen and go through with it. Don't chicken out either. Don't say it's a bad area, it's too far, no. Get up and just go through with it. Then do a review. Tell them about the site.
Grace Preston's Avatar
That was a GREAT idea and is exactly what people did back before the ability to advertise here was removed. Newer ladies aren't likely to stick around if they can't advertise.

I'm here because I built so much of my brand on interacting.... but a lot of ladies are not going to waste the time when they can get their money faster elsewhere.
Well there are a a lot of locals that are not aware of the site. Therefore, I have a challenge for the guys. Choose a local provider to see. Someone who you have not seen and go through with it. Don't chicken out either. Don't say it's a bad area, it's too far, no. Get up and just go through with it. Then do a review. Tell them about the site. Originally Posted by Thug4lyfefucyawife
To each their own. Everyone here has their own standards for safety and compatibility, so you see who you want, and who you are comfortable with. I've been in the game too long to compromise what works for me. If a lady's not on here or P411, (generally both), then thats a no go for me personally, and I'm not sacrificing my standards to see someone in some crap location either. These things tell alot about a lady and "her" standards and marketing skill. Its not about chickening out, its about playing in a pool where your comfortable, and for me one where I have a HIGH degree of certainty that I'll have a good, safe encounter. I have neither the time or need to take chances with a high degree of failure, because I'm, "bargain shopping".
Again, the issue isn't that there aren't quality ladies too see in KC, its that too many of them have been driven from this site. If you think it's your mission to beat the bushes for a few quality dates among the stragglers, then knock yourself out. Maybe you can actually make a contribution here, but I'm not holding my breath.
Thug4lyfefucyawife's Avatar
To each their own. Everyone here has their own standards for safety and compatibility, so you see who you want, and who you are comfortable with. I've been in the game too long to compromise what works for me. If a lady's not on here or P411, (generally both), then thats a no go. Its not about chickening out, its about playing in a pool where your comfortable, and for me one where I have a HIGH degree of certainty that I'll have a good, safe encounter. I have neither the time or need to take chances with a high degree of failure, because I'm, "bargain shopping".
Again, the issue isn't that there aren't quality ladies too see in KC, its that too many of them have been driven from this site. If you think it's your mission to beat the bushes for a few quality dates among the stragglers, then knock yourself out. Maybe you can actually make a contribution here, but I'm not holding my breath. Originally Posted by KCFalcon77
Hmm maybe this attitude is what is keeping the ladies to look elsewhere. 🤔 not so much a "troll".
Hmm maybe this attitude is what is keeping the ladies to look elsewhere. �� not so much a "troll". Originally Posted by Thug4lyfefucyawife
Seriously, you have no idea. If you want to go slumming and have NO standards, knock yourself out. Have fun!The key is more QUALITY ladies, not what you'd be trolling for on Troost or Independence ave. There have to be some standards, not this" don't chicken out because she's in a crap location" stuff.
Thug4lyfefucyawife's Avatar
Seriously, you have no idea. If you want to go slumming and have NO standards, knock yourself out. Have fun!The key is more QUALITY ladies, not what you'd be trolling for on Troost or Independence ave. There have to be some standards, not this" don't chicken out because she's in a crap location" stuff. Originally Posted by KCFalcon77
Well, not that I have to tell you but everyone is on the internet now. So that block stuff is dead. So the website a provider is on determines the quality of the lady? Come on birdman, you and I both know that is not factual.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Well, not that I have to tell you but everyone is on the internet now. So that block stuff is dead. So the website a provider is on determines the quality of the lady? Come on birdman, you and I both know that is not factual. Originally Posted by Thug4lyfefucyawife

The website alone does not determine the quality of the lady-- but-- if a person is quite risk averse, they are going to stick to the sites with the highest probability of not having a problem. As KC mentioned, for him, that's P411 and he prefers that they have a preference both there AND here.

The issue is... on some of these sites, they are very fly by night-- its quite easy to be Sarah this week and to be Janet the next... posting new pics to get away from a bad reputation. Its a lot harder to do that on sites like this and P411 and even Tryst (takes weeks to get approved there). That doesn't mean there aren't quality ladies on those sites-- it just means your odds of running into a less than pleasant experience are higher.
Boredinop's Avatar
^^^ Totally agree. P411 ladies only for me. Any BS/trash is kicked off and they WILL NOT get back on. Too many sites anymore are way too low level and pathetic quality.